你总是在write.csv中使用row.names = F吗?更改R(基本)函数内的默认值

时间:2022-06-26 07:21:50

Couldn't see a solution online but I thought this might be quite common.


  • with write.csv I basically always have the argument row.name set to F. Is it possible to run a line once and update the default value of the argument for the rest of the session?
  • 使用write.csv我基本上总是将参数row.name设置为F.是否可以运行一次行并更新会话其余部分的参数的默认值?
  • I tried paste <- paste(sep="") which ran and returned no error but seemed to do nothing (and didn't destroy the paste function). This is another one, I always set sep="" with paste...
  • 我尝试粘贴< - paste(sep =“”)运行并返回没有错误,但似乎什么都不做(并没有破坏粘贴功能)。这是另一个,我总是用贴纸设置sep =“”...
  • like I always have exclude=NULL when I am using table so I can see the N/A values.
  • 就像我在使用表时总是有exclude = NULL所以我可以看到N / A值。

EDIT: So, I'm looking for a solution that will work for multiple functions if possible: paste, write.csv, table and other functions like these.


2 个解决方案



Try this:


paste <- paste
formals(paste)$sep <- ""

This creates a new copy of paste in your workspace, and then modifies its default value for sep to "". Subsequent calls to paste will then use the modified copy, as it sits in front of the base environment in your search path.




paste <- paste(sep="") puts the output of paste() into an object named "paste". You would need to do something like this instead.

paste < - paste(sep =“”)将paste()的输出放入名为“paste”的对象中。你需要做这样的事情。

paste <- function (..., sep = "", collapse = NULL) {
  base::paste(..., sep=sep, collapse=collapse)

You can also look at the Defaults package for this sort of thing, but it doesn't currently work for two of your examples.




Try this:


paste <- paste
formals(paste)$sep <- ""

This creates a new copy of paste in your workspace, and then modifies its default value for sep to "". Subsequent calls to paste will then use the modified copy, as it sits in front of the base environment in your search path.




paste <- paste(sep="") puts the output of paste() into an object named "paste". You would need to do something like this instead.

paste < - paste(sep =“”)将paste()的输出放入名为“paste”的对象中。你需要做这样的事情。

paste <- function (..., sep = "", collapse = NULL) {
  base::paste(..., sep=sep, collapse=collapse)

You can also look at the Defaults package for this sort of thing, but it doesn't currently work for two of your examples.
