如何让我的ATL COM DLL IE插件在Mozilla中运行?

时间:2022-06-08 07:24:01

I have COM DLL(ATL Project) which handles the download dialog in IExplorer. I want that same DLL to work in Mozilla. What do I have to do for this? Is it possible?

我有COM DLL(ATL项目),它处理IExplorer中的下载对话框。我想在Mozilla中使用相同的DLL。我该怎么做?可能吗?

2 个解决方案


Mozilla and IE are using entirely different plug-in system. Basically you cannot simply do that.



Each browser (let us not forget Chrome, Safari, Opera, ...) has its own plugin/extensions mechanism.


You will need to create a different plugin for each browser based on that browser's API.


Perhaps if you explain your "additional features" you want on the file save then a different approach might be possible.



Mozilla and IE are using entirely different plug-in system. Basically you cannot simply do that.



Each browser (let us not forget Chrome, Safari, Opera, ...) has its own plugin/extensions mechanism.


You will need to create a different plugin for each browser based on that browser's API.


Perhaps if you explain your "additional features" you want on the file save then a different approach might be possible.
