为什么PHPEd中的代码洞察不能与Zend Framework一起使用?

时间:2021-04-17 07:21:01

I am currently working with the Zend Framework and I use PHPEd as my favourite PHP editor. I have already seen that the IDE can trace my own functions and libraries and display them in the code insight. How can I add the libraries of Zend Framework to the code insight?

我目前正在使用Zend Framework,我使用PHPEd作为我最喜欢的PHP编辑器。我已经看到IDE可以跟踪我自己的函数和库,并在代码洞察中显示它们。如何将Zend Framework库添加到代码洞察中?

They are loaded with a internal autoload function of the Zend Framework, so PHPEd can't find the points where they are included and doesn't show them in the list of functions. Is there a possibility to tell PHPEd always to show the Zend Framework functions and classes in the code insight?

它们加载了Zend Framework的内部自动加载功能,因此PHPEd无法找到包含它们的点,也不会在函数列表中显示它们。是否有可能告诉PHPEd始终在代码洞察中显示Zend Framework函数和类?

3 个解决方案


Okay, after reinstalling NuSphere a third time it finally works. I have no clue why...



It worked fine for me in PhpED when I tried ZF code, from the beginning. To have any 3rd party code appeared in Code Insight, you need to either include corresponding directory into the project list of additional directories or just place the directory with code as a project subdirectory. Then open Code Explorer and check for the framework classes. If they don't appear (for any reason) for longer than 5-6sec, just press refresh in the popup.

从一开始我尝试使用ZF代码时,它在PhpED中运行正常。要在Code Insight中显示任何第三方代码,您需要将相应的目录包含在其他目录的项目列表中,或者只需将包含代码的目录作为项目子目录。然后打开Code Explorer并检查框架类。如果它们(出于任何原因)没有出现超过5-6秒,只需在弹出窗口中按刷新。


They (NuSphere) just released PhpED V11.0 which has full support for ZF etc. - http://www.nusphere.com/products/php_frameworks.htm

他们(NuSphere)刚刚发布了PhpED V11.0,它完全支持ZF等。 - http://www.nusphere.com/products/php_frameworks.htm


Okay, after reinstalling NuSphere a third time it finally works. I have no clue why...



It worked fine for me in PhpED when I tried ZF code, from the beginning. To have any 3rd party code appeared in Code Insight, you need to either include corresponding directory into the project list of additional directories or just place the directory with code as a project subdirectory. Then open Code Explorer and check for the framework classes. If they don't appear (for any reason) for longer than 5-6sec, just press refresh in the popup.

从一开始我尝试使用ZF代码时,它在PhpED中运行正常。要在Code Insight中显示任何第三方代码,您需要将相应的目录包含在其他目录的项目列表中,或者只需将包含代码的目录作为项目子目录。然后打开Code Explorer并检查框架类。如果它们(出于任何原因)没有出现超过5-6秒,只需在弹出窗口中按刷新。


They (NuSphere) just released PhpED V11.0 which has full support for ZF etc. - http://www.nusphere.com/products/php_frameworks.htm

他们(NuSphere)刚刚发布了PhpED V11.0,它完全支持ZF等。 - http://www.nusphere.com/products/php_frameworks.htm