我如何附加到我在iisexpress vs 2012中运行的aspnet mvc网站

时间:2022-05-27 07:27:56

I have a website running in aspnet mvc 4 website and I have detached the debugger and want to reattach, but I cannot locate the process I wish to attach to when I bring up the 'attach to process' dialog.

我有一个在aspnet mvc 4网站上运行的网站,我已经分离了调试器并希望重新连接,但是当我打开“附加到进程”对话框时,我无法找到我希望附加的进程。

I am used to attaching to the webserver.exe (with port number) in vs2010 and was expecting it to be a similar experience in 2012 with IISExpress, but I do not see in the list of processes one that relates to my web site.


How does one achieve this in vs2012.


1 个解决方案



Try AttachTo extension for Visual Studio 2010/2012.

尝试使用Visual Studio 2010/2012的AttachTo扩展。



Try AttachTo extension for Visual Studio 2010/2012.

尝试使用Visual Studio 2010/2012的AttachTo扩展。