从MSSQL Windows10查询MYSQL数据库

时间:2023-01-13 07:29:58

I have a MYSQL database I would like to link my MSSQL database to.


Previously I had this system working, utilising the MSDASQL Linked Server Provider, and creating an ODBC datasource using the latest MYSQL odbc driver.

以前我使用MSDASQL链接服务器提供程序,并使用最新的MYSQL odbc驱动程序创建ODBC数据源。

Since my Windows 10 Upgrade this has stopped working. It is fortunately still working on a windows 2008 server.

自从我的Windows 10升级以来,这已停止运行。幸运的是仍然在Windows 2008服务器上工作。

The ODBC Datasource test connection is also still operational. When testing the connection within sql management studio, it fails with Exception "Unable to initalise MSDASQL Provider, No specific Information was given".

ODBC数据源测试连接仍然可以运行。在sql management studio中测试连接时,它失败并显示异常“无法启动MSDASQL提供程序,未给出任何特定信息”。

The ODBC Datasource works within Microsoft Access 2010.

ODBC数据源在Microsoft Access 2010中工作。

From what I understand the MSDASQL provider is now deprecated? What other provider should I be using?


1 个解决方案



I also had this problem. I managed to get it working with an SQL 2014 instance. So it seems like the linked server provider for MSDASQL in 2012 and earlier is not compatible with windows 10 ODBC.

我也有这个问题。我设法使用SQL 2014实例。因此,2012年及之前的MSDASQL链接服务器提供程序似乎与Windows 10 ODBC不兼容。

Are you able to try it on an SQL 2014 instance? Let me know how it goes!

你能在SQL 2014实例上试试吗?让我知道事情的后续!



I also had this problem. I managed to get it working with an SQL 2014 instance. So it seems like the linked server provider for MSDASQL in 2012 and earlier is not compatible with windows 10 ODBC.

我也有这个问题。我设法使用SQL 2014实例。因此,2012年及之前的MSDASQL链接服务器提供程序似乎与Windows 10 ODBC不兼容。

Are you able to try it on an SQL 2014 instance? Let me know how it goes!

你能在SQL 2014实例上试试吗?让我知道事情的后续!