
时间:2021-12-06 07:24:57

I am trying to get my head into space on how I can GROUP by the item number and add the qty to stock.


My current code is:


SELECT dbo.InventoryItems.ItemNo, dbo.InventoryItems.DescriptionMed AS Description
     , SUM(dbo.InventoryItems.QtyToStock) AS QtytoStock, dbo.Locations.LocationCode
  FROM dbo.InventoryItems INNER JOIN dbo.Locations
    ON dbo.InventoryItems.LocationID = dbo.Locations.LocationID
 GROUP BY dbo.InventoryItems.ItemNo, dbo.InventoryItems.QtyToStock
     , dbo.InventoryItems.DescriptionMed, dbo.Locations.LocationCode
HAVING (dbo.InventoryItems.ItemNo LIKE 'CL10%')

and I am getting the below result:



But my expected output is:


CL1000 will just be in two rows with their sum. Please help!


ItemNo          Description               QTYtoStock      LocationCode
CL1000          Square Seat Legs             4               CREST
CL1000          Square Seat Legs             93              DZ
CL1002          Square Low Back Sofa         5               DZ

1 个解决方案



You clearly just need the right GROUP BY:


SELECT ii.ItemNo, ii.DescriptionMed AS Description, 
       SUM(ii.QtyToStock) AS QtytoStock, l.LocationCode
FROM dbo.InventoryItems ii INNER JOIN
     dbo.Locations l
     ON ii.LocationID = l.LocationID
WHERE ii.ItemNo LIKE 'CL10%'
GROUP BY ii.ItemNo, ii.DescriptionMed, l.LocationCode;  

All the unaggregated columns (or expressions) should be in the GROUP BY. QtyToStock is being aggregated, so it is not appropriate.

所有未聚合的列(或表达式)都应该位于GROUP BY中。QtyToStock正在聚合,所以不合适。

Further advice:


  • Use table aliases. These should be abbreviations for the tables, so they are easy to follow.
  • 用表的别名。这些应该是表的缩写,所以很容易理解。
  • Qualify column names with the shortened aliases. Much, much easier to write and read.
  • 用缩短的别名限定列名。写和读起来要容易得多。
  • The HAVING clause is on a GROUP BY key. This is better handled (usually) using WHERE. The WHERE will reduce the number of rows that need to be aggregated, which is usually a performance win.
  • have子句按键在一个组上。这是更好的处理(通常)使用的地方。WHERE将减少需要聚合的行数,这通常是性能上的优势。



You clearly just need the right GROUP BY:


SELECT ii.ItemNo, ii.DescriptionMed AS Description, 
       SUM(ii.QtyToStock) AS QtytoStock, l.LocationCode
FROM dbo.InventoryItems ii INNER JOIN
     dbo.Locations l
     ON ii.LocationID = l.LocationID
WHERE ii.ItemNo LIKE 'CL10%'
GROUP BY ii.ItemNo, ii.DescriptionMed, l.LocationCode;  

All the unaggregated columns (or expressions) should be in the GROUP BY. QtyToStock is being aggregated, so it is not appropriate.

所有未聚合的列(或表达式)都应该位于GROUP BY中。QtyToStock正在聚合,所以不合适。

Further advice:


  • Use table aliases. These should be abbreviations for the tables, so they are easy to follow.
  • 用表的别名。这些应该是表的缩写,所以很容易理解。
  • Qualify column names with the shortened aliases. Much, much easier to write and read.
  • 用缩短的别名限定列名。写和读起来要容易得多。
  • The HAVING clause is on a GROUP BY key. This is better handled (usually) using WHERE. The WHERE will reduce the number of rows that need to be aggregated, which is usually a performance win.
  • have子句按键在一个组上。这是更好的处理(通常)使用的地方。WHERE将减少需要聚合的行数,这通常是性能上的优势。