
时间:2022-11-09 07:24:59

I have a module built in CakePHP that is hosted within an iFrame. I need to have a redirect target the parent page. Using normal HTML I do:


<a href="#" target="_parent">

But how do I do that for CakePHP redirect?



3 个解决方案


A "redirect" is actually done using the HTTP protocol, meaning it's totally transparent to the user and no HTML is loaded.


What you are trying to do is create a link in an HTML page. So, you can't use redirect() to do this, because redirect() uses a lower layer than HTML.


You'll have to create a page with an HTML redirect (there are several ways to do this, google will help you).



Taking a stab at an answer:


$this->redirect() redirects by issuing an HTTP response code, i.e. the HTTP header will make the browser redirect. There's no concept of a "target" in HTTP response codes, so you can't redirect a parent frame using this technique.

$ this-> redirect()通过发出HTTP响应代码重定向,即HTTP标头将使浏览器重定向。 HTTP响应代码中没有“目标”的概念,因此您无法使用此技术重定向父框架。

Your user will have to click on a target="_parent" link himself, or you have to use other techniques.

您的用户必须自己单击target =“_ parent”链接,否则您必须使用其他技术。


Try $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'display', $id)); where $id is the id of the post you want to redirect to.

尝试$ this-> redirect(array('controller'=>'pages','action'=>'display',$ id));其中$ id是您要重定向到的帖子的ID。


A "redirect" is actually done using the HTTP protocol, meaning it's totally transparent to the user and no HTML is loaded.


What you are trying to do is create a link in an HTML page. So, you can't use redirect() to do this, because redirect() uses a lower layer than HTML.


You'll have to create a page with an HTML redirect (there are several ways to do this, google will help you).



Taking a stab at an answer:


$this->redirect() redirects by issuing an HTTP response code, i.e. the HTTP header will make the browser redirect. There's no concept of a "target" in HTTP response codes, so you can't redirect a parent frame using this technique.

$ this-> redirect()通过发出HTTP响应代码重定向,即HTTP标头将使浏览器重定向。 HTTP响应代码中没有“目标”的概念,因此您无法使用此技术重定向父框架。

Your user will have to click on a target="_parent" link himself, or you have to use other techniques.

您的用户必须自己单击target =“_ parent”链接,否则您必须使用其他技术。


Try $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'display', $id)); where $id is the id of the post you want to redirect to.

尝试$ this-> redirect(array('controller'=>'pages','action'=>'display',$ id));其中$ id是您要重定向到的帖子的ID。