
时间:2022-06-21 07:20:00

I have a rather large workbook that takes a really long time to calculate. It used to be quite a challenge to get it to calculate all the way, since Excel is so eager to silently abort calculation if you so much as look at it.


To help alleviate the problem, I created some VBA code to initiate the the calculation, which is initiated by a form, and the result is that it is not quite as easy to interrupt the calculation process, but it is still possible. (I can easily do this by clicking the close X on the form, but I imagine there are other ways)

为了帮助解决这个问题,我创建了一些VBA代码来启动由表单发起的计算,结果是中断计算过程并不那么容易,但仍然有可能。(我可以通过单击表单上的close X来实现这一点,但我想还有其他方法)

Rather than taking more steps to try and make it harder to interrupt calculation, I'd like to have the code detect whether calculation is complete, so it can notify the user rather than just blindly forging on into the rest of the steps in my code. So far, I can't find any way to do that.


I've seen references to Application.CalculationState, but the value is xlDone after I interrupt calculation, even if I interrupt the calculation after a few seconds (it normally takes around an hour).


I can't think of a way to do this by checking the value of cells, since I don't know which one is calculated last. I see that there is a way to mark cells as "dirty" but I haven't been able to find a way to check the dirtiness of a cell. And I don't know if that's even the right path to take, since I'd likely have to check every cell in every sheet.


The act of interrupting calculation does not raise an error, so my ON ERROR doesn't get triggered.


Is there anything I'm missing? Any ideas?


Any ideas?


8 个解决方案



I think the trick you need to implement (if you're application runs in Excel 2007 or later) is to handle this with the Application.AfterCalculate event, which is raised after both calculation is complete and there are no outstanding queries.


If you've never worked with events in VBA before, there is a good overview from cpearson.com.




I think I'm hearing that you need a way to monitor whether each step within the calculations being performed was executed.


Assuming that you're not interested in re-engineering the workbook to use methods that are easier to track than spreadsheet calculations (such as volatile calculations within VBA or Pivot Tables), this may work for you:


Within VB, you can utilize .EnableCalculation and .Calculate to set an entire worksheet as "Dirty" (needing calculation) and then recalculate. The key difference between this and your current process is that we will perform these actions one worksheet at a time in manual mode. By initiating the calculations one worksheet at a time from within VBA, you will be able to perform additional intermediate actions that can be used to track how far you got in the calculation process.

在VB中,可以使用. enablecalculation和. compute将整个工作表设置为“Dirty”(需要计算),然后重新计算。这与您当前流程的关键区别在于,我们将在手动模式下每次执行一个工作表。通过在VBA中每次启动一个工作表的计算,您将能够执行额外的中间操作,这些操作可以用来跟踪您在计算过程中走了多远。

Please note that this approach assumes a fairly linear workbook structure such that your workbook will produce the correct results if we first recalculate Sheet1, then Sheet2, Sheet3, and so on, in whatever order you wish. If your formula dependencies are more "spaghetti" than linear, this probably won't work for you. It also assumes you are working in Excel 2000 or later.

请注意,这种方法假定了一个相当线性的工作簿结构,如果我们首先重新计算Sheet1、Sheet2、Sheet3,等等,按照您希望的顺序,您的工作簿将产生正确的结果。如果你的公式依赖关系更多的是“意大利面条”而不是线性,这可能对你不适用。它还假定您正在使用Excel 2000或更高版本。

For example, you could write a VBA routine that accomplishes the following steps. You will need to know your dependencies in order to know which calculations must come before others, and start with the worksheet in a "clean" state where no calculations are currently pending.


Step 1: Set the active sheet to the first worksheet where recalculation is needed


Step 2: Set the calculation mode to manual as follows:


    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

Step 3: "Dirty" the entire active sheet as follows:


    With ActiveSheet

    .EnableCalculation = False

    .EnableCalculation = True

Step 4: Initiate a recalculation for this worksheet only (not the entire workbook) using:



    End With

Note that if the calculation mode were set to automatic, Step 3 would initiate a re-calculation across the entire workbook. By using manual mode and With, we are constraining that calculation to the current sheet.


Now you have dirtied and re-calculated the first sheet (hurray!). Now, by embedding Steps 3 and 4 above into a For/Each or For/Next loop, you can repeat the process for each worksheet in your workbook. Again, make sure you know the order in which your worksheets need to be calculated (if an order is needed).


Now for the big finish - by creating a counter variable within your loop, you can track how far you got in the calculations by updating your counter variable value each time you complete a worksheet calculation. For example, after you recalculate a worksheet, you can set the counter value to current value + 1 and store the results either in a global variable (so that it will persist even after your VBA routine ends), or in a cell within your worksheet. That way, you can check this value later to see how many worksheets were updated before the calculations finished or were interrupted.

现在来完成这个大任务——通过在循环中创建一个计数器变量,您可以通过每次完成工作表计算时更新计数器变量值来跟踪计算的进展。例如,在重新计算工作表之后,您可以将计数器值设置为当前值+ 1,并将结果存储在一个全局变量中(这样即使在VBA例程结束后,结果也将继续存在),或者存储在工作表中的一个单元中。通过这种方式,您可以在稍后检查该值,查看在计算完成或中断之前更新了多少个工作表。

If you have relatively few worksheets in your workbooks, the same approach could be applied to one range at a time rather than a sheet.


I won't go into detail about how to construct a "counter", loops, or global variables here, but if needed, this information can be easily found using your favorite search engine. I would also highly recommend re-enabling automatic calculations once you are done as it is easy to forget that it's been set to manual mode.


I hope this works for you - for more information on calculation modes and recalculation, this is a helpful link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb687891.aspx




The (MSDN) solution by Charles Williams above worked for me where I had 1000's of VLOOKUP's that neeeded to recalculate as the code was changing the lookup value because of an iteration loop. Results were skewed as calculations were not running to 100% completion.

上面Charles Williams提出的(MSDN)解决方案对我很有用,我有1000个VLOOKUP算法,当代码因为迭代循环而改变查找值时,需要重新计算。结果是扭曲的,因为计算没有运行到100%完成。

At the beginning of my subroutine the code executes


Application.Calculation = xlManual

This eliminated unnecessary calculations by Excel until I was ready.


Now at the critical point the code executes


Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
ThisWorkbook.ForceFullCalculation = True

Having forced Excel to perform a full calculation, the code could then saved the result and move onto the next iteration ... but before doing so


ThisWorkbook.ForceFullCalculation = False
Application.Calculation = xlManual

Remembering at the very end


Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic  



I've never actually used it but I think this might work to prevent calculation from being interrupted.


Application.CalculationInterruptKey = xlNoKey

应用程序。CalculationInterruptKey = xlNoKey



Perhaps the following would work:


Do Until Application.CalculationState = xlDone

Can't say I've tested it, nor that I know how robust the functionality of Application.CalculationState really is to determine whether 'complete' calculation occurred, as opposed to something interrupting the process and flagging the calculation state as done.




Private sub SomeCodeThatGeneratesFormulas
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculation.xlCalculationManual
    '...Some formulas are copied here'
    Application.OnTime DateTime.DateAdd ("s",.01,DateTime.Now), "Module1.CalculateFullRebuildAndSubsequentSteps" 'By using Application.OnTime, this method will be called in a way that locks the end-user out of providing inputs into Excel until the calculation itself is complete.
end sub

public sub CalculateFullRebuildAndSubsequentSteps
    '...Do next steps, i.e. paste as values'
end sub



On the status bar, right hand side, it will say Calculating (N processors) X% (where N is the number of processors on your computer and X% is how much it has completed) when recalculating. If you don't see text there, it's not recalculating.


I'm using Office 2010, but it should be there in all versions. It's just kinda subtle so it's easy to miss.

我使用的是Office 2010,但是应该有所有版本。这有点微妙,所以很容易错过。



Arrays in Excel can be a bit stupid. That is that in order to accomplish some tasks people avoid to use intermediate columns/rows to store (temporary) data, so arrays have to recalculate staff from the beginning every time, thus getting really slow. My Suggestion would be:


  1. fix arrays to avoid multiple searches. Use hidden cells or even hidden sheets
  2. 修复数组以避免多次搜索。使用隐藏的单元格甚至隐藏的床单
  3. Avoid using A:A and rather use A1:A1000 specially in excel 2007 or later
  4. 避免使用A:A,而是使用A1:A1000,特别是在excel 2007或以后。
  5. use formulas to equal zero or error (ex: NA()) while previous items aren't calculated, so you can clearly see if an operation is done at all.
  6. 使用公式为零或错误(ex: NA()),而以前的项目没有计算,因此您可以清楚地看到是否已经完成了操作。
  7. some VBA could be used to inject formulas in place one step at a time, perform calculations, then proceed to next step, but this could mean lots of work...
  8. 一些VBA可以用来一次一步地插入公式,执行计算,然后继续下一步,但是这可能意味着大量的工作……



I think the trick you need to implement (if you're application runs in Excel 2007 or later) is to handle this with the Application.AfterCalculate event, which is raised after both calculation is complete and there are no outstanding queries.


If you've never worked with events in VBA before, there is a good overview from cpearson.com.




I think I'm hearing that you need a way to monitor whether each step within the calculations being performed was executed.


Assuming that you're not interested in re-engineering the workbook to use methods that are easier to track than spreadsheet calculations (such as volatile calculations within VBA or Pivot Tables), this may work for you:


Within VB, you can utilize .EnableCalculation and .Calculate to set an entire worksheet as "Dirty" (needing calculation) and then recalculate. The key difference between this and your current process is that we will perform these actions one worksheet at a time in manual mode. By initiating the calculations one worksheet at a time from within VBA, you will be able to perform additional intermediate actions that can be used to track how far you got in the calculation process.

在VB中,可以使用. enablecalculation和. compute将整个工作表设置为“Dirty”(需要计算),然后重新计算。这与您当前流程的关键区别在于,我们将在手动模式下每次执行一个工作表。通过在VBA中每次启动一个工作表的计算,您将能够执行额外的中间操作,这些操作可以用来跟踪您在计算过程中走了多远。

Please note that this approach assumes a fairly linear workbook structure such that your workbook will produce the correct results if we first recalculate Sheet1, then Sheet2, Sheet3, and so on, in whatever order you wish. If your formula dependencies are more "spaghetti" than linear, this probably won't work for you. It also assumes you are working in Excel 2000 or later.

请注意,这种方法假定了一个相当线性的工作簿结构,如果我们首先重新计算Sheet1、Sheet2、Sheet3,等等,按照您希望的顺序,您的工作簿将产生正确的结果。如果你的公式依赖关系更多的是“意大利面条”而不是线性,这可能对你不适用。它还假定您正在使用Excel 2000或更高版本。

For example, you could write a VBA routine that accomplishes the following steps. You will need to know your dependencies in order to know which calculations must come before others, and start with the worksheet in a "clean" state where no calculations are currently pending.


Step 1: Set the active sheet to the first worksheet where recalculation is needed


Step 2: Set the calculation mode to manual as follows:


    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

Step 3: "Dirty" the entire active sheet as follows:


    With ActiveSheet

    .EnableCalculation = False

    .EnableCalculation = True

Step 4: Initiate a recalculation for this worksheet only (not the entire workbook) using:



    End With

Note that if the calculation mode were set to automatic, Step 3 would initiate a re-calculation across the entire workbook. By using manual mode and With, we are constraining that calculation to the current sheet.


Now you have dirtied and re-calculated the first sheet (hurray!). Now, by embedding Steps 3 and 4 above into a For/Each or For/Next loop, you can repeat the process for each worksheet in your workbook. Again, make sure you know the order in which your worksheets need to be calculated (if an order is needed).


Now for the big finish - by creating a counter variable within your loop, you can track how far you got in the calculations by updating your counter variable value each time you complete a worksheet calculation. For example, after you recalculate a worksheet, you can set the counter value to current value + 1 and store the results either in a global variable (so that it will persist even after your VBA routine ends), or in a cell within your worksheet. That way, you can check this value later to see how many worksheets were updated before the calculations finished or were interrupted.

现在来完成这个大任务——通过在循环中创建一个计数器变量,您可以通过每次完成工作表计算时更新计数器变量值来跟踪计算的进展。例如,在重新计算工作表之后,您可以将计数器值设置为当前值+ 1,并将结果存储在一个全局变量中(这样即使在VBA例程结束后,结果也将继续存在),或者存储在工作表中的一个单元中。通过这种方式,您可以在稍后检查该值,查看在计算完成或中断之前更新了多少个工作表。

If you have relatively few worksheets in your workbooks, the same approach could be applied to one range at a time rather than a sheet.


I won't go into detail about how to construct a "counter", loops, or global variables here, but if needed, this information can be easily found using your favorite search engine. I would also highly recommend re-enabling automatic calculations once you are done as it is easy to forget that it's been set to manual mode.


I hope this works for you - for more information on calculation modes and recalculation, this is a helpful link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb687891.aspx




The (MSDN) solution by Charles Williams above worked for me where I had 1000's of VLOOKUP's that neeeded to recalculate as the code was changing the lookup value because of an iteration loop. Results were skewed as calculations were not running to 100% completion.

上面Charles Williams提出的(MSDN)解决方案对我很有用,我有1000个VLOOKUP算法,当代码因为迭代循环而改变查找值时,需要重新计算。结果是扭曲的,因为计算没有运行到100%完成。

At the beginning of my subroutine the code executes


Application.Calculation = xlManual

This eliminated unnecessary calculations by Excel until I was ready.


Now at the critical point the code executes


Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
ThisWorkbook.ForceFullCalculation = True

Having forced Excel to perform a full calculation, the code could then saved the result and move onto the next iteration ... but before doing so


ThisWorkbook.ForceFullCalculation = False
Application.Calculation = xlManual

Remembering at the very end


Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic  



I've never actually used it but I think this might work to prevent calculation from being interrupted.


Application.CalculationInterruptKey = xlNoKey

应用程序。CalculationInterruptKey = xlNoKey



Perhaps the following would work:


Do Until Application.CalculationState = xlDone

Can't say I've tested it, nor that I know how robust the functionality of Application.CalculationState really is to determine whether 'complete' calculation occurred, as opposed to something interrupting the process and flagging the calculation state as done.




Private sub SomeCodeThatGeneratesFormulas
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculation.xlCalculationManual
    '...Some formulas are copied here'
    Application.OnTime DateTime.DateAdd ("s",.01,DateTime.Now), "Module1.CalculateFullRebuildAndSubsequentSteps" 'By using Application.OnTime, this method will be called in a way that locks the end-user out of providing inputs into Excel until the calculation itself is complete.
end sub

public sub CalculateFullRebuildAndSubsequentSteps
    '...Do next steps, i.e. paste as values'
end sub



On the status bar, right hand side, it will say Calculating (N processors) X% (where N is the number of processors on your computer and X% is how much it has completed) when recalculating. If you don't see text there, it's not recalculating.


I'm using Office 2010, but it should be there in all versions. It's just kinda subtle so it's easy to miss.

我使用的是Office 2010,但是应该有所有版本。这有点微妙,所以很容易错过。



Arrays in Excel can be a bit stupid. That is that in order to accomplish some tasks people avoid to use intermediate columns/rows to store (temporary) data, so arrays have to recalculate staff from the beginning every time, thus getting really slow. My Suggestion would be:


  1. fix arrays to avoid multiple searches. Use hidden cells or even hidden sheets
  2. 修复数组以避免多次搜索。使用隐藏的单元格甚至隐藏的床单
  3. Avoid using A:A and rather use A1:A1000 specially in excel 2007 or later
  4. 避免使用A:A,而是使用A1:A1000,特别是在excel 2007或以后。
  5. use formulas to equal zero or error (ex: NA()) while previous items aren't calculated, so you can clearly see if an operation is done at all.
  6. 使用公式为零或错误(ex: NA()),而以前的项目没有计算,因此您可以清楚地看到是否已经完成了操作。
  7. some VBA could be used to inject formulas in place one step at a time, perform calculations, then proceed to next step, but this could mean lots of work...
  8. 一些VBA可以用来一次一步地插入公式,执行计算,然后继续下一步,但是这可能意味着大量的工作……