如何将第一个节点移动到链表c ++中列表的末尾

时间:2021-02-20 07:16:20

I want to take the first node of my linked list to the end of it, but so far i couldn't.


the idea that i had is to create a new node that contains the first node's info and then delete the first node, and then add the new node to the end of the list.


this is my code, but it doesn't work because i can't access the start pointer in my list since it's private:


Newnode-> = list.start->next->info;
list.RemoveFront();     //a function to remove the first node.
list.AddBack(Newnode);  //a function to add the element to the end of the list.

1 个解决方案


Are you serious?


There are two cases:


  1. Your linked list has a pointer to the last link (Very useful)
  2. 您的链表有一个指向最后一个链接的指针(非常有用)

  3. Or you don't.
  4. 或者你没有。

If you don't have a pointer to the last node, traverse the list and create one.


Here are the operations:


  1. Temp points to first node.
  2. Temp指向第一个节点。

  3. Change Head to point to 2nd Node.
  4. 将头改为指向第二节点。

  5. Set the Temp node to point to nil or null.
  6. 将Temp节点设置为指向nil或null。

  7. Make the last node point to the temp node.
  8. 使最后一个节点指向临时节点。

  9. Make the Tail pointer point to the temp node.
  10. 使Tail指针指向temp节点。

Please draw this out. Linked lists are always easier to understand when you draw them.



Are you serious?


There are two cases:


  1. Your linked list has a pointer to the last link (Very useful)
  2. 您的链表有一个指向最后一个链接的指针(非常有用)

  3. Or you don't.
  4. 或者你没有。

If you don't have a pointer to the last node, traverse the list and create one.


Here are the operations:


  1. Temp points to first node.
  2. Temp指向第一个节点。

  3. Change Head to point to 2nd Node.
  4. 将头改为指向第二节点。

  5. Set the Temp node to point to nil or null.
  6. 将Temp节点设置为指向nil或null。

  7. Make the last node point to the temp node.
  8. 使最后一个节点指向临时节点。

  9. Make the Tail pointer point to the temp node.
  10. 使Tail指针指向temp节点。

Please draw this out. Linked lists are always easier to understand when you draw them.
