
时间:2021-10-29 07:19:27

I have the following repeater code:


<mx:Repeater id="chapterRepeater" dataProvider="{Library.Book.Chapter}">
   <mx:FormItem label="Chapter" direction="horizontal">
      <mx:TextInput  width="100" text="{ chapterRepeater.currentItem.@Name}" 
                     change="event.currentTarget.getRepeaterItem().@Name = event.target.text"/>
      <mx:NumericStepper maximum="2000" minimum="0" value="{chapterRepeater.currentItem.@Value}" 
                    change="event.currentTarget.getRepeaterItem().@Value = event.target.value"/>
      <mx:Button label="x" width="20" click="delete event.currentTarget.getRepeaterItem()"/>

Acting on the following XML


<Library Name="TestLibrary1">
   <Book Name="TestBook1">
      <Chapter Name="TestChapter1" Words="530"/>
      <Chapter Name="TestChapter2" Words="490"/>
      <Chapter Name="TestChapter3" Words="1030"/>

This allows the user to edit the names and values of the Chapter objects. However, the "delete" operation doesn't work for some reason?


Can anyone advise me as to how to reference items within a repeater in order to delete them?


1 个解决方案


Hmmm... this one has taken me a while to at least get to some sort of solution for it. In your click event (and subsequently the change events on the text area and numericStepper) you access currentTarget. CurrentTarget will actually return a reference to the button itself. As it is a button and not a repeater getRepeaterItem() would not return anything. I'm actually surprised that calling getRepeatItem() hasn't caused an error to be thrown. Needless to say that i don't think they were updating the xml.

嗯......这个花了我一段时间才至少得到某种解决方案。在您的单击事件(以及随后文本区域和numericStepper上的更改事件)中,您将访问currentTarget。 CurrentTarget实际上会返回对按钮本身的引用。由于它是一个按钮而不是转发器,因此getRepeaterItem()不会返回任何内容。我真的很惊讶,调用getRepeatItem()并没有导致抛出错误。不用说我不认为他们正在更新xml。

My solution externalises the FormItem into it's own component (as that way, when click is fired i can bubble the event from the FormItem. That way i always know what formItem the event has come from) and then removes the item via an xmlListCollection.


So i have a separate component called ChapterFormItem.mxml which contains


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:FormItem xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
            private var _chapterData : XML;

            public function get chapterData() : XML
                return _chapterData;

            public function set chapterData(value : XML) : void
                _chapterData = value;   

            private function clickHandler(event : MouseEvent) : void
                dispatchEvent(new Event("deleteChapter"));

            private function textInputChangeHandler(event : Event) : void
                chapterData.@Name = textInput.text;

            private function numericStepperChangeHandler(event : Event) : void
                chapterData.@Value = numericStepper.value;

        [Event(name="deleteChapter", type="flash.events.Event")]

    <mx:TextInput id="textInput" width="100" text="{chapterData.@Name}" change="textInputChangeHandler(event)"/>
    <mx:NumericStepper id="numericStepper" maximum="2000" minimum="0" value="{chapterData.@Value}" change="numericStepperChangeHandler(event)"/>
    <mx:Button label="x" width="20" click="clickHandler(event)"/>

and in the main application xml (for this example) i have


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical" xmlns:local="*">
            import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;

        import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

        private var xml:XML = <Library Name="TestLibrary1">
                                   <Book Name="TestBook1">
                                      <Chapter Name="TestChapter1" Words="530"/>
                                      <Chapter Name="TestChapter2" Words="490"/>
                                      <Chapter Name="TestChapter3" Words="1030"/>

        private function itemDeleteHandler(event : Event) : void

            var chapterItem : ChapterFormItem = event.currentTarget as ChapterFormItem;
            var chapterData : XML = chapterItem.chapterData;

            var xmlListCollection : XMLListCollection = new XMLListCollection(xml.Book.Chapter);
            var chapterDataIndex : int = xmlListCollection.getItemIndex(chapterData);



    <mx:Form width="100%" height="100%">

       <mx:Repeater id="chapterRepeater" dataProvider="{xml.Book.Chapter}">
          <local:ChapterFormItem label="Chapter" 
                                 deleteChapter="itemDeleteHandler(event)"  />




Hmmm... this one has taken me a while to at least get to some sort of solution for it. In your click event (and subsequently the change events on the text area and numericStepper) you access currentTarget. CurrentTarget will actually return a reference to the button itself. As it is a button and not a repeater getRepeaterItem() would not return anything. I'm actually surprised that calling getRepeatItem() hasn't caused an error to be thrown. Needless to say that i don't think they were updating the xml.

嗯......这个花了我一段时间才至少得到某种解决方案。在您的单击事件(以及随后文本区域和numericStepper上的更改事件)中,您将访问currentTarget。 CurrentTarget实际上会返回对按钮本身的引用。由于它是一个按钮而不是转发器,因此getRepeaterItem()不会返回任何内容。我真的很惊讶,调用getRepeatItem()并没有导致抛出错误。不用说我不认为他们正在更新xml。

My solution externalises the FormItem into it's own component (as that way, when click is fired i can bubble the event from the FormItem. That way i always know what formItem the event has come from) and then removes the item via an xmlListCollection.


So i have a separate component called ChapterFormItem.mxml which contains


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:FormItem xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
            private var _chapterData : XML;

            public function get chapterData() : XML
                return _chapterData;

            public function set chapterData(value : XML) : void
                _chapterData = value;   

            private function clickHandler(event : MouseEvent) : void
                dispatchEvent(new Event("deleteChapter"));

            private function textInputChangeHandler(event : Event) : void
                chapterData.@Name = textInput.text;

            private function numericStepperChangeHandler(event : Event) : void
                chapterData.@Value = numericStepper.value;

        [Event(name="deleteChapter", type="flash.events.Event")]

    <mx:TextInput id="textInput" width="100" text="{chapterData.@Name}" change="textInputChangeHandler(event)"/>
    <mx:NumericStepper id="numericStepper" maximum="2000" minimum="0" value="{chapterData.@Value}" change="numericStepperChangeHandler(event)"/>
    <mx:Button label="x" width="20" click="clickHandler(event)"/>

and in the main application xml (for this example) i have


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical" xmlns:local="*">
            import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;

        import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

        private var xml:XML = <Library Name="TestLibrary1">
                                   <Book Name="TestBook1">
                                      <Chapter Name="TestChapter1" Words="530"/>
                                      <Chapter Name="TestChapter2" Words="490"/>
                                      <Chapter Name="TestChapter3" Words="1030"/>

        private function itemDeleteHandler(event : Event) : void

            var chapterItem : ChapterFormItem = event.currentTarget as ChapterFormItem;
            var chapterData : XML = chapterItem.chapterData;

            var xmlListCollection : XMLListCollection = new XMLListCollection(xml.Book.Chapter);
            var chapterDataIndex : int = xmlListCollection.getItemIndex(chapterData);



    <mx:Form width="100%" height="100%">

       <mx:Repeater id="chapterRepeater" dataProvider="{xml.Book.Chapter}">
          <local:ChapterFormItem label="Chapter" 
                                 deleteChapter="itemDeleteHandler(event)"  />

