
时间:2021-07-30 07:21:51

quick question


Can you use the free() function without having to prior call a malloc ??




void someFunc( void )
   char str[6] = {"Hello"};

   //some processing here ....


I get no compiling errors but Does this work or is it correct at all ?


Thank you,


5 个解决方案



This is not at all correct:


  1. You cannot free a static array such as char str[6].
  2. 不能释放静态数组,如char str[6]。
  3. free() should only be called on memory you allocated (or on NULL).
  4. free()应该只在分配的内存(或NULL)上调用。



When you call malloc() or any other allocation function, memory will be allocated on the heap. This is the only memory that can be freed. When you declare a static string, as you've done in your example, the string is allocated at compile time in another memory segment. The same goes for the str pointer itself which is allocated on the stack, and thus cannot be freed either.




Using free on a non-malloc'd variable will result in a Segfault generally. Example:


#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
  char str[6] = {"Hello"};

$ gcc test.c -o test

美元gcc测试。c - o测试

$ ./test


Segmentation fault




free() uses data prepended to the allocated block to manage the heap. If the memory pointed to was not allocated by a heap allocation function such as malloc() or calloc(), then the data preceeding the block will be meaningless as heap management data.


Some libraries will detect invalid heap data and yieled a runtime error, otherwise the behaviour is undefined. Often the consequences of such an error will remain unnoticed until you later attempt to allocate further memory. This can make debugging such errors very difficult.


You would not get a compiler error because it is not a syntactic error and is not detectable at compile time. The compiler has no knowledge of the semantics of library functions. All it knows is that malloc() returns a void* and that free() accepts a void*; there is no way of knowing at compile time whether the pointer refers to a dynamically allocated block because the memory is by definition allocated at runtime. Also a pointer may be modified at runtime to point to any memory type, or may be aliased - copied to another pointer and then free'd through the second pointer. You expect a lot of the compiler if you expect an error message; however some static analysis tools may be able to warn if such an error may occur, and dynamic analysis tools such as valgrind may detect the error when and if it actually occurs during testing.





The free(3) function takes a void * parameter, so you can pass it any sort of pointer without a compile-time error. But bad things will happen if the pointer wasn't originally returned by malloc(3) and never previously given back to free(3).

free(3)函数接受void *参数,因此您可以传递任何类型的指针,而不会出现编译时错误。但是,如果指针最初不是由malloc(3)返回,并且之前从未返回到free(3),那么就会发生糟糕的事情。



This is not at all correct:


  1. You cannot free a static array such as char str[6].
  2. 不能释放静态数组,如char str[6]。
  3. free() should only be called on memory you allocated (or on NULL).
  4. free()应该只在分配的内存(或NULL)上调用。



When you call malloc() or any other allocation function, memory will be allocated on the heap. This is the only memory that can be freed. When you declare a static string, as you've done in your example, the string is allocated at compile time in another memory segment. The same goes for the str pointer itself which is allocated on the stack, and thus cannot be freed either.




Using free on a non-malloc'd variable will result in a Segfault generally. Example:


#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
  char str[6] = {"Hello"};

$ gcc test.c -o test

美元gcc测试。c - o测试

$ ./test


Segmentation fault




free() uses data prepended to the allocated block to manage the heap. If the memory pointed to was not allocated by a heap allocation function such as malloc() or calloc(), then the data preceeding the block will be meaningless as heap management data.


Some libraries will detect invalid heap data and yieled a runtime error, otherwise the behaviour is undefined. Often the consequences of such an error will remain unnoticed until you later attempt to allocate further memory. This can make debugging such errors very difficult.


You would not get a compiler error because it is not a syntactic error and is not detectable at compile time. The compiler has no knowledge of the semantics of library functions. All it knows is that malloc() returns a void* and that free() accepts a void*; there is no way of knowing at compile time whether the pointer refers to a dynamically allocated block because the memory is by definition allocated at runtime. Also a pointer may be modified at runtime to point to any memory type, or may be aliased - copied to another pointer and then free'd through the second pointer. You expect a lot of the compiler if you expect an error message; however some static analysis tools may be able to warn if such an error may occur, and dynamic analysis tools such as valgrind may detect the error when and if it actually occurs during testing.





The free(3) function takes a void * parameter, so you can pass it any sort of pointer without a compile-time error. But bad things will happen if the pointer wasn't originally returned by malloc(3) and never previously given back to free(3).

free(3)函数接受void *参数,因此您可以传递任何类型的指针,而不会出现编译时错误。但是,如果指针最初不是由malloc(3)返回,并且之前从未返回到free(3),那么就会发生糟糕的事情。