如何在Web API身份验证服务中获取AuthTicket中包含的声明?

时间:2022-11-29 07:23:47

I have a Web API with an auth service, for a WPF client, set up like this:

我有一个带有auth服务的Web API,对于WPF客户端,设置如下:

public static class WebApiConfig
    public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
        config.Filters.Add(new HostAuthenticationFilter(OAuthDefaults.AuthenticationType));


public partial class Startup
    public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)
        OAuthOptions = new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions
            TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/Token"),
            Provider = new ApplicationOAuthProvider(PublicClientId),
            ApplicationCanDisplayErrors = true,
            AuthorizeEndpointPath = new PathString("/api/Account/ExternalLogin"),
            AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(14),
            AllowInsecureHttp = true, // TODO Make false to deploy

I only ever use the /Token endpoint so far, because it at least grants me the bearer token. The ticket I receive on a successful authentication has issue and expiry dates, a bearer token, and my username.

到目前为止我只使用/ Token端点,因为它至少授予我持票令牌。我在成功验证时收到的票证有问题和到期日期,持有人令牌和我的用户名。

How do I get the user's claims (and maybe roles)? Is there something I can do here, or I do I plod along and request them via the API, after auth, and aggregate them and the Auth Ticket in something like a Principal object for the WPF client?

如何获得用户的声明(可能还有角色)?我可以在这里做些什么,或者我是否可以在auth之后通过API请求它们,并将它们和Auth Ticket聚合在一起,就像WPF客户端的Principal对象一样?

Could I perhaps include some Identity components in the WPF app to help with extracting the claims from the token, and any suggestions on how I should do this?


2 个解决方案



I think it is quite dangerous to allow the client to decrypt the token. If they can do that, a malicious actor can modify the token and the claims inside. If you don't check the validity of the claims (perhaps because they are provided by a third party) then that could lead to privilege escalation and compromise of your application.


If the client application requires the claims - perhaps for UI layout, then you can supply them separately to the token. One way to do this would be via an ActionFilterAttribute to write the claims to a custom http header. If the claims are tampered with here, it only affects the client, as you will check the secure claims inside the token before processing any request.

如果客户端应用程序需要声明 - 可能是UI布局,那么您可以将它们单独提供给令牌。一种方法是通过ActionFilterAttribute将声明写入自定义http标头。如果声明在此处被篡改,则它仅影响客户端,因为您将在处理任何请求之前检查令牌内的安全声明。

public AddClaimsAttribute : System.Web.Http.Filters.ActionFilterAttribute
     var principal = actionExecutedContext.ActionContext.RequestContext.Principal as ClaimsPrincipal;

    if (principal != null)
        var claims = principal.Claims.Select(x => x.Type + ":" + x.Value).ToList();

           String.Join(",", claims));


Your client then just needs to check for this header and parse it.


This is a basic example, you could format it as JSON or add a series of custom headers "IsAdmin", "IsEditingUser" etc.


Because it is a filter, you could apply this globally to every request, to every action on a controller or to a specific action as you need it.




You can easily achieve this by adding user roles in token response. In order to do this you have to update in ApplicationOAuthProvider.cs class the method CreateProperties


     public static AuthenticationProperties CreateProperties(User user)
//get only roles ids
//to do: retrieve user roles names 
                var roles = string.Join(",", user.Roles.Select(t => t.RoleId).ToArray());
//expose phone in response
                var phone = user.PhoneNumber;
                IDictionary<string, string> data = new Dictionary<string, string>
                    { "userName", user.UserName },
                    { "userId", user.Id },
                    { "roles", roles},
                    { "phone", phone}
                return new AuthenticationProperties(data);

You can see in postman response 3 new properties: userId,roles and phone. Be carrefull for null values when you will add new properties.


如何在Web API身份验证服务中获取AuthTicket中包含的声明?



I think it is quite dangerous to allow the client to decrypt the token. If they can do that, a malicious actor can modify the token and the claims inside. If you don't check the validity of the claims (perhaps because they are provided by a third party) then that could lead to privilege escalation and compromise of your application.


If the client application requires the claims - perhaps for UI layout, then you can supply them separately to the token. One way to do this would be via an ActionFilterAttribute to write the claims to a custom http header. If the claims are tampered with here, it only affects the client, as you will check the secure claims inside the token before processing any request.

如果客户端应用程序需要声明 - 可能是UI布局,那么您可以将它们单独提供给令牌。一种方法是通过ActionFilterAttribute将声明写入自定义http标头。如果声明在此处被篡改,则它仅影响客户端,因为您将在处理任何请求之前检查令牌内的安全声明。

public AddClaimsAttribute : System.Web.Http.Filters.ActionFilterAttribute
     var principal = actionExecutedContext.ActionContext.RequestContext.Principal as ClaimsPrincipal;

    if (principal != null)
        var claims = principal.Claims.Select(x => x.Type + ":" + x.Value).ToList();

           String.Join(",", claims));


Your client then just needs to check for this header and parse it.


This is a basic example, you could format it as JSON or add a series of custom headers "IsAdmin", "IsEditingUser" etc.


Because it is a filter, you could apply this globally to every request, to every action on a controller or to a specific action as you need it.




You can easily achieve this by adding user roles in token response. In order to do this you have to update in ApplicationOAuthProvider.cs class the method CreateProperties


     public static AuthenticationProperties CreateProperties(User user)
//get only roles ids
//to do: retrieve user roles names 
                var roles = string.Join(",", user.Roles.Select(t => t.RoleId).ToArray());
//expose phone in response
                var phone = user.PhoneNumber;
                IDictionary<string, string> data = new Dictionary<string, string>
                    { "userName", user.UserName },
                    { "userId", user.Id },
                    { "roles", roles},
                    { "phone", phone}
                return new AuthenticationProperties(data);

You can see in postman response 3 new properties: userId,roles and phone. Be carrefull for null values when you will add new properties.


如何在Web API身份验证服务中获取AuthTicket中包含的声明?