
时间:2020-12-12 07:19:07

I've written a linked list and when I'm doing the append to end, it seems to be going into an infinite loop.


// this function will make a node and give it a value at the end of the list
void add_at_end(struct Node* begin, int v) {
    // new node
    struct Node* temporary = begin; // pointer to start of list
    temporary->vv = v;
    temporary->nx = NULL; // latest node
    if (begin == NULL) { // this will make a new list if it is empty
        begin = temporary;
    struct Node* iterate = begin;
    while (iterate->nx != NULL) { iterate = iterate->nx; }
    iterate->nx = temporary;

I call it using:


struct Node alpha;
add_at_end(&alpha, 1);

Why is this throwing an infinite loop?


1 个解决方案



  • alpha is not initalized, it contains garbage, including the next pointer. Access the content is undefined behaviour, which could result in an infinite loop... or crash.. or whatever.
  • alpha不是初始化的,它包含垃圾,包括下一个指针。访问内容是未定义的行为,这可能导致无限循环...或崩溃..或其他。
  • begin = temporary; this will set the variable in the local scope, and won't have any effect on what you've passed to the function. You could either pass a pointer to the pointer (**), or pass an existing node to the function (in which case there's no need to check). You are doing a mix of these which doesn't make sense.
  • begin = temporary;这将在本地范围内设置变量,并且不会对传递给函数的内容产生任何影响。您可以将指针传递给指针(**),也可以将现有节点传递给函数(在这种情况下无需检查)。你正在混合使用这些没有意义的东西。
  • It's very inefficient to traverse the whole list just to add an element. You should maintain a link to the last node, so that it becomes an O(1) operation.
  • 遍历整个列表只是为了添加一个元素是非常低效的。您应保持指向最后一个节点的链接,以使其成为O(1)操作。



  • alpha is not initalized, it contains garbage, including the next pointer. Access the content is undefined behaviour, which could result in an infinite loop... or crash.. or whatever.
  • alpha不是初始化的,它包含垃圾,包括下一个指针。访问内容是未定义的行为,这可能导致无限循环...或崩溃..或其他。
  • begin = temporary; this will set the variable in the local scope, and won't have any effect on what you've passed to the function. You could either pass a pointer to the pointer (**), or pass an existing node to the function (in which case there's no need to check). You are doing a mix of these which doesn't make sense.
  • begin = temporary;这将在本地范围内设置变量,并且不会对传递给函数的内容产生任何影响。您可以将指针传递给指针(**),也可以将现有节点传递给函数(在这种情况下无需检查)。你正在混合使用这些没有意义的东西。
  • It's very inefficient to traverse the whole list just to add an element. You should maintain a link to the last node, so that it becomes an O(1) operation.
  • 遍历整个列表只是为了添加一个元素是非常低效的。您应保持指向最后一个节点的链接,以使其成为O(1)操作。