I have an assignment to clean up a linked list by "deleting" any nodes that contain a value less than a certain number (lets say 10). Its a bit more difficult than expected, since the nodes are not in order in memory. See below
.word 15
.word n1
.word 12
.word n3
.word 27
.word n7
.word 22
.word n4
.word 1
.word n2
.word 34
.word n6
.word 6
.word -1 # logical end of the list
.word 9
.word n5
If the head points to address "268500992", which contains 15, and the next location four bits away contains the pointer to the next node (called n1), how can I get the value from n1?
I have tried the following but it is loading an address (the pointer of the 1st node or address of n1) into $t0 instead of the value at that address.
我尝试了以下内容,但它将地址(第一个节点的指针或n1的地址)加载到$ t0而不是该地址的值。
la $a0,list
addi $a0, $a0, 4
lw $t0,0($a0)
1 个解决方案
Don't forget that la $a0,list
will load a pointer to list. A subsequent lw $t0,0($a0)
will load the value of the head node, and lw $t0,4($a0)
(or the operation you did), will load the pointer to the next node. You are still is the head node, but now $t0
points to the node 1. The best thing to do would be to use lw $a0,4($a0)
to go to the next node. To retrieve its value you still need to do lw $t0,0($a0)
不要忘记la $ a0,list会加载一个指向列表的指针。随后的lw $ t0,0($ a0)将加载头节点的值,并且lw $ t0,4($ a0)(或您执行的操作)将加载指向下一个节点的指针。你仍然是头节点,但现在$ t0指向节点1.最好的办法是使用lw $ a0,4($ a0)转到下一个节点。要检索其值,您仍需要执行lw $ t0,0($ a0)。
Don't forget that la $a0,list
will load a pointer to list. A subsequent lw $t0,0($a0)
will load the value of the head node, and lw $t0,4($a0)
(or the operation you did), will load the pointer to the next node. You are still is the head node, but now $t0
points to the node 1. The best thing to do would be to use lw $a0,4($a0)
to go to the next node. To retrieve its value you still need to do lw $t0,0($a0)
不要忘记la $ a0,list会加载一个指向列表的指针。随后的lw $ t0,0($ a0)将加载头节点的值,并且lw $ t0,4($ a0)(或您执行的操作)将加载指向下一个节点的指针。你仍然是头节点,但现在$ t0指向节点1.最好的办法是使用lw $ a0,4($ a0)转到下一个节点。要检索其值,您仍需要执行lw $ t0,0($ a0)。