
时间:2022-12-14 07:26:23

I am new to git, and coming from clearcase, I do not understand why the following happens:


Say I create a git private dev branch and do some changes to my files therein.

假设我创建了一个git private dev分支,并对其中的文件进行了一些更改。

Now, I need to do some other unrelated work and checkout the master branch.


Git automatically brings my changes over from my private branch to my local master.


I find this very counter intuitive. The reason I had the private dev branch was because I didnt want my changes to go to other places till I was ready. Why is git moving them around without my saying so.


Yes, there is git stash, but once you have a couple of devs going in parallel or you need to switch often, its a chore to keep track of stashes. I would rather that the changes are not taken around with branch checkouts. And horrors befriend you if you forget to stash at a frenzied moment.

是的,有git stash,但是一旦你有几个dev并行或你需要经常切换,它是一个苦差事来跟踪stashes。我宁愿这些更改不会与分支机构结账一起使用。如果你忘记藏匿在疯狂的时刻,恐怖会成为你的朋友。

Am I missing some config that would avoid this?


Thanks a much!


3 个解决方案



The simplest thing to do would be to commit your changes to the private_dev branch, before checking out master.


I would rather that the changes are not taken around with branch checkouts.


Or even having two repos:


  • one you never push (and in which you can commit in the private_dev branch)
  • 你永远不会推送的(并且你可以在private_dev分支中提交)
  • one in which you are pulling only the master branch (from the first local private repo), and then pushing to any remote you want.
  • 一个只拉动主分支(从第一个本地私有仓库),然后推送到任何你想要的远程。

That way, you never push by mistake your private_dev branch.




Here's what I like to do:


git config --global alias.temp '!git add -A && git commit -m "Temp"'
git config --global alias.pop 'reset HEAD~'

Now when you want to leave your existing work on one branch and switch to another:


git temp
git checkout other_branch

And when you want to switch back:


git checkout original_branch
git pop



My guess is that you don't commit the changes to your private branch, so git sees them as untracked changes to the working directory. When you check out another branch, such as master and the untracked changes do not cause any conflicts, git doesn't do anything to modify them. This is a good thing because otherwise you could overwrite work that you have been doing.


In order to avoid this, be sure to run git add and git commit before doing a git checkout to change branches. Alternatively, you can use git stash to stash your changes as a temporary commit. When you return to your private branch with a checkout, run git stash apply to retrieve your previous changes or git stash pop to retrieve them and remove them from the stash stack.

为了避免这种情况,请确保在执行git checkout更改分支之前运行git add和git commit。或者,您可以使用git stash将更改存储为临时提交。当您使用结帐返回​​私有分支时,运行git stash apply以检索先前的更改或git stash pop以检索它们并将其从存储堆栈中删除。



The simplest thing to do would be to commit your changes to the private_dev branch, before checking out master.


I would rather that the changes are not taken around with branch checkouts.


Or even having two repos:


  • one you never push (and in which you can commit in the private_dev branch)
  • 你永远不会推送的(并且你可以在private_dev分支中提交)
  • one in which you are pulling only the master branch (from the first local private repo), and then pushing to any remote you want.
  • 一个只拉动主分支(从第一个本地私有仓库),然后推送到任何你想要的远程。

That way, you never push by mistake your private_dev branch.




Here's what I like to do:


git config --global alias.temp '!git add -A && git commit -m "Temp"'
git config --global alias.pop 'reset HEAD~'

Now when you want to leave your existing work on one branch and switch to another:


git temp
git checkout other_branch

And when you want to switch back:


git checkout original_branch
git pop



My guess is that you don't commit the changes to your private branch, so git sees them as untracked changes to the working directory. When you check out another branch, such as master and the untracked changes do not cause any conflicts, git doesn't do anything to modify them. This is a good thing because otherwise you could overwrite work that you have been doing.


In order to avoid this, be sure to run git add and git commit before doing a git checkout to change branches. Alternatively, you can use git stash to stash your changes as a temporary commit. When you return to your private branch with a checkout, run git stash apply to retrieve your previous changes or git stash pop to retrieve them and remove them from the stash stack.

为了避免这种情况,请确保在执行git checkout更改分支之前运行git add和git commit。或者,您可以使用git stash将更改存储为临时提交。当您使用结帐返回​​私有分支时,运行git stash apply以检索先前的更改或git stash pop以检索它们并将其从存储堆栈中删除。