如何使用GUI在SQL Server 2000或2005中编辑文本字段(或ntext)?

时间:2021-12-04 07:24:28
  1. Is there a way to do this with SQL Server tools?
  2. 有没有办法用SQL Server工具执行此操作?

  3. If not, is there a 3rd party tool that does this?
  4. 如果没有,是否有第三方工具可以做到这一点?

There doesn't seem to be a good way to edit longer text columns in the SQL Server Managers for SQL Server 2000 or 2005. While SQL Server Manager is really not for editing data in your db, what other tool does Microsoft provide that would normally allow you to do this? Every other field is pretty easy to edit, except long text fields. In Access, you could hit shift-f2 and it would pop up a nice dialog to edit your text in.

在SQL Server 2000或SQL Server的SQL Server管理器中编辑较长的文本列似乎没有好的方法。虽然SQL Server管理器实际上不是用于编辑数据库中的数据,但Microsoft提供的其他工具通常是允许你这样做?除了长文本字段外,其他每个字段都很容易编辑。在Access中,你可以点击shift-f2,它会弹出一个很好的对话框来编辑你的文本。

alt text http://techinterview.org/edit.png

alt text http://techinterview.org/edit.png

7 个解决方案



Generally, SQL Management Studio is an administrative tool for your database and not meant for data entry other than a quick edit here or there. Generally you would script the data or it would be entered by an application that uses the database for persistence.

通常,SQL Management Studio是数据库的管理工具,除了在此处或那里进行快速编辑之外,不用于数据输入。通常,您会编写数据脚本,或者由使用数据库进行持久化的应用程序输入数据。

(Although I have pointed Access to my SQL Server DB for a better quick and dirty UI.)

(虽然我已经指向访问我的SQL Server数据库以获得更好的快速和脏的UI。)



This may fight your bill - SQL LOB Editor.

这可能会打击你的账单 - SQL LOB编辑器。

The other option you might want to look at is EMS SQL Studio for SQL Server.

您可能想要查看的另一个选项是EMS SQL Studio for SQL Server。




If you are specifically after a nice big multi-line edit dialogs, then yes you definitely need to look outside of the Microsoft SSMS line of tools. They don't support it.

如果你是专门经过一个很好的大型多行编辑对话框,那么你肯定需要在Microsoft SSMS系列工具之外查看。他们不支持它。



This is just stupid. Enterprise Manager for SQL Server 2000 handled multiline text just fine. Just silly to go backward and loose functionality that was pre-existing. Not like it is rocket science to reproduce formatted text. Someone really dropped the ball on this one.

这只是愚蠢的。 SQL Server 2000企业管理器处理多行文本就好了。只是愚蠢的回归和松散的功能,这是预先存在的。不像是火箭科学重现格式化文本。有人真的把球放在了这个球上。



In the Management Console, isn't it possible to do an "Open Table" context-menu action and then edit the data from there?




I totally recommend DBVisualizer. The nice thing about it is, it supports a long list of databases and generic all JDBC Drivers (since it is written in Java). You can browse your various databases, change data and explore schema in nice graphs. It comes as a free and a personal edition for 149 $ and is totally worth it! Look at this matrix for a comparison.


You'll be able to edit text and ntext in SQL Server 2000, 2005 and surly for upcoming versions as well.

您将能够在SQL Server 2000,2005中编辑text和ntext以及即将推出的版本。



If I had to make the edits only occasionally I would probably use SQL Query Analyzer and just script the UPDATE command.


If that was too inconvenient I would next look at linking to the database in Access, and to really quick and dirty ease of use I would just use an AutoForm to generate a UI for the table. If you don't have Access I believe OpenOffice Base can connect through ODBC and has similar form building functionality.

如果这太不方便我接下来会看到链接到Access中的数据库,并且真正快速和脏的易用性我只会使用AutoForm为表生成UI。如果您没有Access,我相信OpenOffice Base可以通过ODBC连接并具有类似的表单构建功能。



Generally, SQL Management Studio is an administrative tool for your database and not meant for data entry other than a quick edit here or there. Generally you would script the data or it would be entered by an application that uses the database for persistence.

通常,SQL Management Studio是数据库的管理工具,除了在此处或那里进行快速编辑之外,不用于数据输入。通常,您会编写数据脚本,或者由使用数据库进行持久化的应用程序输入数据。

(Although I have pointed Access to my SQL Server DB for a better quick and dirty UI.)

(虽然我已经指向访问我的SQL Server数据库以获得更好的快速和脏的UI。)



This may fight your bill - SQL LOB Editor.

这可能会打击你的账单 - SQL LOB编辑器。

The other option you might want to look at is EMS SQL Studio for SQL Server.

您可能想要查看的另一个选项是EMS SQL Studio for SQL Server。




If you are specifically after a nice big multi-line edit dialogs, then yes you definitely need to look outside of the Microsoft SSMS line of tools. They don't support it.

如果你是专门经过一个很好的大型多行编辑对话框,那么你肯定需要在Microsoft SSMS系列工具之外查看。他们不支持它。



This is just stupid. Enterprise Manager for SQL Server 2000 handled multiline text just fine. Just silly to go backward and loose functionality that was pre-existing. Not like it is rocket science to reproduce formatted text. Someone really dropped the ball on this one.

这只是愚蠢的。 SQL Server 2000企业管理器处理多行文本就好了。只是愚蠢的回归和松散的功能,这是预先存在的。不像是火箭科学重现格式化文本。有人真的把球放在了这个球上。



In the Management Console, isn't it possible to do an "Open Table" context-menu action and then edit the data from there?




I totally recommend DBVisualizer. The nice thing about it is, it supports a long list of databases and generic all JDBC Drivers (since it is written in Java). You can browse your various databases, change data and explore schema in nice graphs. It comes as a free and a personal edition for 149 $ and is totally worth it! Look at this matrix for a comparison.


You'll be able to edit text and ntext in SQL Server 2000, 2005 and surly for upcoming versions as well.

您将能够在SQL Server 2000,2005中编辑text和ntext以及即将推出的版本。



If I had to make the edits only occasionally I would probably use SQL Query Analyzer and just script the UPDATE command.


If that was too inconvenient I would next look at linking to the database in Access, and to really quick and dirty ease of use I would just use an AutoForm to generate a UI for the table. If you don't have Access I believe OpenOffice Base can connect through ODBC and has similar form building functionality.

如果这太不方便我接下来会看到链接到Access中的数据库,并且真正快速和脏的易用性我只会使用AutoForm为表生成UI。如果您没有Access,我相信OpenOffice Base可以通过ODBC连接并具有类似的表单构建功能。