如何将插件令牌与我的Chrome插件绑定到Google App Engine上部署的应用程序

时间:2022-05-27 07:27:44

I an developing a plugin in Chrome and the entire application is going to get deployed on Google App Engine. The programming language on the server side is Java.

我在Chrome中开发了一个插件,整个应用程序将部署在Google App Engine上。服务器端的编程语言是Java。

I need to generate a unique key or token whenever my plugin is downloaded and need to bind the generated key through manifest file of my plugin so that I would be able to detect the request source as to which plugin sent me the request on my sever.


How I should go about to achieve the result?


One of the option is that while downloading I write the generated key to the plugin manifest file. But Google App Engine doesn't allow us to write in a file. So that option cannot be considered.

其中一个选项是在下载时我将生成的密钥写入插件清单文件。但Google App Engine不允许我们写入文件。所以不能考虑这个选项。

Managing the operation through Blobstore is an option. But is it the appropriate way to handle the problem or is there any other way to tackle the problem?


1 个解决方案



Create an entity in the datastore, and use the entity id.


You can store plugin info in the entity too.




Create an entity in the datastore, and use the entity id.


You can store plugin info in the entity too.
