
时间:2021-05-25 07:24:31

How do I discard changes in my working copy that are not in the index?


32 个解决方案



Another quicker way is:


git stash save --keep-index

Include --include-untracked if you'd want to be thorough about it.


After that, you can drop that stash with a git stash drop command if you like.




For all unstaged files use:


git checkout -- .

For a specific file use:


git checkout path/to/file/to/revert

Make sure to include the period at the end.




It seems like the complete solution is:


git clean -df
git checkout -- .

git clean removes all untracked files (warning: while it won't delete ignored files mentioned directly in .gitignore, it may delete ignored files residing in folders) and git checkout clears all unstaged changes.

git clean删除所有未跟踪的文件(警告:虽然它不会删除直接在.gitignore中提到的被忽略的文件,但是它可以删除文件夹中被忽略的文件),git checkout清除所有未分阶段的更改。



This checks out the current index for the current directory, throwing away all changes in files from the current directory downwards.


git checkout .

or this which checks out all files from the index, overwriting working tree files.


git checkout-index -a -f



git clean -df

Cleans the working tree by recursively removing files that are not under version control, starting from the current directory.


-d: Remove untracked directories in addition to untracked files


-f: Force (might be not necessary depending on clean.requireForce setting)


Run git help clean to see the manual




My favorite is


git checkout -p

That lets you selectively revert chunks.


See also:


git add -p



Since no answer suggests the exact option combination that I use, here it is:


git clean -dfx
git checkout .

This is the online help text for the used git clean options:



- d

Remove untracked directories in addition to untracked files. If an untracked directory is managed by a different Git repository, it is not removed by default. Use -f option twice if you really want to remove such a directory.



- f

If the Git configuration variable clean.requireForce is not set to false, Git clean will refuse to delete files or directories unless given -f, -n, or -i. Git will refuse to delete directories within the .git subdirectory or file, unless a second -f is given.

如果Git配置变量被清除。requireForce没有设置为false, Git clean将拒绝删除文件或目录,除非给出-f、-n或-i。Git将拒绝删除. Git子目录或文件中的目录,除非给出第二个-f。


- x

Don’t use the ignore rules from .gitignore (per directory) and $GIT_DIR/info/exclude, but do still use the ignore rules given with -e options. This allows removing all untracked files, including build products. This can be used (possibly in conjunction with git reset) to create a pristine working directory to test a clean build.

不要使用来自.gitignore(每个目录)和$GIT_DIR/info/ exclusion的忽略规则,但是仍然要使用带有-e选项的忽略规则。这允许删除所有未跟踪的文件,包括构建产品。可以使用它(可能与git reset一起使用)创建一个原始的工作目录来测试干净的构建。

Also, git checkout . needs to be done in the root of the repo.

此外,git checkout。需要在回购的根上完成。



I really found this article helpful for explaining when to use what command: http://www.szakmeister.net/blog/2011/oct/12/reverting-changes-git/

我发现这篇文章对解释什么时候使用什么命令很有帮助:http://www.szakmeister.net/blog/2011/oct/12/reverting- changgit/

There are a couple different cases:


  1. If you haven't staged the file, then you use git checkout. Checkout "updates files in the working tree to match the version in the index". If the files have not been staged (aka added to the index)... this command will essentially revert the files to what your last commit was.


    git checkout -- foo.txt

    git checkout——foo.txt

  2. If you have staged the file, then use git reset. Reset changes the index to match a commit.

    如果已经对文件进行了分段,那么使用git reset。重置修改索引以匹配提交。

    git reset -- foo.txt


I suspect that using git stash is a popular choice since it's a little less dangerous. You can always go back to it if you accidently blow too much away when using git reset. Reset is recursive by default.

我怀疑使用git stab是一种流行的选择,因为它没有那么危险。如果您在使用git复位时不小心吹走了太多,您可以回到它。缺省情况下,重置是递归的。

Take a look at the article above for further advice.




The easiest way to do this is by using this command:


This command is used to discard changes in working directory -


git checkout -- .



In git command, stashing of untracked files is achieved by using:


git stash -u





If you aren't interested in keeping the unstaged changes (especially if the staged changes are new files), I found this handy:


git diff | git apply --reverse



As you type git status, (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) is shown.

当您输入git状态时,(使用“git checkout -…”在工作目录中丢弃更改)将显示出来。

e.g. git checkout -- .




git checkout -f

git checkout - f

man git-checkout:


-f, --force

- f,力

When switching branches, proceed even if the index or the working tree differs from HEAD. This is used to throw away local changes.


When checking out paths from the index, do not fail upon unmerged entries; instead, unmerged entries are ignored.




You can use git stash - if something goes wrong, you can still revert from the stash. Similar to some other answer here, but this one also removes all unstaged files and also all unstaged deletes:


git add .
git stash

if you check that everything is OK, throw the stash away:


git stash drop

The answer from Bilal Maqsood with git clean also worked for me, but with the stash I have more control - if I do sth accidentally, I can still get my changes back

从Bilal Maqsood和git clean的答案也为我工作,但我有更多的控制权——如果我不小心做了某件事,我仍然可以找回我的改变。



I think there is 1 more change (don't know why this worked for me before):


git add . -A instead of git add .

git添加。-而不是git add。

without the -A the removed files will not be staged




Instead of discarding changes, I reset my remote to the origin. Note - this method is to completely restore your folder to that of the repo.


So I do this to make sure they don't sit there when I git reset (later - excludes gitignores on the Origin/branchname)


NOTE: If you want to keep files not yet tracked, but not in GITIGNORE you may wish to skip this step, as it will Wipe these untracked files not found on your remote repository (thanks @XtrmJosh).


git add --all

Then I


git fetch --all

Then I reset to origin


git reset --hard origin/branchname

That will put it back to square one. Just like RE-Cloning the branch, WHILE keeping all my gitignored files locally and in place.


Updated per user comment below: Variation to reset the to whatever current branch the user is on.


git reset --hard @{u}



Tried all the solutions above but still couldn't get rid of new, unstaged files.


Use git clean -f to remove those new files - with caution though! Note the force option.

使用git clean -f删除那些新文件——但是要小心!注意力量的选择。



Just use:


git stash -u

Done. Easy.


If you really care about your stash stack then you can follow with git stash drop. But at that point you're better off using (from Mariusz Nowak):

如果您真的关心您的隐藏堆栈,那么您可以使用git隐藏删除。但这时你最好使用(来自Mariusz Nowak):

git checkout -- .
git clean -df

Nonetheless, I like git stash -u the best because it "discards" all tracked and untracked changes in just one command. Yet git checkout -- . only discards tracked changes, and git clean -df only discards untracked changes... and typing both commands is far too much work :)

尽管如此,我还是喜欢git存储库,因为它“丢弃”了所有跟踪和未跟踪的更改。但是git checkout——。只丢弃跟踪的更改,而git clean -df只丢弃未跟踪的更改……而且输入这两个命令实在是太麻烦了。



simply say


git stash

It will remove all your local changes. You also can use later by saying


git stash apply 

or git stash pop




This works even in directories that are; outside of normal git permissions.


sudo chmod -R 664 ./* && git checkout -- . && git clean -dfx

Happened to me recently




cd path_to_project_folder  # take you to your project folder/working directory 
git checkout .             # removes all unstaged changes in working directory



Another way to get rid of new files that is more specific than git clean -df (it will allow you to get rid of some files not necessarily all), is to add the new files to the index first, then stash, then drop the stash.


This technique is useful when, for some reason, you can't easily delete all of the untracked files by some ordinary mechanism (like rm).




In my opinion,


git clean -df

should do the trick. As per Git documentation on git clean


git-clean - Remove untracked files from the working tree




Cleans the working tree by recursively removing files that are not under version control, starting from the current directory.


Normally, only files unknown to Git are removed, but if the -x option is specified, ignored files are also removed. This can, for example, be useful to remove all build products.


If any optional ... arguments are given, only those paths are affected.




-d Remove untracked directories in addition to untracked files. If an untracked directory is managed by a different Git repository, it is not removed by default. Use -f option twice if you really want to remove such a directory.


-f --force If the Git configuration variable clean.requireForce is not set to false, git clean will refuse to run unless given -f, -n or -i.

-f——如果Git配置变量被清除,则强制执行。没有将requireForce设置为false, git clean将拒绝运行,除非给出-f、-n或-i。



What follows is really only a solution if you are working with a fork of a repository where you regularly synchronize (e.g. pull request) with another repo. Short answer: delete fork and refork, but read the warnings on github.


I had a similar problem, perhaps not identical, and I'm sad to say my solution is not ideal, but it is ultimately effective.


I would often have git status messages like this (involving at least 2/4 files):


$ git status
# Not currently on any branch.
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#       modified:   doc/PROJECT/MEDIUM/ATS-constraint/constraint_s2var.dats
#       modified:   doc/PROJECT/MEDIUM/ATS-constraint/parsing/parsing_s2var.dats
# Changes not staged for commit:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
#       modified:   doc/PROJECT/MEDIUM/ATS-constraint/constraint_s2Var.dats
#       modified:   doc/PROJECT/MEDIUM/ATS-constraint/parsing/parsing_s2Var.dats

A keen eye will note that these files have dopplegangers that are a single letter in case off. Somehow, and I have no idea what led me down this path to start with (as I was not working with these files myself from the upstream repo), I had switched these files. Try the many solutions listed on this page (and other pages) did not seem to help.


I was able to fix the problem by deleting my forked repository and all local repositories, and reforking. This alone was not enough; upstream had to rename the files in question to new filenames. As long as you don't have any uncommited work, no wikis, and no issues that diverge from the upstream repository, you should be just fine. Upstream may not be very happy with you, to say the least. As for my problem, it is undoubtedly a user error as I'm not that proficient with git, but the fact that it is far from easy to fix points to an issue with git as well.




No matter what state your repo is in you can always reset to any previous commit:


git reset --hard <commit hash>

This will discard all changes which were made after that commit.




If you merely wish to remove changes to existing files, use checkout (documented here).


git checkout -- .
  • No branch is specified, so it checks out the current branch.
  • 没有指定分支,因此它检查当前分支。
  • The double-hyphen (--) tells Git that what follows should be taken as its second argument (path), that you skipped specification of a branch.
  • 双连字符(-)告诉Git,以下内容应该作为第二个参数(路径),您跳过了分支的规范。
  • The period (.) indicates all paths.
  • 句点(.)表示所有路径。

If you want to remove files added since your last commit, use clean (documented here):


git clean -i 
  • The -i option initiates an interactive clean, to prevent mistaken deletions.
  • -i选项启动交互式清理,以防止错误删除。
  • A handful of other options are available for a quicker execution; see the documentation.
  • 可以使用其他一些选项来更快地执行;见文档。

If you wish to move changes to a holding space for later access, use stash (documented here):


git stash
  • All changes will be moved to Git's Stash, for possible later access.
  • 所有更改都将转移到Git的存储区,以便以后访问。
  • A handful of options are available for more nuanced stashing; see the documentation.
  • 一些选项可以用于更细微的存储;见文档。



When you want to transfer a stash to someone else:


# add files
git add .  
# diff all the changes to a file
git diff --staged > ~/mijn-fix.diff
# remove local changes 
git reset && git checkout .
# (later you can re-apply the diff:)
git apply ~/mijn-fix.diff

[edit] as commented, it ís possible to name stashes. Well, use this if you want to share your stash ;)




If all the staged files were actually committed, then the branch can simply be reset e.g. from your GUI with about three mouse clicks: Branch, Reset, Yes!

如果所有的暂存文件都已提交,那么就可以简单地对分支进行重置,例如,从您的GUI中进行大约三次鼠标点击:branch, reset, Yes!

So what I often do in practice to revert unwanted local changes is to commit all the good stuff, and then reset the branch.


If the good stuff is committed in a single commit, then you can use "amend last commit" to bring it back to being staged or unstaged if you'd ultimately like to commit it a little differently.


This might not be the technical solution you are looking for to your problem, but I find it a very practical solution. It allows you to discard unstaged changes selectively, resetting the changes you don't like and keeping the ones you do.


So in summary, I simply do commit, branch reset, and amend last commit.




None of the solutions work if you just changed the permissions of a file (this is on DOS/Windoze)


Mon 23/11/2015-15:16:34.80 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git status
On branch SLF4J_1.5.3
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory)

        modified:   .gitignore
        modified:   LICENSE.txt
        modified:   TODO.txt
        modified:   codeStyle.xml
        modified:   pom.xml
        modified:   version.pl

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Mon 23/11/2015-15:16:37.87 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git diff
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/LICENSE.txt b/LICENSE.txt
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/TODO.txt b/TODO.txt
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/codeStyle.xml b/codeStyle.xml
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/version.pl b/version.pl
old mode 100644
new mode 100755

Mon 23/11/2015-15:16:45.22 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git reset --hard HEAD
HEAD is now at 8fa8488 12133-CHIXMISSINGMESSAGES MALCOLMBOEKHOFF 20141223124940 Added .gitignore

Mon 23/11/2015-15:16:47.42 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git clean -f

Mon 23/11/2015-15:16:53.49 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git stash save -u
Saved working directory and index state WIP on SLF4J_1.5.3: 8fa8488 12133-CHIXMISSINGMESSAGES MALCOLMBOEKHOFF 20141223124940 Added .gitignore
HEAD is now at 8fa8488 12133-CHIXMISSINGMESSAGES MALCOLMBOEKHOFF 20141223124940 Added .gitignore

Mon 23/11/2015-15:17:00.40 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git stash drop
Dropped refs/stash@{0} (cb4966e9b1e9c9d8daa79ab94edc0c1442a294dd)

Mon 23/11/2015-15:17:06.75 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git stash drop
Dropped refs/stash@{0} (e6c49c470f433ce344e305c5b778e810625d0529)

Mon 23/11/2015-15:17:08.90 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git stash drop
No stash found.

Mon 23/11/2015-15:17:15.21 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git checkout -- .

Mon 23/11/2015-15:22:00.68 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git checkout -f -- .

Mon 23/11/2015-15:22:04.53 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git status
On branch SLF4J_1.5.3
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory)

        modified:   .gitignore
        modified:   LICENSE.txt
        modified:   TODO.txt
        modified:   codeStyle.xml
        modified:   pom.xml
        modified:   version.pl

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Mon 23/11/2015-15:22:13.06 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git diff
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/LICENSE.txt b/LICENSE.txt
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/TODO.txt b/TODO.txt
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/codeStyle.xml b/codeStyle.xml
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/version.pl b/version.pl
old mode 100644
new mode 100755

The only way to fix this is to manually reset the permissions on the changed files:


Mon 23/11/2015-15:25:43.79 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git status -s | egrep "^ M" | cut -c4- | for /f "usebackq tokens=* delims=" %A in (`more`) do chmod 644 %~A

Mon 23/11/2015-15:25:55.37 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git status
On branch SLF4J_1.5.3
nothing to commit, working directory clean

Mon 23/11/2015-15:25:59.28 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+>

Mon 23/11/2015-15:26:31.12 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git diff



You could create your own alias which describes how to do it in a descriptive way.


I use the next alias to discard changes.


Discard changes in a (list of) file(s) in working tree

discard = checkout --

Then you can use it as next to discard all changes:


discard .

Or just a file:


discard filename

Otherwise, if you want to discard all changes and also the untracked files, I use a mix of checkout and clean:


Clean and discard changes and untracked files in working tree

cleanout = !git clean -df && git checkout -- .

So the use is simple as next:



Now is available in the next Github repo which contains a lot of aliases:

现在可以在下一个Github repo中找到,它包含了很多别名:



If you are in case of submodule and no other solutions work try:


  • To check what is the problem (maybe a "dirty" case) use:


    git diff

    git diff

  • To remove stash


    git submodule update




I had a weird situation where a file is always unstaged, this helps me to resolve.


git rm .gitattributes
git add -A
git reset --hard

git rm .gitattributes git添加-一个git复位——很难



Another quicker way is:


git stash save --keep-index

Include --include-untracked if you'd want to be thorough about it.


After that, you can drop that stash with a git stash drop command if you like.




For all unstaged files use:


git checkout -- .

For a specific file use:


git checkout path/to/file/to/revert

Make sure to include the period at the end.




It seems like the complete solution is:


git clean -df
git checkout -- .

git clean removes all untracked files (warning: while it won't delete ignored files mentioned directly in .gitignore, it may delete ignored files residing in folders) and git checkout clears all unstaged changes.

git clean删除所有未跟踪的文件(警告:虽然它不会删除直接在.gitignore中提到的被忽略的文件,但是它可以删除文件夹中被忽略的文件),git checkout清除所有未分阶段的更改。



This checks out the current index for the current directory, throwing away all changes in files from the current directory downwards.


git checkout .

or this which checks out all files from the index, overwriting working tree files.


git checkout-index -a -f



git clean -df

Cleans the working tree by recursively removing files that are not under version control, starting from the current directory.


-d: Remove untracked directories in addition to untracked files


-f: Force (might be not necessary depending on clean.requireForce setting)


Run git help clean to see the manual




My favorite is


git checkout -p

That lets you selectively revert chunks.


See also:


git add -p



Since no answer suggests the exact option combination that I use, here it is:


git clean -dfx
git checkout .

This is the online help text for the used git clean options:



- d

Remove untracked directories in addition to untracked files. If an untracked directory is managed by a different Git repository, it is not removed by default. Use -f option twice if you really want to remove such a directory.



- f

If the Git configuration variable clean.requireForce is not set to false, Git clean will refuse to delete files or directories unless given -f, -n, or -i. Git will refuse to delete directories within the .git subdirectory or file, unless a second -f is given.

如果Git配置变量被清除。requireForce没有设置为false, Git clean将拒绝删除文件或目录,除非给出-f、-n或-i。Git将拒绝删除. Git子目录或文件中的目录,除非给出第二个-f。


- x

Don’t use the ignore rules from .gitignore (per directory) and $GIT_DIR/info/exclude, but do still use the ignore rules given with -e options. This allows removing all untracked files, including build products. This can be used (possibly in conjunction with git reset) to create a pristine working directory to test a clean build.

不要使用来自.gitignore(每个目录)和$GIT_DIR/info/ exclusion的忽略规则,但是仍然要使用带有-e选项的忽略规则。这允许删除所有未跟踪的文件,包括构建产品。可以使用它(可能与git reset一起使用)创建一个原始的工作目录来测试干净的构建。

Also, git checkout . needs to be done in the root of the repo.

此外,git checkout。需要在回购的根上完成。



I really found this article helpful for explaining when to use what command: http://www.szakmeister.net/blog/2011/oct/12/reverting-changes-git/

我发现这篇文章对解释什么时候使用什么命令很有帮助:http://www.szakmeister.net/blog/2011/oct/12/reverting- changgit/

There are a couple different cases:


  1. If you haven't staged the file, then you use git checkout. Checkout "updates files in the working tree to match the version in the index". If the files have not been staged (aka added to the index)... this command will essentially revert the files to what your last commit was.


    git checkout -- foo.txt

    git checkout——foo.txt

  2. If you have staged the file, then use git reset. Reset changes the index to match a commit.

    如果已经对文件进行了分段,那么使用git reset。重置修改索引以匹配提交。

    git reset -- foo.txt


I suspect that using git stash is a popular choice since it's a little less dangerous. You can always go back to it if you accidently blow too much away when using git reset. Reset is recursive by default.

我怀疑使用git stab是一种流行的选择,因为它没有那么危险。如果您在使用git复位时不小心吹走了太多,您可以回到它。缺省情况下,重置是递归的。

Take a look at the article above for further advice.




The easiest way to do this is by using this command:


This command is used to discard changes in working directory -


git checkout -- .



In git command, stashing of untracked files is achieved by using:


git stash -u





If you aren't interested in keeping the unstaged changes (especially if the staged changes are new files), I found this handy:


git diff | git apply --reverse



As you type git status, (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) is shown.

当您输入git状态时,(使用“git checkout -…”在工作目录中丢弃更改)将显示出来。

e.g. git checkout -- .




git checkout -f

git checkout - f

man git-checkout:


-f, --force

- f,力

When switching branches, proceed even if the index or the working tree differs from HEAD. This is used to throw away local changes.


When checking out paths from the index, do not fail upon unmerged entries; instead, unmerged entries are ignored.




You can use git stash - if something goes wrong, you can still revert from the stash. Similar to some other answer here, but this one also removes all unstaged files and also all unstaged deletes:


git add .
git stash

if you check that everything is OK, throw the stash away:


git stash drop

The answer from Bilal Maqsood with git clean also worked for me, but with the stash I have more control - if I do sth accidentally, I can still get my changes back

从Bilal Maqsood和git clean的答案也为我工作,但我有更多的控制权——如果我不小心做了某件事,我仍然可以找回我的改变。



I think there is 1 more change (don't know why this worked for me before):


git add . -A instead of git add .

git添加。-而不是git add。

without the -A the removed files will not be staged




Instead of discarding changes, I reset my remote to the origin. Note - this method is to completely restore your folder to that of the repo.


So I do this to make sure they don't sit there when I git reset (later - excludes gitignores on the Origin/branchname)


NOTE: If you want to keep files not yet tracked, but not in GITIGNORE you may wish to skip this step, as it will Wipe these untracked files not found on your remote repository (thanks @XtrmJosh).


git add --all

Then I


git fetch --all

Then I reset to origin


git reset --hard origin/branchname

That will put it back to square one. Just like RE-Cloning the branch, WHILE keeping all my gitignored files locally and in place.


Updated per user comment below: Variation to reset the to whatever current branch the user is on.


git reset --hard @{u}



Tried all the solutions above but still couldn't get rid of new, unstaged files.


Use git clean -f to remove those new files - with caution though! Note the force option.

使用git clean -f删除那些新文件——但是要小心!注意力量的选择。



Just use:


git stash -u

Done. Easy.


If you really care about your stash stack then you can follow with git stash drop. But at that point you're better off using (from Mariusz Nowak):

如果您真的关心您的隐藏堆栈,那么您可以使用git隐藏删除。但这时你最好使用(来自Mariusz Nowak):

git checkout -- .
git clean -df

Nonetheless, I like git stash -u the best because it "discards" all tracked and untracked changes in just one command. Yet git checkout -- . only discards tracked changes, and git clean -df only discards untracked changes... and typing both commands is far too much work :)

尽管如此,我还是喜欢git存储库,因为它“丢弃”了所有跟踪和未跟踪的更改。但是git checkout——。只丢弃跟踪的更改,而git clean -df只丢弃未跟踪的更改……而且输入这两个命令实在是太麻烦了。



simply say


git stash

It will remove all your local changes. You also can use later by saying


git stash apply 

or git stash pop




This works even in directories that are; outside of normal git permissions.


sudo chmod -R 664 ./* && git checkout -- . && git clean -dfx

Happened to me recently




cd path_to_project_folder  # take you to your project folder/working directory 
git checkout .             # removes all unstaged changes in working directory



Another way to get rid of new files that is more specific than git clean -df (it will allow you to get rid of some files not necessarily all), is to add the new files to the index first, then stash, then drop the stash.


This technique is useful when, for some reason, you can't easily delete all of the untracked files by some ordinary mechanism (like rm).




In my opinion,


git clean -df

should do the trick. As per Git documentation on git clean


git-clean - Remove untracked files from the working tree




Cleans the working tree by recursively removing files that are not under version control, starting from the current directory.


Normally, only files unknown to Git are removed, but if the -x option is specified, ignored files are also removed. This can, for example, be useful to remove all build products.


If any optional ... arguments are given, only those paths are affected.




-d Remove untracked directories in addition to untracked files. If an untracked directory is managed by a different Git repository, it is not removed by default. Use -f option twice if you really want to remove such a directory.


-f --force If the Git configuration variable clean.requireForce is not set to false, git clean will refuse to run unless given -f, -n or -i.

-f——如果Git配置变量被清除,则强制执行。没有将requireForce设置为false, git clean将拒绝运行,除非给出-f、-n或-i。



What follows is really only a solution if you are working with a fork of a repository where you regularly synchronize (e.g. pull request) with another repo. Short answer: delete fork and refork, but read the warnings on github.


I had a similar problem, perhaps not identical, and I'm sad to say my solution is not ideal, but it is ultimately effective.


I would often have git status messages like this (involving at least 2/4 files):


$ git status
# Not currently on any branch.
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#       modified:   doc/PROJECT/MEDIUM/ATS-constraint/constraint_s2var.dats
#       modified:   doc/PROJECT/MEDIUM/ATS-constraint/parsing/parsing_s2var.dats
# Changes not staged for commit:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
#       modified:   doc/PROJECT/MEDIUM/ATS-constraint/constraint_s2Var.dats
#       modified:   doc/PROJECT/MEDIUM/ATS-constraint/parsing/parsing_s2Var.dats

A keen eye will note that these files have dopplegangers that are a single letter in case off. Somehow, and I have no idea what led me down this path to start with (as I was not working with these files myself from the upstream repo), I had switched these files. Try the many solutions listed on this page (and other pages) did not seem to help.


I was able to fix the problem by deleting my forked repository and all local repositories, and reforking. This alone was not enough; upstream had to rename the files in question to new filenames. As long as you don't have any uncommited work, no wikis, and no issues that diverge from the upstream repository, you should be just fine. Upstream may not be very happy with you, to say the least. As for my problem, it is undoubtedly a user error as I'm not that proficient with git, but the fact that it is far from easy to fix points to an issue with git as well.




No matter what state your repo is in you can always reset to any previous commit:


git reset --hard <commit hash>

This will discard all changes which were made after that commit.




If you merely wish to remove changes to existing files, use checkout (documented here).


git checkout -- .
  • No branch is specified, so it checks out the current branch.
  • 没有指定分支,因此它检查当前分支。
  • The double-hyphen (--) tells Git that what follows should be taken as its second argument (path), that you skipped specification of a branch.
  • 双连字符(-)告诉Git,以下内容应该作为第二个参数(路径),您跳过了分支的规范。
  • The period (.) indicates all paths.
  • 句点(.)表示所有路径。

If you want to remove files added since your last commit, use clean (documented here):


git clean -i 
  • The -i option initiates an interactive clean, to prevent mistaken deletions.
  • -i选项启动交互式清理,以防止错误删除。
  • A handful of other options are available for a quicker execution; see the documentation.
  • 可以使用其他一些选项来更快地执行;见文档。

If you wish to move changes to a holding space for later access, use stash (documented here):


git stash
  • All changes will be moved to Git's Stash, for possible later access.
  • 所有更改都将转移到Git的存储区,以便以后访问。
  • A handful of options are available for more nuanced stashing; see the documentation.
  • 一些选项可以用于更细微的存储;见文档。



When you want to transfer a stash to someone else:


# add files
git add .  
# diff all the changes to a file
git diff --staged > ~/mijn-fix.diff
# remove local changes 
git reset && git checkout .
# (later you can re-apply the diff:)
git apply ~/mijn-fix.diff

[edit] as commented, it ís possible to name stashes. Well, use this if you want to share your stash ;)




If all the staged files were actually committed, then the branch can simply be reset e.g. from your GUI with about three mouse clicks: Branch, Reset, Yes!

如果所有的暂存文件都已提交,那么就可以简单地对分支进行重置,例如,从您的GUI中进行大约三次鼠标点击:branch, reset, Yes!

So what I often do in practice to revert unwanted local changes is to commit all the good stuff, and then reset the branch.


If the good stuff is committed in a single commit, then you can use "amend last commit" to bring it back to being staged or unstaged if you'd ultimately like to commit it a little differently.


This might not be the technical solution you are looking for to your problem, but I find it a very practical solution. It allows you to discard unstaged changes selectively, resetting the changes you don't like and keeping the ones you do.


So in summary, I simply do commit, branch reset, and amend last commit.




None of the solutions work if you just changed the permissions of a file (this is on DOS/Windoze)


Mon 23/11/2015-15:16:34.80 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git status
On branch SLF4J_1.5.3
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory)

        modified:   .gitignore
        modified:   LICENSE.txt
        modified:   TODO.txt
        modified:   codeStyle.xml
        modified:   pom.xml
        modified:   version.pl

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Mon 23/11/2015-15:16:37.87 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git diff
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/LICENSE.txt b/LICENSE.txt
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/TODO.txt b/TODO.txt
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/codeStyle.xml b/codeStyle.xml
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/version.pl b/version.pl
old mode 100644
new mode 100755

Mon 23/11/2015-15:16:45.22 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git reset --hard HEAD
HEAD is now at 8fa8488 12133-CHIXMISSINGMESSAGES MALCOLMBOEKHOFF 20141223124940 Added .gitignore

Mon 23/11/2015-15:16:47.42 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git clean -f

Mon 23/11/2015-15:16:53.49 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git stash save -u
Saved working directory and index state WIP on SLF4J_1.5.3: 8fa8488 12133-CHIXMISSINGMESSAGES MALCOLMBOEKHOFF 20141223124940 Added .gitignore
HEAD is now at 8fa8488 12133-CHIXMISSINGMESSAGES MALCOLMBOEKHOFF 20141223124940 Added .gitignore

Mon 23/11/2015-15:17:00.40 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git stash drop
Dropped refs/stash@{0} (cb4966e9b1e9c9d8daa79ab94edc0c1442a294dd)

Mon 23/11/2015-15:17:06.75 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git stash drop
Dropped refs/stash@{0} (e6c49c470f433ce344e305c5b778e810625d0529)

Mon 23/11/2015-15:17:08.90 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git stash drop
No stash found.

Mon 23/11/2015-15:17:15.21 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git checkout -- .

Mon 23/11/2015-15:22:00.68 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git checkout -f -- .

Mon 23/11/2015-15:22:04.53 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git status
On branch SLF4J_1.5.3
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory)

        modified:   .gitignore
        modified:   LICENSE.txt
        modified:   TODO.txt
        modified:   codeStyle.xml
        modified:   pom.xml
        modified:   version.pl

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Mon 23/11/2015-15:22:13.06 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git diff
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/LICENSE.txt b/LICENSE.txt
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/TODO.txt b/TODO.txt
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/codeStyle.xml b/codeStyle.xml
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/version.pl b/version.pl
old mode 100644
new mode 100755

The only way to fix this is to manually reset the permissions on the changed files:


Mon 23/11/2015-15:25:43.79 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git status -s | egrep "^ M" | cut -c4- | for /f "usebackq tokens=* delims=" %A in (`more`) do chmod 644 %~A

Mon 23/11/2015-15:25:55.37 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git status
On branch SLF4J_1.5.3
nothing to commit, working directory clean

Mon 23/11/2015-15:25:59.28 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+>

Mon 23/11/2015-15:26:31.12 C:\...\work\checkout\slf4j+> git diff



You could create your own alias which describes how to do it in a descriptive way.


I use the next alias to discard changes.


Discard changes in a (list of) file(s) in working tree

discard = checkout --

Then you can use it as next to discard all changes:


discard .

Or just a file:


discard filename

Otherwise, if you want to discard all changes and also the untracked files, I use a mix of checkout and clean:


Clean and discard changes and untracked files in working tree

cleanout = !git clean -df && git checkout -- .

So the use is simple as next:



Now is available in the next Github repo which contains a lot of aliases:

现在可以在下一个Github repo中找到,它包含了很多别名:



If you are in case of submodule and no other solutions work try:


  • To check what is the problem (maybe a "dirty" case) use:


    git diff

    git diff

  • To remove stash


    git submodule update




I had a weird situation where a file is always unstaged, this helps me to resolve.


git rm .gitattributes
git add -A
git reset --hard

git rm .gitattributes git添加-一个git复位——很难