I have a sample code which makes use of template programming, it runs fine on linux. But when I try to bring it to windows with visual studio 12, I got compile error about template argument deduction. Here is the fraction of code that cause the error:
我有一个使用模板编程的示例代码,它在linux上运行良好。但是当我尝试将它带进visual studio 12的windows时,我得到了关于模板参数演绎的编译错误。下面是导致错误的代码片段:
template <int I>
class assign_array
template <typename U, unsigned N>
static inline void run(improved_builtin<U, N>& a, const U b[N])
// do sth
template <template <int> class A, int I, int E>
struct loop_iter
template <typename U, typename V>
static inline void iter(U& a, V& b)
A<I>::run(a, b); // get error here
template <typename T, unsigned N>
improved_builtin<T, N>::improved_builtin(const T v[N])
loop_iter<assign_array, 0, N - 1>::iter(*this, v);
The error occurs at A::run(a, b) => assign_array<0>::run(improved_builtin &,const U [N])' : could not deduce template argument for 'const U [N]' from 'const int *'
错误发生在A:::run(A, b) => assign_array<0>::run(ved_builtin &,const U [N])':无法从“const int *”中推导出“const U [N]”的模板参数
And I have noticed something strange in the error message which is improved_builtin. In the assign_array class, the signature of the first argument should be improved_builtin. I have no idea why US appears there. Anyone has any idea about this error?
2 个解决方案
When you pass an array in to a function it will decay to a pointer, so you will lose the size that you are trying to deduce a template argument from. Passing the array by reference will preserve the type and allow the deduction to take place:
static inline void run(improved_builtin<U, N>& a, const U (&b)[N])
// take by reference ^
The reason that g++ (and clang) are able to compile your example anyway is that they use your improved_builtin
argument to deduce the type of U
and the value of N
instead of the array type. For some reason VS2012 doesn't do this and tries to deduce from the array, which isn't valid because it has decayed. If you didn't have that improved_builtin
argument, your example wouldn't compile at all.
The solution is as mentioned by TartanLlama and Johny in the comments. But chose TartanLlama's soltution cause it's easier to modify:
"Changing improved_builtin and run to take the array by reference instead might work: const T (&v)[N] and const U (&b)[N]"
“改变改进的结构和运行以引用数组的方式可能会起作用:const T (&v)[N]和const U (&b)[N]”
This is because passing by reference help us to preserve the array size. But I still haven't known why it can compile and run using g++.
When you pass an array in to a function it will decay to a pointer, so you will lose the size that you are trying to deduce a template argument from. Passing the array by reference will preserve the type and allow the deduction to take place:
static inline void run(improved_builtin<U, N>& a, const U (&b)[N])
// take by reference ^
The reason that g++ (and clang) are able to compile your example anyway is that they use your improved_builtin
argument to deduce the type of U
and the value of N
instead of the array type. For some reason VS2012 doesn't do this and tries to deduce from the array, which isn't valid because it has decayed. If you didn't have that improved_builtin
argument, your example wouldn't compile at all.
The solution is as mentioned by TartanLlama and Johny in the comments. But chose TartanLlama's soltution cause it's easier to modify:
"Changing improved_builtin and run to take the array by reference instead might work: const T (&v)[N] and const U (&b)[N]"
“改变改进的结构和运行以引用数组的方式可能会起作用:const T (&v)[N]和const U (&b)[N]”
This is because passing by reference help us to preserve the array size. But I still haven't known why it can compile and run using g++.