
时间:2021-05-22 07:25:09

I'm building a simple Todo List application where I want to be able to have multiple lists floating around my desktop that I can label and manage tasks in.

我正在构建一个简单的Todo List应用程序,我希望能够在我的桌面上放置多个列表,我可以在其中标记和管理任务。

The relevant UIElements in my app are:


Window1 (Window) TodoList (User Control) TodoStackCard (User Control)


Window1 looks like this:


<Window x:Class="TaskHole.App.Window1"
    Title="Window1" Width="500" Height="500" Background="Transparent" WindowStyle="None" AllowsTransparency="True" >
    <Canvas Name="maincanvas" Width="500" Height="500" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">
        <ResizeGrip SizeChanged="ResizeGrip_SizeChanged" />
        <t:TodoList Canvas.Top="0" Canvas.Left="0" MinWidth="30" Width="50" Height="500" x:Name="todoList" TaskHover="todoList_TaskHover" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch"/>

TodoList looks like this:


<UserControl x:Class="TaskHole.App.Controls.TodoList"
<StackPanel VerticalAlignment="Bottom" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" MinWidth="1" Grid.Row="2" Height="Auto" AllowDrop="True">
<ItemsControl Name="todolist" ItemsSource="{Binding}">
                                <VirtualizingStackPanel Name="stackPanel" VerticalAlignment="Bottom">

                                <t:TodoStackCard x:Name="card" TaskHover="card_TaskHover" Orientation="Vertical" VerticalContentAlignment="Top" />

I have multiple instances of these windows, and I want to be able to drag any of the controls between the windows. I have tried using a Thumb control and, while this works, it only allows me to drag a control around the containing canvas.


How do I mimic the behaviour of, say, Windows Explorer, where I can drag a file outside of the application and onto another application, all the while seeing a ghosted representation of the file under the cursor.


Can I accomplish this purely in C# and WPF? If so/if not, how?


2 个解决方案



You have to call DoDragDrop to initialize the Drag And Drop framework. Jaime Rodriguez provides a guide to Drag and Drop here

您必须调用DoDragDrop来初始化Drag and Drop框架。 Jaime Rodriguez在这里提供拖拽指南



Just as an FYI, there's a big difference to "dragging controls" around, and doing what Explorer does, which is Drag and Drop, specifically with files. That's what you'll want to look up, how to do drag and drop from a WPF app to something else. You'll need something that creates a Data Object (IDataObject) or whatever they call that in WPF world, and then you need to call DoDragDrop (again, or whatever is analogous to this in WPF) to start the dragging. Doing what explorer does is also possible, put I suspect you need ot make some lower level calls to accomplish this. Take a look at http://www.codeproject.com/KB/wtl/wtl4mfc10.aspx to see the stuff you need ot look for. WPF may in fact wrap all this up, but if it doesn't these are some of the things you need to look into, especially IDragSourceHelper.

就像一个FYI一样,“拖动控件”和执行资源管理器的操作有很大的不同,即Drag and Drop,特别是文件。这就是你想要查找的内容,如何从WPF应用程序拖放到其他东西。你需要创建一个数据对象(IDataObject)或者他们在WPF世界中调用它们的东西,然后你需要调用DoDragDrop(再次,或者在WPF中与此类似的任何东西)来开始拖动。做探险家的工作也是可能的,我怀疑你需要做一些较低级别的调用来完成这个。请查看http://www.codeproject.com/KB/wtl/wtl4mfc10.aspx,查看您需要的内容。事实上,WPF可以将所有这些包装起来,但如果不是这些,则需要考虑这些内容,尤其是IDragSourceHelper。



You have to call DoDragDrop to initialize the Drag And Drop framework. Jaime Rodriguez provides a guide to Drag and Drop here

您必须调用DoDragDrop来初始化Drag and Drop框架。 Jaime Rodriguez在这里提供拖拽指南



Just as an FYI, there's a big difference to "dragging controls" around, and doing what Explorer does, which is Drag and Drop, specifically with files. That's what you'll want to look up, how to do drag and drop from a WPF app to something else. You'll need something that creates a Data Object (IDataObject) or whatever they call that in WPF world, and then you need to call DoDragDrop (again, or whatever is analogous to this in WPF) to start the dragging. Doing what explorer does is also possible, put I suspect you need ot make some lower level calls to accomplish this. Take a look at http://www.codeproject.com/KB/wtl/wtl4mfc10.aspx to see the stuff you need ot look for. WPF may in fact wrap all this up, but if it doesn't these are some of the things you need to look into, especially IDragSourceHelper.

就像一个FYI一样,“拖动控件”和执行资源管理器的操作有很大的不同,即Drag and Drop,特别是文件。这就是你想要查找的内容,如何从WPF应用程序拖放到其他东西。你需要创建一个数据对象(IDataObject)或者他们在WPF世界中调用它们的东西,然后你需要调用DoDragDrop(再次,或者在WPF中与此类似的任何东西)来开始拖动。做探险家的工作也是可能的,我怀疑你需要做一些较低级别的调用来完成这个。请查看http://www.codeproject.com/KB/wtl/wtl4mfc10.aspx,查看您需要的内容。事实上,WPF可以将所有这些包装起来,但如果不是这些,则需要考虑这些内容,尤其是IDragSourceHelper。