
时间:2020-12-12 07:19:19

In Java's LinkedList implementation, I see two methods which seems to me like having identical functions.


getFirst() --Returns the first element in this list.


peekFirst() --Retrieves, but does not remove, the first element of this list, or returns null if this list is empty.


Both of them get the pointer to the First element in the LinkedList without making any changes to it. Then, what's the difference ?


The only difference I see is that peekFirst returns null if the list is empty and getFirst throws a NoSuchElementException if the list is empty. What was the use of such a design pattern ?


3 个解决方案



Java introduced LinkedList in version 1.2. This is when the getFirst method has been provided. This message threw NoSuchElementException when the list is empty, causing programmers to do an extra check before the call:


Element e = null;
if (!myList.isEmpty()) {
     e = myList.getFirst();

This was an inconvenience, which has been fixed in Java version 1.6 by adding the peekFirst method and other methods of the Dequeue<T> interface.

这是一个麻烦,在Java版本1.6中通过添加Dequeue 接口的peekFirst方法和其他方法来修复。



Only one reson: 1) It reduces the Exception Handling while development

只有一个reson: 1)它减少了开发时的异常处理

 public E peekFirst() {
     if (size==0)
        return null;

     return getFirst();

Above is the implementation of peekFirst(), it just check the size ZERO, and returns NULL instead of throwing Exception




LinkedList is a Deque. Deque API defines methods which exist in two forms: one throws an exception if the operation fails, the other returns a special value (either null or false, depending on the operation).

链表是一个双端队列。Deque API定义了以两种形式存在的方法:一种方法在操作失败时抛出异常,另一种方法返回一个特殊值(根据操作的不同,要么为null,要么为false)。



Java introduced LinkedList in version 1.2. This is when the getFirst method has been provided. This message threw NoSuchElementException when the list is empty, causing programmers to do an extra check before the call:


Element e = null;
if (!myList.isEmpty()) {
     e = myList.getFirst();

This was an inconvenience, which has been fixed in Java version 1.6 by adding the peekFirst method and other methods of the Dequeue<T> interface.

这是一个麻烦,在Java版本1.6中通过添加Dequeue 接口的peekFirst方法和其他方法来修复。



Only one reson: 1) It reduces the Exception Handling while development

只有一个reson: 1)它减少了开发时的异常处理

 public E peekFirst() {
     if (size==0)
        return null;

     return getFirst();

Above is the implementation of peekFirst(), it just check the size ZERO, and returns NULL instead of throwing Exception




LinkedList is a Deque. Deque API defines methods which exist in two forms: one throws an exception if the operation fails, the other returns a special value (either null or false, depending on the operation).

链表是一个双端队列。Deque API定义了以两种形式存在的方法:一种方法在操作失败时抛出异常,另一种方法返回一个特殊值(根据操作的不同,要么为null,要么为false)。