
时间:2021-08-15 07:25:27

How could I get the version defined in setup.py from my package (for --version, or other purposes)?


11 个解决方案



Interrogate version string of already-installed distribution

To retrieve the version from inside your package at runtime (what your question appears to actually be asking), you can use:


import pkg_resources  # part of setuptools
version = pkg_resources.require("MyProject")[0].version

Store version string for use during install

If you want to go the other way 'round (which appears to be what other answer authors here appear to have thought you were asking), put the version string in a separate file and read that file's contents in setup.py.


You could make a version.py in your package with a __version__ line, then read it from setup.py using execfile('mypackage/version.py'), so that it sets __version__ in the setup.py namespace.


If you want a much simpler way that will work with all Python versions and even non-Python languages that may need access to the version string:


Store the version string as the sole contents of a plain text file, named e.g. VERSION, and read that file during setup.py.


version_file = open(os.path.join(mypackage_root_dir, 'VERSION'))
version = version_file.read().strip()

The same VERSION file will then work exactly as well in any other program, even non-Python ones, and you only need to change the version string in one place for all programs.


Warning about race condition during install

By the way, DO NOT import your package from your setup.py as suggested in another answer here: it will seem to work for you (because you already have your package's dependencies installed), but it will wreak havoc upon new users of your package, as they will not be able to install your package without manually installing the dependencies first.




example study: mymodule

Imagine this configuration:


        / __init__.py
        / version.py
        / myclasses.py

Then imagine some usual scenario where you have dependencies and setup.py looks like:


    install_requires=['dep1','dep2', ...]

And an example __init__.py:

和一个示例__init__ . py:

from mymodule.myclasses import *
from mymodule.version import __version__

And for example myclasses.py:


# these are not installed on your system.
# importing mymodule.myclasses would give ImportError
import dep1
import dep2

problem #1: importing mymodule during setup

If your setup.py imports mymodule then during setup you would most likely get an ImportError. This is a very common error when your package has dependencies. If your package does not have other dependencies than the builtins, you may be safe; however this isn't a good practice. The reason for that is that it is not future-proof; say tomorrow your code needs to consume some other dependency.


problem #2: where's my __version__ ?

If you hardcode __version__ in setup.py then it may not match the version that you would ship in your module. To be consistent, you would put it in one place and read it from the same place when you need it. Using import you may get the problem #1.


solution: à la setuptools

You would use a combination of open, exec and provide a dict for exec to add variables:


# setup.py
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
from distutils.util import convert_path

main_ns = {}
ver_path = convert_path('mymodule/version.py')
with open(ver_path) as ver_file:
    exec(ver_file.read(), main_ns)


And in mymodule/version.py expose the version:


__version__ = 'some.semantic.version'

This way, the version is shipped with the module, and you do not have issues during setup trying to import a module that has missing dependencies (yet to be installed).




The best technique is to define __version__ in your product code, then import it into setup.py from there. This gives you a value you can read in your running module, and have only one place to define it.


The values in setup.py are not installed, and setup.py doesn't stick around after installation.


What I did (for example) in coverage.py:


# coverage/__init__.py
__version__ = "3.2"

# setup.py
from coverage import __version__

    name = 'coverage',
    version = __version__,

UPDATE (2017): coverage.py no longer imports itself to get the version. Importing your own code can make it uninstallable, because you product code will try to import dependencies, which aren't installed yet, because setup.py is what installs them.




Your question is a little vague, but I think what you are asking is how to specify it.


You need to define __version__ like so:


__version__ = '1.4.4'

And then you can confirm that setup.py knows about the version you just specified:


% ./setup.py --version



I wasn't happy with these answers... didn't want to require setuptools, nor make a whole separate module for a single variable, so I came up with these.


For when you are sure the main module is in pep8 style and will stay that way:


version = '0.30.unknown'
with file('mypkg/mymod.py') as f:
    for line in f:
        if line.startswith('__version__'):
            _, _, version = line.replace("'", '').split()

If you'd like to be extra careful and use a real parser:


import ast
version = '0.30.unknown2'
with file('mypkg/mymod.py') as f:
    for line in f:
        if line.startswith('__version__'):
            version = ast.parse(line).body[0].value.s

setup.py is a throwaway module so not an issue if it is a bit ugly.


print `version`



Create a file in your source tree, e.g. in yourbasedir/yourpackage/_version.py . Let that file contain only a single line of code, like this:


__version__ = "1.1.0-r4704"

__version__ = " 1.1.0-r4704 "

Then in your setup.py, open that file and parse out the version number like this:


verstr = "unknown"
    verstrline = open('yourpackage/_version.py', "rt").read()
except EnvironmentError:
    pass # Okay, there is no version file.
    VSRE = r"^__version__ = ['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]"
    mo = re.search(VSRE, verstrline, re.M)
    if mo:
        verstr = mo.group(1)
        raise RuntimeError("unable to find version in yourpackage/_version.py")

Finally, in yourbasedir/yourpackage/__init__.py import _version like this:

最后,在yourbasedir / yourpackage / __init__。py导入_version如下:

__version__ = "unknown"
    from _version import __version__
except ImportError:
    # We're running in a tree that doesn't have a _version.py, so we don't know what our version is.

An example of code that does this is the "pyutil" package that I maintain. (See PyPI or google search -- * is disallowing me from including a hyperlink to it in this answer.)


@pjeby is right that you shouldn't import your package from its own setup.py. That will work when you test it by creating a new Python interpreter and executing setup.py in it first thing: python setup.py, but there are cases when it won't work. That's because import youpackage doesn't mean to read the current working directory for a directory named "yourpackage", it means to look in the current sys.modules for a key "yourpackage" and then to do various things if it isn't there. So it always works when you do python setup.py because you have a fresh, empty sys.modules, but this doesn't work in general.


For example, what if py2exe is executing your setup.py as part of the process of packaging up an application? I've seen a case like this where py2exe would put the wrong version number on a package because the package was getting its version number from import myownthing in its setup.py, but a different version of that package had previously been imported during the py2exe run. Likewise, what if setuptools, easy_install, distribute, or distutils2 is trying to build your package as part of a process of installing a different package that depends on yours? Then whether your package is importable at the time that its setup.py is being evaluated, or whether there is already a version of your package that has been imported during this Python interpreter's life, or whether importing your package requires other packages to be installed first, or has side-effects, can change the results. I've had several struggles with trying to re-use Python packages which caused problems for tools like py2exe and setuptools because their setup.py imports the package itself in order to find its version number.


By the way, this technique plays nicely with tools to automatically create the yourpackage/_version.py file for you, for example by reading your revision control history and writing out a version number based on the most recent tag in revision control history. Here is a tool that does that for darcs: http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/darcsver/browser/trunk/README.rst and here is a code snippet which does the same thing for git: http://github.com/warner/python-ecdsa/blob/0ed702a9d4057ecf33eea969b8cf280eaccd89a1/setup.py#L34




This should also work, using regular expressions and depending on the metadata fields to have a format like this:


__fieldname__ = 'value'

Use the following at the beginning of your setup.py:


import re
main_py = open('yourmodule.py').read()
metadata = dict(re.findall("__([a-z]+)__ = '([^']+)'", main_py))

After that, you can use the metadata in your script like this:


print 'Author is:', metadata['author']
print 'Version is:', metadata['version']



To avoid importing a file (and thus executing its code) one could parse it and recover the version attribute from the syntax tree:


# assuming 'path' holds the path to the file

import ast

with open(path, 'rU') as file:
    t = compile(file.read(), path, 'exec', ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST)
    for node in (n for n in t.body if isinstance(n, ast.Assign)):
        if len(node.targets) == 1:
            name = node.targets[0]
            if isinstance(name, ast.Name) and \
                    name.id in ('__version__', '__version_info__', 'VERSION'):
                v = node.value
                if isinstance(v, ast.Str):
                    version = v.s
                if isinstance(v, ast.Tuple):
                    r = []
                    for e in v.elts:
                        if isinstance(e, ast.Str):
                        elif isinstance(e, ast.Num):
                    version = '.'.join(r)

This code tries to find the __version__ or VERSION assignment at the top level of the module return is string value. The right side can be either a string or a tuple.




There's a thousand ways to skin a cat -- here's mine:


# Copied from (and hacked):
# https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/blob/develop/setup.py#L42
def get_version(filename):
    import os
    import re

    here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    f = open(os.path.join(here, filename))
    version_file = f.read()
    version_match = re.search(r"^__version__ = ['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]",
                              version_file, re.M)
    if version_match:
        return version_match.group(1)
    raise RuntimeError("Unable to find version string.")



Cleaning up https://*.com/a/12413800 from @gringo-suave:

清理https://*.com/a/12413800 @gringo-suave:

from itertools import ifilter
from os import path
from ast import parse

with open(path.join('package_name', '__init__.py')) as f:
    __version__ = parse(next(ifilter(lambda line: line.startswith('__version__'),



Now this is gross and needs some refining (there may even be an uncovered member call in pkg_resources that I missed), but I simply do not see why this doesn't work, nor why no one has suggested it to date (Googling around has not turned this up)...note that this is Python 2.x, and would require requiring pkg_resources (sigh):

现在,这很恶心,需要进行一些改进(在pkg_resources中甚至可能有一个未公开的成员调用,我漏掉了),但我只是不明白为什么这不起作用,也不明白为什么到目前为止没有人建议这么做(在谷歌上搜索还没有发现)……注意这是Python 2。需要pkg_resources(叹气):

import pkg_resources

version_string = None
    if pkg_resources.working_set is not None:
        disto_obj = pkg_resources.working_set.by_key.get('<my pkg name>', None)
        # (I like adding ", None" to gets)
        if disto_obj is not None:
            version_string = disto_obj.version
except Exception:
    # Do something



Interrogate version string of already-installed distribution

To retrieve the version from inside your package at runtime (what your question appears to actually be asking), you can use:


import pkg_resources  # part of setuptools
version = pkg_resources.require("MyProject")[0].version

Store version string for use during install

If you want to go the other way 'round (which appears to be what other answer authors here appear to have thought you were asking), put the version string in a separate file and read that file's contents in setup.py.


You could make a version.py in your package with a __version__ line, then read it from setup.py using execfile('mypackage/version.py'), so that it sets __version__ in the setup.py namespace.


If you want a much simpler way that will work with all Python versions and even non-Python languages that may need access to the version string:


Store the version string as the sole contents of a plain text file, named e.g. VERSION, and read that file during setup.py.


version_file = open(os.path.join(mypackage_root_dir, 'VERSION'))
version = version_file.read().strip()

The same VERSION file will then work exactly as well in any other program, even non-Python ones, and you only need to change the version string in one place for all programs.


Warning about race condition during install

By the way, DO NOT import your package from your setup.py as suggested in another answer here: it will seem to work for you (because you already have your package's dependencies installed), but it will wreak havoc upon new users of your package, as they will not be able to install your package without manually installing the dependencies first.




example study: mymodule

Imagine this configuration:


        / __init__.py
        / version.py
        / myclasses.py

Then imagine some usual scenario where you have dependencies and setup.py looks like:


    install_requires=['dep1','dep2', ...]

And an example __init__.py:

和一个示例__init__ . py:

from mymodule.myclasses import *
from mymodule.version import __version__

And for example myclasses.py:


# these are not installed on your system.
# importing mymodule.myclasses would give ImportError
import dep1
import dep2

problem #1: importing mymodule during setup

If your setup.py imports mymodule then during setup you would most likely get an ImportError. This is a very common error when your package has dependencies. If your package does not have other dependencies than the builtins, you may be safe; however this isn't a good practice. The reason for that is that it is not future-proof; say tomorrow your code needs to consume some other dependency.


problem #2: where's my __version__ ?

If you hardcode __version__ in setup.py then it may not match the version that you would ship in your module. To be consistent, you would put it in one place and read it from the same place when you need it. Using import you may get the problem #1.


solution: à la setuptools

You would use a combination of open, exec and provide a dict for exec to add variables:


# setup.py
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
from distutils.util import convert_path

main_ns = {}
ver_path = convert_path('mymodule/version.py')
with open(ver_path) as ver_file:
    exec(ver_file.read(), main_ns)


And in mymodule/version.py expose the version:


__version__ = 'some.semantic.version'

This way, the version is shipped with the module, and you do not have issues during setup trying to import a module that has missing dependencies (yet to be installed).




The best technique is to define __version__ in your product code, then import it into setup.py from there. This gives you a value you can read in your running module, and have only one place to define it.


The values in setup.py are not installed, and setup.py doesn't stick around after installation.


What I did (for example) in coverage.py:


# coverage/__init__.py
__version__ = "3.2"

# setup.py
from coverage import __version__

    name = 'coverage',
    version = __version__,

UPDATE (2017): coverage.py no longer imports itself to get the version. Importing your own code can make it uninstallable, because you product code will try to import dependencies, which aren't installed yet, because setup.py is what installs them.




Your question is a little vague, but I think what you are asking is how to specify it.


You need to define __version__ like so:


__version__ = '1.4.4'

And then you can confirm that setup.py knows about the version you just specified:


% ./setup.py --version



I wasn't happy with these answers... didn't want to require setuptools, nor make a whole separate module for a single variable, so I came up with these.


For when you are sure the main module is in pep8 style and will stay that way:


version = '0.30.unknown'
with file('mypkg/mymod.py') as f:
    for line in f:
        if line.startswith('__version__'):
            _, _, version = line.replace("'", '').split()

If you'd like to be extra careful and use a real parser:


import ast
version = '0.30.unknown2'
with file('mypkg/mymod.py') as f:
    for line in f:
        if line.startswith('__version__'):
            version = ast.parse(line).body[0].value.s

setup.py is a throwaway module so not an issue if it is a bit ugly.


print `version`



Create a file in your source tree, e.g. in yourbasedir/yourpackage/_version.py . Let that file contain only a single line of code, like this:


__version__ = "1.1.0-r4704"

__version__ = " 1.1.0-r4704 "

Then in your setup.py, open that file and parse out the version number like this:


verstr = "unknown"
    verstrline = open('yourpackage/_version.py', "rt").read()
except EnvironmentError:
    pass # Okay, there is no version file.
    VSRE = r"^__version__ = ['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]"
    mo = re.search(VSRE, verstrline, re.M)
    if mo:
        verstr = mo.group(1)
        raise RuntimeError("unable to find version in yourpackage/_version.py")

Finally, in yourbasedir/yourpackage/__init__.py import _version like this:

最后,在yourbasedir / yourpackage / __init__。py导入_version如下:

__version__ = "unknown"
    from _version import __version__
except ImportError:
    # We're running in a tree that doesn't have a _version.py, so we don't know what our version is.

An example of code that does this is the "pyutil" package that I maintain. (See PyPI or google search -- * is disallowing me from including a hyperlink to it in this answer.)


@pjeby is right that you shouldn't import your package from its own setup.py. That will work when you test it by creating a new Python interpreter and executing setup.py in it first thing: python setup.py, but there are cases when it won't work. That's because import youpackage doesn't mean to read the current working directory for a directory named "yourpackage", it means to look in the current sys.modules for a key "yourpackage" and then to do various things if it isn't there. So it always works when you do python setup.py because you have a fresh, empty sys.modules, but this doesn't work in general.


For example, what if py2exe is executing your setup.py as part of the process of packaging up an application? I've seen a case like this where py2exe would put the wrong version number on a package because the package was getting its version number from import myownthing in its setup.py, but a different version of that package had previously been imported during the py2exe run. Likewise, what if setuptools, easy_install, distribute, or distutils2 is trying to build your package as part of a process of installing a different package that depends on yours? Then whether your package is importable at the time that its setup.py is being evaluated, or whether there is already a version of your package that has been imported during this Python interpreter's life, or whether importing your package requires other packages to be installed first, or has side-effects, can change the results. I've had several struggles with trying to re-use Python packages which caused problems for tools like py2exe and setuptools because their setup.py imports the package itself in order to find its version number.


By the way, this technique plays nicely with tools to automatically create the yourpackage/_version.py file for you, for example by reading your revision control history and writing out a version number based on the most recent tag in revision control history. Here is a tool that does that for darcs: http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/darcsver/browser/trunk/README.rst and here is a code snippet which does the same thing for git: http://github.com/warner/python-ecdsa/blob/0ed702a9d4057ecf33eea969b8cf280eaccd89a1/setup.py#L34




This should also work, using regular expressions and depending on the metadata fields to have a format like this:


__fieldname__ = 'value'

Use the following at the beginning of your setup.py:


import re
main_py = open('yourmodule.py').read()
metadata = dict(re.findall("__([a-z]+)__ = '([^']+)'", main_py))

After that, you can use the metadata in your script like this:


print 'Author is:', metadata['author']
print 'Version is:', metadata['version']



To avoid importing a file (and thus executing its code) one could parse it and recover the version attribute from the syntax tree:


# assuming 'path' holds the path to the file

import ast

with open(path, 'rU') as file:
    t = compile(file.read(), path, 'exec', ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST)
    for node in (n for n in t.body if isinstance(n, ast.Assign)):
        if len(node.targets) == 1:
            name = node.targets[0]
            if isinstance(name, ast.Name) and \
                    name.id in ('__version__', '__version_info__', 'VERSION'):
                v = node.value
                if isinstance(v, ast.Str):
                    version = v.s
                if isinstance(v, ast.Tuple):
                    r = []
                    for e in v.elts:
                        if isinstance(e, ast.Str):
                        elif isinstance(e, ast.Num):
                    version = '.'.join(r)

This code tries to find the __version__ or VERSION assignment at the top level of the module return is string value. The right side can be either a string or a tuple.




There's a thousand ways to skin a cat -- here's mine:


# Copied from (and hacked):
# https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/blob/develop/setup.py#L42
def get_version(filename):
    import os
    import re

    here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    f = open(os.path.join(here, filename))
    version_file = f.read()
    version_match = re.search(r"^__version__ = ['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]",
                              version_file, re.M)
    if version_match:
        return version_match.group(1)
    raise RuntimeError("Unable to find version string.")



Cleaning up https://*.com/a/12413800 from @gringo-suave:

清理https://*.com/a/12413800 @gringo-suave:

from itertools import ifilter
from os import path
from ast import parse

with open(path.join('package_name', '__init__.py')) as f:
    __version__ = parse(next(ifilter(lambda line: line.startswith('__version__'),



Now this is gross and needs some refining (there may even be an uncovered member call in pkg_resources that I missed), but I simply do not see why this doesn't work, nor why no one has suggested it to date (Googling around has not turned this up)...note that this is Python 2.x, and would require requiring pkg_resources (sigh):

现在,这很恶心,需要进行一些改进(在pkg_resources中甚至可能有一个未公开的成员调用,我漏掉了),但我只是不明白为什么这不起作用,也不明白为什么到目前为止没有人建议这么做(在谷歌上搜索还没有发现)……注意这是Python 2。需要pkg_resources(叹气):

import pkg_resources

version_string = None
    if pkg_resources.working_set is not None:
        disto_obj = pkg_resources.working_set.by_key.get('<my pkg name>', None)
        # (I like adding ", None" to gets)
        if disto_obj is not None:
            version_string = disto_obj.version
except Exception:
    # Do something