链接列表 - 堆栈构建 - C - 本教程是否正确

时间:2022-10-04 07:21:26

I am trying to work a through a computer science course on coursebuffet.com, which referred me to saylor.org, which gave me this to learn about how to implement a stack with a linked list in C.


First, I think I understood the concept, but if you'd be so kind and scroll down in the link you will find at the end of it a link to a main file, with which you should test your implementation of it. And what absolutely baffles me for the last two days (yeah, that's how much time I already sank in this one problem) is the following passage:


   * Initialize the stack.  Make it at least
   * big enough to hold the string we read in.
StackInit(&stack, strlen(str));

I can't understand how to initialise a linked list. I mean, that's against its concept, isn't it? I would need to create struct Elements before filling them with push commands, but if I do that, I need to follow the stack in two directions. One directions for pushing it and the opposite direction for popping it. That would need two pointers. I thought the whole concept as described here would be one data element and one pointer per ADT-unit.

我无法理解如何初始化链表。我的意思是,那是违背其概念的,不是吗?我需要在使用push命令填充它们之前创建struct Elements,但是如果我这样做,我需要在两个方向上跟踪堆栈。推动它的一个方向和弹出它的相反方向。那需要两个指针。我认为这里描述的整个概念将是一个数据元素和每个ADT单元一个指针。

Can someone please explain this to me?


2 个解决方案



When you initialize list to be length of the string you want to read, you will still have stack pointer pointing to the first element of the list. So basically nothing is lost. However you are correct, there is no point of doing something like that.


There is no need for double linked list. Stack pointer will always point to the first element. Basically whenever you want to push() you will add new node to the beginning of the list, and whenever you want to pop() you will remove first node of the list.




Assume stack signifies LIFO operation only. i.e last in will be the first to get out.


Now Lets think how we would like to implement it.


First choice: Just have an fixed size internal array. In that case, you will never have the option to resize on the fly. So the comment above stack init is valid, that you should allocate a size that you think will be safe for the purpose.


Second Choice: Having an array, but using dynamic memory. In that case, even if you hit the limit of existing stack, you always can expand the size by realloc. So comment does not make sense.


Third Choice: Using linklist, So in theory, even if you initialize the stack with 0 size, it should expand on each node insertion, so the comment is misleading. Just to add, top is always the head of the linklist, and with every insertion, new node will become new head.


So to answer your question, the comment above is confusing and make sense only when internal implementation is array based.


But in common sense and general perception associated to Stack DS, Stack is DS which is always associated to Stack Depth. And when implementing this, its always safe to have max limit of elements that can be pushed and I guess, may be comment meant that.

但是在与Stack DS相关的常识和一般感知中,Stack是DS,它始终与Stack Depth相关联。在实现这一点时,它总是安全的,可以推送的元素的最大限制,我猜,可能是评论意味着。

To further illustrate it with an real example, you must have heard of callstack of functions, though in theory its expands but has MAX possible limit and thats the reason we see stack overflow error when we do infinite recursion.




When you initialize list to be length of the string you want to read, you will still have stack pointer pointing to the first element of the list. So basically nothing is lost. However you are correct, there is no point of doing something like that.


There is no need for double linked list. Stack pointer will always point to the first element. Basically whenever you want to push() you will add new node to the beginning of the list, and whenever you want to pop() you will remove first node of the list.




Assume stack signifies LIFO operation only. i.e last in will be the first to get out.


Now Lets think how we would like to implement it.


First choice: Just have an fixed size internal array. In that case, you will never have the option to resize on the fly. So the comment above stack init is valid, that you should allocate a size that you think will be safe for the purpose.


Second Choice: Having an array, but using dynamic memory. In that case, even if you hit the limit of existing stack, you always can expand the size by realloc. So comment does not make sense.


Third Choice: Using linklist, So in theory, even if you initialize the stack with 0 size, it should expand on each node insertion, so the comment is misleading. Just to add, top is always the head of the linklist, and with every insertion, new node will become new head.


So to answer your question, the comment above is confusing and make sense only when internal implementation is array based.


But in common sense and general perception associated to Stack DS, Stack is DS which is always associated to Stack Depth. And when implementing this, its always safe to have max limit of elements that can be pushed and I guess, may be comment meant that.

但是在与Stack DS相关的常识和一般感知中,Stack是DS,它始终与Stack Depth相关联。在实现这一点时,它总是安全的,可以推送的元素的最大限制,我猜,可能是评论意味着。

To further illustrate it with an real example, you must have heard of callstack of functions, though in theory its expands but has MAX possible limit and thats the reason we see stack overflow error when we do infinite recursion.
