
时间:2023-01-12 07:24:50

I have a Database nearly 1.9Gb Database in size, and MSDE2000 does not allow DBs that exceed 2.0Gb

我的数据库大小接近1.9Gb, MSDE2000不允许DBs超过2.0Gb

I need to shrink this DB (and many others like this at various client locations).


I have found and deleted many 100's of 1000's of records which are considered unneeded: these records account for a large percentage of some of the main (largest) tables in the Database. Therefore it's reasonable to assume much space should now be retrievable.


So now I need to shrink the DB to account for the missing records.


  • I execute DBCC ShrinkDatabase('MyDB')...... No effect.
  • 我执行DBCC ShrinkDatabase(“MyDB”)……没有效果。
  • I have tried the various shrink facilities provided in MSSMS.... Still no effect.
  • 我试过各种收缩设施中提供MSSMS ....仍然没有效果。
  • I have backed up the database and restored it... Still no effect.
  • 我备份了数据库并恢复了它……仍然没有效果。

Still 1.9Gb

还是1.9 gb



Whatever procedure I eventually find needs to be replayable on a client machine with access to nothing other than OSql or similar.


15 个解决方案





DBCC SHRINKFILE (MyDatabase_Log, 5)






This may seem bizarre, but it's worked for me and I have written a C# program to automate this.


Step 1: Truncate the transaction log (Back up only the transaction log, turning on the option to remove inactive transactions)


Step 2: Run a database shrink, moving all the pages to the start of the files


Step 3: Truncate the transaction log again, as step 2 adds log entries


Step 4: Run a database shrink again.


My stripped down code, which uses the SQL DMO library, is as follows:

我的精简代码,使用了SQL DMO库,如下所示:

SQLDatabase.Shrink(5, SQLDMO.SQLDMO_SHRINK_TYPE.SQLDMOShrink_NoTruncate);
SQLDatabase.Shrink(5, SQLDMO.SQLDMO_SHRINK_TYPE.SQLDMOShrink_Default);



This is an old question but I just happened upon it.


The really short and a correct answer is already given and has the most votes. That is how you shrink a transaction log, and that was probably the OPs problem. And when the transaction log has grown out of control, it often needs to be shrunk back, but care should be taken to prevent future situations of a log growing out of control. This question on dba.se explains that. Basically - Don't let it get that large in the first place through proper recovery model, transaction log maintenance, transaction management, etc.


But the bigger question in my mind when reading this question about shrinking the data file (or even the log file) is why? and what bad things happen when you try? It appears as though shrink operations were done. Now in this case it makes sense in a sense - because MSDE/Express editions are capped at max DB size. But the right answer may be to look at the right version for your needs. And if you stumble upon this question looking to shrink your production database and this isn't the reason why, you should ask yourself the why? question.


I don't want someone searching the web for "how to shrink a database" coming across this and thinking it is a cool or acceptable thing to do.


Shrinking Data Files is a special task that should be reserved for special occasions. Consider that when you shrink a database, you are effectively fragmenting your indexes. Consider that when you shrink a database you are taking away the free space that a database may someday grow right back into - effectively wasting your time and incurring the performance hit of a shrink operation only to see the DB grow again.


I wrote about this concept in several blog posts about shrinking databases. This one called "Don't touch that shrink button" comes to mind first. I talk about these concepts outlined here - but also the concept of "Right-Sizing" your database. It is far better to decide what your database size needs to be, plan for future growth and allocate it to that amount. With Instant File Initialization available in SQL Server 2005 and beyond for data files, the cost of growths is lower - but I still prefer to have a proper initial application - and I'm far less scared of white space in a database than I am of shrinking in general with no thought first. :)

我在几篇关于收缩数据库的博文中提到了这个概念。首先想到的是“别碰那个收缩按钮”。我讨论了这里概述的这些概念,但也谈到了“适当规模”数据库的概念。最好是决定数据库的大小,规划未来的增长,并将其分配到这个数量。即时文件初始化可以在SQL Server 2005年及以后的数据文件,增生的成本较低,但我还是更喜欢有一个适当的初始应用程序——我更害怕空白萎缩的一般比我在数据库中没有思想。:)



DBCC SHRINKDATABASE works for me, but this is its full syntax:


DBCC SHRINKDATABASE ( database_name, [target_percent], [truncate] )

where target_percent is the desired percentage of free space left in the database file after the database has been shrunk.


And truncate parameter can be:



Causes the freed file space to be retained in the database files. If not specified, the freed file space is released to the operating system.



Causes any unused space in the data files to be released to the operating system and shrinks the file to the last allocated extent, reducing the file size without moving any data. No attempt is made to relocate rows to unallocated pages. target_percent is ignored when TRUNCATEONLY is used.


...and yes no_one is right, shrinking datbase is not very good practice becasue for example :


shrink on data files are excellent ways to introduce significant logical fragmentation, becasue it moves pages from the end of the allocated range of a database file to somewhere at the front of the file...


shrink database can have a lot of consequence on database, server.... think a lot about it before you do it!


on the web there are a lot of blogs and articles about it.




Late answer but might be useful useful for someone else


If neither DBCC ShrinkDatabase/ShrinkFile or SSMS (Tasks/Shrink/Database) doesn’t help, there are tools from Quest and ApexSQL that can get the job done, and even schedule periodic shrinking if you need it.

如果DBCC ShrinkDatabase/ShrinkFile或SSMS(任务/收缩/数据库)都没有帮助,那么有一些来自Quest和ApexSQL的工具可以完成任务,甚至可以在需要的时候定期收缩。

I’ve used the latter one in free trial to do this some time ago, by following short description at the end of this article:




All you need to do is install ApexSQL Backup, click "Shrink database" button in the main ribbon, select database in the window that will pop-up, and click "Finish".




You will also need to shrink the individual data files.


It is however not a good idea to shrink the databases. For example see here




You should use:


dbcc shrinkdatabase (MyDB)

It will shrink the log file (keep a windows explorer open and see it happening).




Here's another solution: Use the Database Publishing Wizard to export your schema, security and data to sql scripts. You can then take your current DB offline and re-create it with the scripts.


Sounds kind of foolish, but there are a couple advantages. First, there's no chance of losing data. Your original db (as long as you don't delete your DB when dropping it!) is safe, the new DB will be roughly as small as it can be, and you'll have two different snapshots of your current database - one ready to roll, one minified - you can choose from to back up.




"Therefore it's reasonable to assume much space should now be retrievable."


Apologies if I misunderstood the question, but are you sure it's the database and not the log files that are using up the space? Check to see what recovery model the database is in. Chances are it's in Full, which means the log file is never truncated. If you don't need a complete record of every transaction, you should be able to change to Simple, which will truncate the logs. You can shrink the database during the process. Assuming things go right, the process looks like:


  1. Backup the database!
  2. 备份数据库!
  3. Change to Simple Recovery
  4. 改变简单的复苏
  5. Shrink db (right-click db, choose all tasks > shrink db -> set to 10% free space)
  6. 收缩db(右击db,选择所有的任务>缩小db ->设置为10%的*空间)
  7. Verify that the space has been reclaimed, if not you might have to do a full backup
  8. 验证空间已被回收,如果没有的话,您可能需要做一个完整的备份

If that doesn't work (or you get a message saying "log file is full" when you try to switch recovery modes), try this:


  1. Backup
  2. 备份
  3. Kill all connections to the db
  4. 关闭到db的所有连接
  5. Detach db (right-click > Detach or right-click > All Tasks > Detach)
  6. Detach db(右键单击> Detach或右键单击>所有任务> Detach)
  7. Delete the log (ldf) file
  8. 删除日志(ldf)文件
  9. Reattach the db
  10. 再植db
  11. Change the recovery mode
  12. 改变恢复模式





I came across this post even though I needed to SHRINKFILE on MSSQL 2012 version which is little trickier since 2000 or 2005 versions. After reading up on all risks and issues related to this issue I ended up testing. Long story short, the best results I got were from using the MS SQL Server Management Studio.

尽管我需要在MSSQL 2012版本上压缩文件,但我还是遇到了这篇文章。在阅读了与此问题相关的所有风险和问题后,我最终进行了测试。长话短说,我得到的最好结果是使用MS SQL Server Management Studio。

Right-Click the DB -> TASKS -> SHRINK -> FILES -> select the LOG file



You also have to modify the minimum size of the data and log files. DBCC SHRINKDATABASE will shrink the data inside the files you already have allocated. To shrink a file to a size smaller than its minimum size, use DBCC SHRINKFILE and specify the new size.

您还必须修改数据和日志文件的最小大小。DBCC SHRINKDATABASE将缩小已分配文件中的数据。要将文件缩小到小于最小大小的大小,请使用DBCC SHRINKFILE并指定新的大小。



Delete data, make sure recovery model is simple, then skrink (either shrink database or shrink files works). If the data file is still too big, AND you use heaps to store data -- that is, no clustered index on large tables -- then you might have this problem regarding deleting data from heaps: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/913399




I recently did this. I was trying to make a compact version of my database for testing on the road, but I just couldn't get it to shrink, no matter how many rows I deleted. Eventually, after many other commands in this thread, I found that my clustered indexes were not getting rebuilt after deleting rows. Rebuilding my indexes made it so I could shrink properly.




Not sure how practical this would be, and depending on the size of the database, number of tables and other complexities, but I:


  1. defrag the physical drive
  2. 整理磁盘碎片的物理驱动器
  3. create a new database according to my requirements, space, percentage growth, etc
  4. 根据我的需求、空间、百分比增长等创建一个新的数据库
  5. use the simple ssms task to import all tables from the old db to the new db
  6. 使用简单的ssms任务将所有表从旧db导入到新db
  7. script out the indexes for all tables on the old database, and then recreate the indexes on the new database. expand as needed for foreign keys etc.
  8. 为旧数据库上的所有表编写索引脚本,然后在新数据库上重新创建索引。根据需要扩展外键等。
  9. rename databases as needed, confirm successful, delete old
  10. 根据需要重命名数据库,确认成功,删除旧的



I think you can remove all your log with switch from full to simple recovery. Right click on your Database and select Properties and select Options and change


  • Recovery mode to Simple
  • 恢复模式简单
  • Containment type to None
  • 容器类型都






DBCC SHRINKFILE (MyDatabase_Log, 5)






This may seem bizarre, but it's worked for me and I have written a C# program to automate this.


Step 1: Truncate the transaction log (Back up only the transaction log, turning on the option to remove inactive transactions)


Step 2: Run a database shrink, moving all the pages to the start of the files


Step 3: Truncate the transaction log again, as step 2 adds log entries


Step 4: Run a database shrink again.


My stripped down code, which uses the SQL DMO library, is as follows:

我的精简代码,使用了SQL DMO库,如下所示:

SQLDatabase.Shrink(5, SQLDMO.SQLDMO_SHRINK_TYPE.SQLDMOShrink_NoTruncate);
SQLDatabase.Shrink(5, SQLDMO.SQLDMO_SHRINK_TYPE.SQLDMOShrink_Default);



This is an old question but I just happened upon it.


The really short and a correct answer is already given and has the most votes. That is how you shrink a transaction log, and that was probably the OPs problem. And when the transaction log has grown out of control, it often needs to be shrunk back, but care should be taken to prevent future situations of a log growing out of control. This question on dba.se explains that. Basically - Don't let it get that large in the first place through proper recovery model, transaction log maintenance, transaction management, etc.


But the bigger question in my mind when reading this question about shrinking the data file (or even the log file) is why? and what bad things happen when you try? It appears as though shrink operations were done. Now in this case it makes sense in a sense - because MSDE/Express editions are capped at max DB size. But the right answer may be to look at the right version for your needs. And if you stumble upon this question looking to shrink your production database and this isn't the reason why, you should ask yourself the why? question.


I don't want someone searching the web for "how to shrink a database" coming across this and thinking it is a cool or acceptable thing to do.


Shrinking Data Files is a special task that should be reserved for special occasions. Consider that when you shrink a database, you are effectively fragmenting your indexes. Consider that when you shrink a database you are taking away the free space that a database may someday grow right back into - effectively wasting your time and incurring the performance hit of a shrink operation only to see the DB grow again.


I wrote about this concept in several blog posts about shrinking databases. This one called "Don't touch that shrink button" comes to mind first. I talk about these concepts outlined here - but also the concept of "Right-Sizing" your database. It is far better to decide what your database size needs to be, plan for future growth and allocate it to that amount. With Instant File Initialization available in SQL Server 2005 and beyond for data files, the cost of growths is lower - but I still prefer to have a proper initial application - and I'm far less scared of white space in a database than I am of shrinking in general with no thought first. :)

我在几篇关于收缩数据库的博文中提到了这个概念。首先想到的是“别碰那个收缩按钮”。我讨论了这里概述的这些概念,但也谈到了“适当规模”数据库的概念。最好是决定数据库的大小,规划未来的增长,并将其分配到这个数量。即时文件初始化可以在SQL Server 2005年及以后的数据文件,增生的成本较低,但我还是更喜欢有一个适当的初始应用程序——我更害怕空白萎缩的一般比我在数据库中没有思想。:)



DBCC SHRINKDATABASE works for me, but this is its full syntax:


DBCC SHRINKDATABASE ( database_name, [target_percent], [truncate] )

where target_percent is the desired percentage of free space left in the database file after the database has been shrunk.


And truncate parameter can be:



Causes the freed file space to be retained in the database files. If not specified, the freed file space is released to the operating system.



Causes any unused space in the data files to be released to the operating system and shrinks the file to the last allocated extent, reducing the file size without moving any data. No attempt is made to relocate rows to unallocated pages. target_percent is ignored when TRUNCATEONLY is used.


...and yes no_one is right, shrinking datbase is not very good practice becasue for example :


shrink on data files are excellent ways to introduce significant logical fragmentation, becasue it moves pages from the end of the allocated range of a database file to somewhere at the front of the file...


shrink database can have a lot of consequence on database, server.... think a lot about it before you do it!


on the web there are a lot of blogs and articles about it.




Late answer but might be useful useful for someone else


If neither DBCC ShrinkDatabase/ShrinkFile or SSMS (Tasks/Shrink/Database) doesn’t help, there are tools from Quest and ApexSQL that can get the job done, and even schedule periodic shrinking if you need it.

如果DBCC ShrinkDatabase/ShrinkFile或SSMS(任务/收缩/数据库)都没有帮助,那么有一些来自Quest和ApexSQL的工具可以完成任务,甚至可以在需要的时候定期收缩。

I’ve used the latter one in free trial to do this some time ago, by following short description at the end of this article:




All you need to do is install ApexSQL Backup, click "Shrink database" button in the main ribbon, select database in the window that will pop-up, and click "Finish".




You will also need to shrink the individual data files.


It is however not a good idea to shrink the databases. For example see here




You should use:


dbcc shrinkdatabase (MyDB)

It will shrink the log file (keep a windows explorer open and see it happening).




Here's another solution: Use the Database Publishing Wizard to export your schema, security and data to sql scripts. You can then take your current DB offline and re-create it with the scripts.


Sounds kind of foolish, but there are a couple advantages. First, there's no chance of losing data. Your original db (as long as you don't delete your DB when dropping it!) is safe, the new DB will be roughly as small as it can be, and you'll have two different snapshots of your current database - one ready to roll, one minified - you can choose from to back up.




"Therefore it's reasonable to assume much space should now be retrievable."


Apologies if I misunderstood the question, but are you sure it's the database and not the log files that are using up the space? Check to see what recovery model the database is in. Chances are it's in Full, which means the log file is never truncated. If you don't need a complete record of every transaction, you should be able to change to Simple, which will truncate the logs. You can shrink the database during the process. Assuming things go right, the process looks like:


  1. Backup the database!
  2. 备份数据库!
  3. Change to Simple Recovery
  4. 改变简单的复苏
  5. Shrink db (right-click db, choose all tasks > shrink db -> set to 10% free space)
  6. 收缩db(右击db,选择所有的任务>缩小db ->设置为10%的*空间)
  7. Verify that the space has been reclaimed, if not you might have to do a full backup
  8. 验证空间已被回收,如果没有的话,您可能需要做一个完整的备份

If that doesn't work (or you get a message saying "log file is full" when you try to switch recovery modes), try this:


  1. Backup
  2. 备份
  3. Kill all connections to the db
  4. 关闭到db的所有连接
  5. Detach db (right-click > Detach or right-click > All Tasks > Detach)
  6. Detach db(右键单击> Detach或右键单击>所有任务> Detach)
  7. Delete the log (ldf) file
  8. 删除日志(ldf)文件
  9. Reattach the db
  10. 再植db
  11. Change the recovery mode
  12. 改变恢复模式





I came across this post even though I needed to SHRINKFILE on MSSQL 2012 version which is little trickier since 2000 or 2005 versions. After reading up on all risks and issues related to this issue I ended up testing. Long story short, the best results I got were from using the MS SQL Server Management Studio.

尽管我需要在MSSQL 2012版本上压缩文件,但我还是遇到了这篇文章。在阅读了与此问题相关的所有风险和问题后,我最终进行了测试。长话短说,我得到的最好结果是使用MS SQL Server Management Studio。

Right-Click the DB -> TASKS -> SHRINK -> FILES -> select the LOG file



You also have to modify the minimum size of the data and log files. DBCC SHRINKDATABASE will shrink the data inside the files you already have allocated. To shrink a file to a size smaller than its minimum size, use DBCC SHRINKFILE and specify the new size.

您还必须修改数据和日志文件的最小大小。DBCC SHRINKDATABASE将缩小已分配文件中的数据。要将文件缩小到小于最小大小的大小,请使用DBCC SHRINKFILE并指定新的大小。



Delete data, make sure recovery model is simple, then skrink (either shrink database or shrink files works). If the data file is still too big, AND you use heaps to store data -- that is, no clustered index on large tables -- then you might have this problem regarding deleting data from heaps: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/913399




I recently did this. I was trying to make a compact version of my database for testing on the road, but I just couldn't get it to shrink, no matter how many rows I deleted. Eventually, after many other commands in this thread, I found that my clustered indexes were not getting rebuilt after deleting rows. Rebuilding my indexes made it so I could shrink properly.




Not sure how practical this would be, and depending on the size of the database, number of tables and other complexities, but I:


  1. defrag the physical drive
  2. 整理磁盘碎片的物理驱动器
  3. create a new database according to my requirements, space, percentage growth, etc
  4. 根据我的需求、空间、百分比增长等创建一个新的数据库
  5. use the simple ssms task to import all tables from the old db to the new db
  6. 使用简单的ssms任务将所有表从旧db导入到新db
  7. script out the indexes for all tables on the old database, and then recreate the indexes on the new database. expand as needed for foreign keys etc.
  8. 为旧数据库上的所有表编写索引脚本,然后在新数据库上重新创建索引。根据需要扩展外键等。
  9. rename databases as needed, confirm successful, delete old
  10. 根据需要重命名数据库,确认成功,删除旧的



I think you can remove all your log with switch from full to simple recovery. Right click on your Database and select Properties and select Options and change


  • Recovery mode to Simple
  • 恢复模式简单
  • Containment type to None
  • 容器类型都
