
时间:2021-02-18 07:21:39

I am currently taking input in a text-box and on-submit, I am validating the input, the input needs to be a number greater than 0, it should be integer and not contain decimal point. The problem is I am not able to find any method by which we can detect it is integer or contains decimal point. Here is the code I am using.


    txt[5] = $(this).parents('p').find('input:text').val();
    if (txt[5] == "" || isNaN(txt[5]) || txt[5] <= 0) 
        alert("Incorrect Quantity");
        return false;

Basically as you see I am validating the input given by user, I want to show them a message if the input is wrong, so I am currently using txt[5]%1!=0 to make sure only INT is allowed, but I am open to new answers.

基本上,当你看到我正在验证用户给出的输入时,如果输入错误,我想向他们显示一条消息,所以我目前正在使用txt [5]%1!= 0来确保只允许INT,但是我我愿意接受新的答案。

3 个解决方案



txt[5] = parseInt($(this).parents('p').find('input:text').val(), 10);

This won't validate the number (see Nirk's answer for that), but if it's not an int, it will be converted to one.




The simplest way is to parse the text as a Number, coerce to integer, and see if they are equal:


var numbertxt5 = Number(txt[5]);
if(numbertxt5 | 0 == numbertxt5) { /* int */
} else if (!isNaN(numbertxt5)) { /* float */
} else { /* not a number */



That is because JavaScript has only one numerical type called number. It is neither int nor float, but it behaves like both at a time. However, you do have two methods that you can use for this parseInt and parseFloat.


var result = parseInt($(this).parents('p').find('input:text').val());
txt[5] = result;

Using parseFloat is similar. Eg.


var result = parseFloat($(this).parents('p').find('input:text').val());
txt[5] = result;

The second example is not what you want but it is here just for your reference.


UPDATE: @bfavaretto made a good point with using radix which I omitted in parseInt. Have a look at this page for reference http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_parseint.asp




txt[5] = parseInt($(this).parents('p').find('input:text').val(), 10);

This won't validate the number (see Nirk's answer for that), but if it's not an int, it will be converted to one.




The simplest way is to parse the text as a Number, coerce to integer, and see if they are equal:


var numbertxt5 = Number(txt[5]);
if(numbertxt5 | 0 == numbertxt5) { /* int */
} else if (!isNaN(numbertxt5)) { /* float */
} else { /* not a number */



That is because JavaScript has only one numerical type called number. It is neither int nor float, but it behaves like both at a time. However, you do have two methods that you can use for this parseInt and parseFloat.


var result = parseInt($(this).parents('p').find('input:text').val());
txt[5] = result;

Using parseFloat is similar. Eg.


var result = parseFloat($(this).parents('p').find('input:text').val());
txt[5] = result;

The second example is not what you want but it is here just for your reference.


UPDATE: @bfavaretto made a good point with using radix which I omitted in parseInt. Have a look at this page for reference http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_parseint.asp
