
时间:2022-07-06 07:22:42

This started suddenly today morning.


Original lines were this


float angle = (x+90)*(M_PI/180.0);
float xx = cosf(angle);
float yy = sinf(angle);

After putting a breakpoint and hovering cursor.. I get the correct answer for yy as 1. but xx is NOT zero.

在放置断点并悬停游标之后。我得到了yy = 1的正确答案。但是xx不是零。

I tried with cosf(M_PI_2); still no luck.. it was working fine till yesterday.. I did not change any compiler setting etc..

我试着与cosf(M_PI_2);仍然没有运气. .到昨天为止一切都很好。我没有改变任何编译器设置等。

I am using Xcode latest version as of todays date


6 个解决方案



Contrary to what others have said, this is not an x87 co-processor issue. XCode uses SSE for floating-point computation on Intel by default (except for long double arithmetic).


The "problem" is: when you write cosf(M_PI_2), you are actually telling the XCode compiler (gcc or llvm-gcc or clang) to do the following:


  1. Look up the expansion of M_PI_2 in <math.h>. Per the POSIX standard, it is a double precision literal that converts to the correctly rounded value of π/2.
  2. 中查找M_PI_2的展开。/ POSIX标准,这是一个双精度文字转换到正确的π/ 2的价值。
  3. Round the converted double precision value to single precision.
  4. 将转换后的双精度值改为单精度。
  5. Call the math library function cosf on the single precision value.
  6. 在单个精度值上调用数学库函数cosf。

Note that, throughout this process, you are not operating on the actual value of π/2. You are instead operating on that value rounded to a representable floating-point number. While cos(π/2) is exactly zero, you are not telling the compiler to do that computation. You are instead telling the compiler to do cos(π/2 + tiny), where tiny is the difference between the rounded value (float)M_PI_2 and the (unrepresentable) exact value of π/2. If cos is computed with no error at all, the result of cos(π/2 + tiny) is approximately -tiny. If it returned zero, that would be an error.

注意,在整个过程中,你没有操作π/ 2的实际价值。相反,您将对该值进行操作,该值四舍五入为一个可表示的浮点数。虽然因为(π/ 2)就是零,你不是告诉编译器做计算。你不是告诉编译器做cos(π/ 2 +小),在小圆之间的差异值(浮动)M_PI_2和(unrepresentable)π/ 2的精确值。如果因为没有计算错误,结果因为(π/ 2 +小)大约是微型。如果它返回0,那将是一个错误。

edit: a step-by-step expansion of the computation on an Intel mac with the current XCode compiler:

编辑:使用当前的XCode编译器在Intel mac上逐步扩展计算:

M_PI_2 is defined to be



but that's not actually a representable double precision number. When the compiler converts it to a double precision value it becomes exactly



This is the closest double-precision number to π/2, but it differs from the actual mathematical value of π/2 by about 6.12*10^(-17).

这是最近的双精度数π/ 2,但它不同于π/ 2的实际数学价值约为6.12 * 10 ^(-17)。

Step (2) rounds this number to single-precision, which changes the value to exactly



Which is approximately π/2 + 4.37*10^(-8). When we compute cosf of this number then, we get:

这大约是π/ 2 + 4.37 * 10 ^(8)。当我们计算这个数的cosf时,我们得到:


which is very nearly the exact value of cosine evaluated at that point:



In fact, it is the correctly rounded result; there is no value that the computation could have returned that would be more accurate. The only error here is that the computation that you asked the compiler to perform is different from the computation that you thought you were asking it to do.




The first thing to notice is that you're using floats. These are inherently inaccurate, and for most calculations give you only a close approximation of the mathematically-correct answer. Assuming that x in your code has value 0, angle will have a close approximation to π/2. xx will therefore have an approximation to cos(π/2). However, this is unlikely to be exactly zero due to approximation and rounding issues.

首先要注意的是你使用的是浮点数。这些问题本质上是不准确的,而且对于大多数计算,你只能得到数学上正确答案的近似。假设x代码值0,角有近似的π/ 2。xx将因此有近似cos(π/ 2)。然而,由于近似和舍入问题,这个值不太可能是零。

If you were able to change your code to us doubles rather than floats you're likely to get more accuracy, and an answer nearer zero. However, if it is important for your code to produce a value of exactly zero at this point, you're going to have to rethink how you're doing the calculations.


If this doesn't answer your particular problem, give us some more details and we'll have another think.




I suspect the answer is as near as damnit to 0 as not to be worth worrying about.


If i run the same thing through I get the answer "-4.3711388e-008" which can also be written as "-0.000000043711388". Which is pretty damned close to 0. Definitely near enough to not worry about it being out at the 8th decimal place.


Edit: Further to what LiraLuna is saying I wrote the following piece of x87 assembler under visual studio

编辑:进一步说明LiraLuna所说的,我在visual studio下编写了以下x87汇编程序

    float fRes;
    fadd st, st(1)
    fdiv st, st(1)
    fstp [fRes]
char str[16];
sprintf( str, "%f", fRes );

Basically this uses the x87's fcos instruction to do a cosine of pi/2. the value held in str is "0.000000"

基本上这个用x87的fcos指令做cos /2。str中的值为“0.000000”

This, however, is not actually what fcos returned. It ACTUALLY returned 6.1230318e-017. This implies that the error occurs at the 17th decimal place and, lets be honest, thats far less significant than the standard debug cosf above.

然而,这并不是fcos返回的结果。它实际上返回6.1230318 e - 017。这意味着错误出现在第17位小数,老实说,这远没有上面标准的debug cosf那么重要。

As SSE3 has no specific cosine instruction I suspect (though i cannot confirm without seeing the assembler generated) that it is either using its own taylor series expansion or it is using the fcos instruction anyway. Either way you are still unlikely to get better precision than the error occurring at the 17th decimal place, in my opinion.




The only thing I can think of is a malicious macro substituion i.e. M_PI_2 is no longer 1.57079632679489661923.


Try calling cosf( 1.57079632679489661923 ) to test this.




The real thing you should be careful about is the sign of cosine. Make sure it is the same as you expected. E.g. if you operate with angles between 0 and pi/2. make sure that what you use as PI_2 is less that actual value of pi/2!


And the difference between 0.000001 and 0.0 is less than you think.




The reason

What you are experiencing is the infamous x87 math co-processor float truncate 'bug' - or rather - a feature. IEEE floats have an amazing range of numbers, but at a cost. They sacrifice precession for high range.


They are not inaccurate as you think, though - this is a semi-myth generate by Intel's x87 chip design, that internally uses 80bit internal representation for floats - they have far superior precession though a bit slower.


When you perform a float comparison, x87 caches the float as an 80bit float, then when it's stack is full, it saves the 32bit representation in RAM, decreasing accuracy by a large degree.


The solution

x87 is old, really old. It's replacement is SSE. SSE computes 32bit floats and 64bit floats natively, leading to minimal precession lost on math. Please note that precession issues with floats still exist, but printf("%f\n", cosf(M_PI_2)); should be zero. Heck - even float comparison with SSE is accurate again! (unlike x87).


Since latest Xcode is actually GCC 4.2.1, use the compiler switch -msse3 -mfpmath=sse and see how you get a perfectly round 0.00000 (Note: if you get -0.00000, do not worry, it's perfectly fine and still equals 0.00000 under the IEEE spec (read more at this wikipedia article)).

由于最新的Xcode实际上是GCC 4.2.1,使用编译器开关-msse3 -mfpmath=sse,看看如何得到一个完美的圆形0.00000(注意:如果得到-0.00000,不要担心,它非常好,在IEEE规范下仍然等于0.00000。

All Intel macs are guaranteed to have SSE3 support (OSx86 Macs excluded, if you want to support those, use -msse2).

所有的英特尔mac电脑都保证有SSE3支持(如果你想支持这些,使用-msse2的话,OSx86 mac除外)。



Contrary to what others have said, this is not an x87 co-processor issue. XCode uses SSE for floating-point computation on Intel by default (except for long double arithmetic).


The "problem" is: when you write cosf(M_PI_2), you are actually telling the XCode compiler (gcc or llvm-gcc or clang) to do the following:


  1. Look up the expansion of M_PI_2 in <math.h>. Per the POSIX standard, it is a double precision literal that converts to the correctly rounded value of π/2.
  2. 中查找M_PI_2的展开。/ POSIX标准,这是一个双精度文字转换到正确的π/ 2的价值。
  3. Round the converted double precision value to single precision.
  4. 将转换后的双精度值改为单精度。
  5. Call the math library function cosf on the single precision value.
  6. 在单个精度值上调用数学库函数cosf。

Note that, throughout this process, you are not operating on the actual value of π/2. You are instead operating on that value rounded to a representable floating-point number. While cos(π/2) is exactly zero, you are not telling the compiler to do that computation. You are instead telling the compiler to do cos(π/2 + tiny), where tiny is the difference between the rounded value (float)M_PI_2 and the (unrepresentable) exact value of π/2. If cos is computed with no error at all, the result of cos(π/2 + tiny) is approximately -tiny. If it returned zero, that would be an error.

注意,在整个过程中,你没有操作π/ 2的实际价值。相反,您将对该值进行操作,该值四舍五入为一个可表示的浮点数。虽然因为(π/ 2)就是零,你不是告诉编译器做计算。你不是告诉编译器做cos(π/ 2 +小),在小圆之间的差异值(浮动)M_PI_2和(unrepresentable)π/ 2的精确值。如果因为没有计算错误,结果因为(π/ 2 +小)大约是微型。如果它返回0,那将是一个错误。

edit: a step-by-step expansion of the computation on an Intel mac with the current XCode compiler:

编辑:使用当前的XCode编译器在Intel mac上逐步扩展计算:

M_PI_2 is defined to be



but that's not actually a representable double precision number. When the compiler converts it to a double precision value it becomes exactly



This is the closest double-precision number to π/2, but it differs from the actual mathematical value of π/2 by about 6.12*10^(-17).

这是最近的双精度数π/ 2,但它不同于π/ 2的实际数学价值约为6.12 * 10 ^(-17)。

Step (2) rounds this number to single-precision, which changes the value to exactly



Which is approximately π/2 + 4.37*10^(-8). When we compute cosf of this number then, we get:

这大约是π/ 2 + 4.37 * 10 ^(8)。当我们计算这个数的cosf时,我们得到:


which is very nearly the exact value of cosine evaluated at that point:



In fact, it is the correctly rounded result; there is no value that the computation could have returned that would be more accurate. The only error here is that the computation that you asked the compiler to perform is different from the computation that you thought you were asking it to do.




The first thing to notice is that you're using floats. These are inherently inaccurate, and for most calculations give you only a close approximation of the mathematically-correct answer. Assuming that x in your code has value 0, angle will have a close approximation to π/2. xx will therefore have an approximation to cos(π/2). However, this is unlikely to be exactly zero due to approximation and rounding issues.

首先要注意的是你使用的是浮点数。这些问题本质上是不准确的,而且对于大多数计算,你只能得到数学上正确答案的近似。假设x代码值0,角有近似的π/ 2。xx将因此有近似cos(π/ 2)。然而,由于近似和舍入问题,这个值不太可能是零。

If you were able to change your code to us doubles rather than floats you're likely to get more accuracy, and an answer nearer zero. However, if it is important for your code to produce a value of exactly zero at this point, you're going to have to rethink how you're doing the calculations.


If this doesn't answer your particular problem, give us some more details and we'll have another think.




I suspect the answer is as near as damnit to 0 as not to be worth worrying about.


If i run the same thing through I get the answer "-4.3711388e-008" which can also be written as "-0.000000043711388". Which is pretty damned close to 0. Definitely near enough to not worry about it being out at the 8th decimal place.


Edit: Further to what LiraLuna is saying I wrote the following piece of x87 assembler under visual studio

编辑:进一步说明LiraLuna所说的,我在visual studio下编写了以下x87汇编程序

    float fRes;
    fadd st, st(1)
    fdiv st, st(1)
    fstp [fRes]
char str[16];
sprintf( str, "%f", fRes );

Basically this uses the x87's fcos instruction to do a cosine of pi/2. the value held in str is "0.000000"

基本上这个用x87的fcos指令做cos /2。str中的值为“0.000000”

This, however, is not actually what fcos returned. It ACTUALLY returned 6.1230318e-017. This implies that the error occurs at the 17th decimal place and, lets be honest, thats far less significant than the standard debug cosf above.

然而,这并不是fcos返回的结果。它实际上返回6.1230318 e - 017。这意味着错误出现在第17位小数,老实说,这远没有上面标准的debug cosf那么重要。

As SSE3 has no specific cosine instruction I suspect (though i cannot confirm without seeing the assembler generated) that it is either using its own taylor series expansion or it is using the fcos instruction anyway. Either way you are still unlikely to get better precision than the error occurring at the 17th decimal place, in my opinion.




The only thing I can think of is a malicious macro substituion i.e. M_PI_2 is no longer 1.57079632679489661923.


Try calling cosf( 1.57079632679489661923 ) to test this.




The real thing you should be careful about is the sign of cosine. Make sure it is the same as you expected. E.g. if you operate with angles between 0 and pi/2. make sure that what you use as PI_2 is less that actual value of pi/2!


And the difference between 0.000001 and 0.0 is less than you think.




The reason

What you are experiencing is the infamous x87 math co-processor float truncate 'bug' - or rather - a feature. IEEE floats have an amazing range of numbers, but at a cost. They sacrifice precession for high range.


They are not inaccurate as you think, though - this is a semi-myth generate by Intel's x87 chip design, that internally uses 80bit internal representation for floats - they have far superior precession though a bit slower.


When you perform a float comparison, x87 caches the float as an 80bit float, then when it's stack is full, it saves the 32bit representation in RAM, decreasing accuracy by a large degree.


The solution

x87 is old, really old. It's replacement is SSE. SSE computes 32bit floats and 64bit floats natively, leading to minimal precession lost on math. Please note that precession issues with floats still exist, but printf("%f\n", cosf(M_PI_2)); should be zero. Heck - even float comparison with SSE is accurate again! (unlike x87).


Since latest Xcode is actually GCC 4.2.1, use the compiler switch -msse3 -mfpmath=sse and see how you get a perfectly round 0.00000 (Note: if you get -0.00000, do not worry, it's perfectly fine and still equals 0.00000 under the IEEE spec (read more at this wikipedia article)).

由于最新的Xcode实际上是GCC 4.2.1,使用编译器开关-msse3 -mfpmath=sse,看看如何得到一个完美的圆形0.00000(注意:如果得到-0.00000,不要担心,它非常好,在IEEE规范下仍然等于0.00000。

All Intel macs are guaranteed to have SSE3 support (OSx86 Macs excluded, if you want to support those, use -msse2).

所有的英特尔mac电脑都保证有SSE3支持(如果你想支持这些,使用-msse2的话,OSx86 mac除外)。