
时间:2022-10-22 07:22:54

I have an object:


public class Data {
    private long           id;
    private long           referenceCount;
    private Blob           dataCache;

    /* getters and setters for the above */

Corresponding to this is a mapping:


  <class name=Data" table=DATA">

    <id name=id" type="long">
      <column name=DATA_ID" precision="20" scale="0" />
      <generator class="assigned" />

    <property name="referenceCount" type="long" generated="always" insert="false" update="false">
      <column name="REFERENCE_COUNT" precision="10" scale="0" not-null="true" />
    <property name=dataCache" type="blob">
      <column name="DATA" />

The contents of 'dataCache' may be quite large.


Here's where it gets tricky: The value of referenceCount is set by a trigger, invoked by an object that has no mapping relation to the Data entity. As soon as I save this object, I must refresh a data object -- which may or may not already be loaded by the session -- in order to keep the reference count correct. Leaving aside whether this is viewed as a good idea, I have to ensure that the value of the referenceCount is up to date in my local session, but I do NOT want to reload the dataCache blob. I could set the lazy attribute on that property, but I'm not sure that it'll act the way I hope it will.

这就是它变得棘手的地方:referenceCount的值由触发器设置,由与Data实体没有映射关系的对象调用。一旦我保存了这个对象,我就必须刷新一个数据对象 - 它可能已经或可能没有被会话加载 - 以保持引用计数的正确性。抛开这是否被视为一个好主意,我必须确保referenceCount的值在我的本地会话中是最新的,但我不想重新加载dataCache blob。我可以在该属性上设置lazy属性,但我不确定它是否会以我希望的方式运行。

How should I do this? I guess that one way I could look at it is: "How can I remove an object from the session cache without loading that object if it isn't already there?"


2 个解决方案


According to this forum post, field of type java.sql.Blob/Clob, should support lazy loading. Therefore, one would expect that doing a Session.refresh() on a persistent instance of Data would, as documentation specifies, re-read the state of the given instance from the underlying database, but not load the dataCache.

根据这篇论坛帖子,java.sql.Blob / Clob类型的字段应该支持延迟加载。因此,人们会期望在持久的Data实例上执行Session.refresh()会像文档指定的那样,从底层数据库重新读取给定实例的状态,但不会加载dataCache。

Still, I would recommend that you move the dataCache to separate class and map it as mandatory one-to-one relationship. Make sure you don't have cascade refresh from Data to DataCache. That way you can exercise full control over what gets refreshed and what gets loaded.



Why not have the object update the referenceCount in the domain whenever it would fire the trigger on the DB to keep it synced with the persisted value.



According to this forum post, field of type java.sql.Blob/Clob, should support lazy loading. Therefore, one would expect that doing a Session.refresh() on a persistent instance of Data would, as documentation specifies, re-read the state of the given instance from the underlying database, but not load the dataCache.

根据这篇论坛帖子,java.sql.Blob / Clob类型的字段应该支持延迟加载。因此,人们会期望在持久的Data实例上执行Session.refresh()会像文档指定的那样,从底层数据库重新读取给定实例的状态,但不会加载dataCache。

Still, I would recommend that you move the dataCache to separate class and map it as mandatory one-to-one relationship. Make sure you don't have cascade refresh from Data to DataCache. That way you can exercise full control over what gets refreshed and what gets loaded.



Why not have the object update the referenceCount in the domain whenever it would fire the trigger on the DB to keep it synced with the persisted value.
