Blackberry config.xml在Worklight构建方法中有所不同

时间:2022-02-19 07:27:41

I'm building our BB10 environment in Worklight using two different ways.


1- Through Eclipse IDE:

1-通过Eclipse IDE:

The config.xml in the native folder which has been generated after building the environment contains all the feature that we need in our project.


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<widget id="MobileBanking" version="" xmlns="" xmlns:rim="" rim:backButton="exit">
    <name>Mobile Bank</name>
    <author email="">company</author>
       Mobile Bank
    <license href="">
    <access subdomains="true" uri="file:///store/home" />
    <access subdomains="true" uri="file:///SDCard" />

<!-- start_worklight_host_server do not change this line-->

<access subdomains="true" uri="" />
  <!-- end_worklight_host_server do not change this line-->

<access subdomains="true" uri="tel://*"/>
<access subdomains="true" uri=""/>
<access subdomains="true" uri=""/>
<access subdomains="true" uri=""/>
<access subdomains="true" uri=""/>
<access subdomains="true" uri=""/>
<access subdomains="true" uri=""/>
<access subdomains="true" uri="*" />

<!-- <access subdomains="true" uri="*" /> -->

<icon src="icon.png" />
<rim:splash src="splash-1024x600.png" />
<rim:splash src="splash-600x1024.png" />
<rim:splash src="splash-1280x768.png" />
<rim:splash src="splash-768x1280.png" />
<content src="webresources/skinLoader.html" />

<preference name="HideKeyboardFormAccessoryBar" value="true"/>
<preference name="Orientation" value="portrait"/>
<preference name="ChildBrowser" value="disable"/>
<preference name="AutoHideSplashScreen" value="false"/>
<preference name="WebSecurity" value="enabled" />

 <feature id="blackberry.invoke" name="blackberry.invoke" value="blackberry.invoke" />

 <feature id="" name="" value="" />

<feature id="com.blackberry.utils" name="com.blackberry.utils" />
<feature id="com.blackberry.pim.lib" name="com.blackberry.pim.lib" />
<feature id="Battery" name="Battery" value="Battery" />
<feature id="Camera" name="Camera" value="Camera" />
<feature id="Contacts" name="Contacts" value="Contacts" />
<feature id="Device" name="Device" value="Device" />
<feature id="Accelerometer" name="Accelerometer" value="Accelerometer" />
<feature id="Compass" name="Compass" value="Compass" />
<feature id="Notification" name="Notification" value="Notification" />
<feature id="org.apache.cordova.file" name="File" value="File" />
<feature id="FileTransfer" name="FileTransfer" value="FileTransfer" />
<feature id="Geolocation" name="Geolocation" value="Geolocation" />
<feature id="Media" name="Media" value="Media" />
<feature id="Capture" name="media-capture" value="Capture" />
<feature id="NetworkStatus" name="NetworkStatus" value="NetworkStatus" />
<feature id="SplashScreen" name="SplashScreen" value="SplashScreen" />
<feature id="Vibration" name="Vibration" value="Vibration" />

2- When I use Ant Worklight Builder, the generated native folder for BB10 contains the following config.xml:

2-当我使用Ant Worklight Builder时,为BB10生成的本机文件夹包含以下config.xml:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<widget id="MobileBank" version="" xmlns="" xmlns:rim="" rim:backButton="exit">
    <author email="">company</author>
    <license href="">
    <access subdomains="true" origin="file:///store/home" />
    <access subdomains="true" origin="file:///SDCard" />

    <!-- start_worklight_host_server do not change this line-->
  <access subdomains="true" origin="" />
  <!-- end_worklight_host_server do not change this line-->

    <access subdomains="true" origin="*" />
    <icon src="icon.png" />
    <rim:splash src="splash-1024x600.png" />
    <rim:splash src="splash-600x1024.png" />
    <rim:splash src="splash-1280x768.png" />
    <rim:splash src="splash-768x1280.png" />
    <content src="webresources/skinLoader.html" />

All the feature tags disappear using Ant builder.


Worklight Ant task version

Worklight Ant任务版本6.

WebWorks SDK version

WebWorks SDK版本2.2.0.15。

I tried Windows and Mac. got same result. Thank you.


1 个解决方案


See this blog post:


I've created an application with the BlackBerry 10 environment two times: using The WebWorks 1.0 SDK and the WebWorks 2.2 SDK. The difference in config.xml is due to the SDK used.

我已经两次使用BlackBerry 10环境创建了一个应用程序:使用WebWorks 1.0 SDK和WebWorks 2.2 SDK。 config.xml的不同之处在于使用了SDK。

  • The Worklight builder will create the first config.xml if your environment variable for WEBWORKS_HOME is pointing to WebWorks 1.0.
  • 如果WEBWORKS_HOME的环境变量指向WebWorks 1.0,Worklight构建器将创建第一个config.xml。

  • The Worklight builder will create the second config.xml if your environment variable for WEBWORKS_HOME is pointing to WebWorks 2.2.
  • 如果WEBWORKS_HOME的环境变量指向WebWorks 2.2,Worklight构建器将创建第二个config.xml。

This means that your Studio and Ant .jar file are not of the same version Worklight.
Get the latest iFix from IBM Fix Central; to get the Ant .jar I believe that you will need to extract the Server installation to get it.

这意味着您的Studio和Ant .jar文件与Worklight的版本不同。从IBM Fix Central获取最新的iFix;获取Ant .jar我相信您需要提取服务器安装才能获得它。


See this blog post:


I've created an application with the BlackBerry 10 environment two times: using The WebWorks 1.0 SDK and the WebWorks 2.2 SDK. The difference in config.xml is due to the SDK used.

我已经两次使用BlackBerry 10环境创建了一个应用程序:使用WebWorks 1.0 SDK和WebWorks 2.2 SDK。 config.xml的不同之处在于使用了SDK。

  • The Worklight builder will create the first config.xml if your environment variable for WEBWORKS_HOME is pointing to WebWorks 1.0.
  • 如果WEBWORKS_HOME的环境变量指向WebWorks 1.0,Worklight构建器将创建第一个config.xml。

  • The Worklight builder will create the second config.xml if your environment variable for WEBWORKS_HOME is pointing to WebWorks 2.2.
  • 如果WEBWORKS_HOME的环境变量指向WebWorks 2.2,Worklight构建器将创建第二个config.xml。

This means that your Studio and Ant .jar file are not of the same version Worklight.
Get the latest iFix from IBM Fix Central; to get the Ant .jar I believe that you will need to extract the Server installation to get it.

这意味着您的Studio和Ant .jar文件与Worklight的版本不同。从IBM Fix Central获取最新的iFix;获取Ant .jar我相信您需要提取服务器安装才能获得它。