
时间:2021-02-27 07:15:53

Is there a way of listing which roles have access to a given page via code?


Example, I have a Testpage.aspx, and I wanted to list the roles allowed for this page when a user accesses the page. The URLAuthorizationManager must be able to find this out somehow, so there must be a way it knows what roles are configured in the webconfig for a page. or URL.

例如,我有一个Testpage.aspx,我想在用户访问页面时列出该页面允许的角色。 URLAuthorizationManager必须能够以某种方式找到它,因此必须有一种方法它知道在webconfig中为页面配置了哪些角色。或URL。

Here is the webconfig limiting the roles allowed to view this page.


<location path="Testpage.aspx">
        <allow roles ="admin,sales" />

If I could find a solution, it would return "admin", "sales". Any one know how I can do this? Thanks


3 个解决方案



You can use the following code inside the page where you want to obtain the information.


var section = (AuthorizationSection)
var rules = section.Rules;
var allowedRoles = rules
    .Where(r => r.Action == AuthorizationRuleAction.Allow)
    .Select(r => r.Roles).First();

The reason for the call to First() is that .NET configuration is hierarchical. Suppose you have the following web site hierarchy and configuration:


/Web.config        (<allow roles="admin,user" />)
       /Web.config (<allow roles="admin,other" />)

and you call the code above from Test.aspx.cs, then the property AuthorizationSection.Rules contains three items corresponding to respectively the configuration from /SubDir/Web.config, Web.config and machine.config. So the first element contains the roles admin and other.




My problem was very similar except I needed the ability to iterate through all of the directories and related subdirectories and display allowed roles for each web page and folder directory. I was unable to use Ronald Wildenberg's solution because we're using .Net 2.0 so we don't have the Linq functionality.

我的问题非常相似,除了我需要能够遍历所有目录和相关子目录并显示每个网页和文件夹目录的允许角色。我无法使用Ronald Wildenberg的解决方案,因为我们使用的是.Net 2.0,因此我们没有Linq功能。

His solution gave me the roadmap I needed. I also found help from from Microsoft's French IIS Support Team, Managing Forms Authentication Programmatically. I didn't want to rewrite the config files like they posted, rather we needed the ability to show the allowed roles for all directories and pages in our application. Our application is small. It has a total of 15 directories and less than 100 pages so this runs pretty quickly. Your mileage my vary depending on the size of your web site.


I started from the root directory and recursively searched for all webconfigs. I added them with their path to a string list then iterated through the list and called my ListRoles function. This function opens the web config and gets the location collection. Then it looks for the "system.web/authorization" like Ronald did. If it finds an authorization section it loops through the rules and excludes any inherited rules and focuses on AuthorizationRuleAction.Allow with associated roles:

我从根目录开始,递归搜索所有webconfigs。我将它们的路径添加到字符串列表中然后遍历列表并调用我的ListRoles函数。此功能打开Web配置并获取位置集合。然后它会像Ronald那样寻找“system.web / authorization”。如果它找到一个授权部分,它会遍历规则并排除任何继承的规则,并关注AuthorizationRuleAction.Allow以及相关的角色:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.IO;
using System.Web.Configuration;

public void DisplayWebPageRoles()
  //First walk the directories and find folders with Web.config files.
  //Start at the root
  DirectoryInfo baseDir = new DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("~/"));

  //Do a little recursion to find Web.Configs search directory and subdirs
  List<string> dirs = DirectoriesWithWebConfigFile(baseDir);

  //Replace the folder path separator except for the baseDir    
  for (int i = 0; i < dirs.Count; i++)
    dirs[i] = dirs[i].Replace(
          baseDir.FullName.Replace("\\", "/"), 
            "/" + baseDir.Name + (i > 0 ? "/" : ""));

  //Now that we have the directories, we open the Web.configs we 
  //found and find allowed roles for locations and web pages.
  for (int i = 0; i < dirs.Count; i++)
    //Display on page, save to DB, etc...

public List<string> DirectoriesWithWebConfigFile(DirectoryInfo directory)
    List<string> dirs = new List<string>();

    foreach (FileInfo file in directory.GetFiles("Web.config"))
    foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in directory.GetDirectories())
    return dirs;

private void ListRoles(string configFilePath)
    System.Configuration.Configuration configuration =

    //Get location entries in web.config file
    ConfigurationLocationCollection locCollection = configuration.Locations;

    string locPath = string.Empty;

    foreach (ConfigurationLocation loc in locCollection)
            Configuration config = loc.OpenConfiguration();
            //Get the location path so we know if the allowed roles are
            //assigned to a folder location or a web page.
            locPath = loc.Path;

            if (locPath.EndsWith(".js")) //Exclude Javascript libraries
            AuthorizationSection authSection =

            if (authSection != null)
                foreach (AuthorizationRule ar in authSection.Rules)
                    if (IsRuleInherited(ar))

                    if (ar.Action == AuthorizationRuleAction.Allow 
                        && ar.Roles != null 
                        && ar.Roles.Count > 0)
                        for (int x = 0; x < ar.Roles.Count; x++)
                            //Display on page, save to DB, etc...
                            //   configFilePath + "/web.config" + "," 
                            //   + configFilePath + "/" + locPath + "," 
                            //   + ar.Roles[x] + "<br />");
        catch (Exception ex)
           //Your Error Handling Code...


From French IIS support Team blog


private bool IsRuleInherited(AuthorizationRule rule)
    //to see if an access rule is inherited from the web.config above
    //the current one in the hierarchy, we look at two PropertyInformation
    //objects - one corresponding to roles and one corresponding to

    PropertyInformation usersProperty = rule.ElementInformation.Properties["users"];
    PropertyInformation rolesProperty = rule.ElementInformation.Properties["roles"];

    //only one of these properties will be non null. If the property
    //is equal to PropertyValueOrigin.Inherited, the this access rule
    //if not returned in this web.config
    if (usersProperty != null)
        if (usersProperty.ValueOrigin == PropertyValueOrigin.Inherited)
            return true;

    if (rolesProperty != null)
        if (rolesProperty.ValueOrigin == PropertyValueOrigin.Inherited)
            return true;

    return false;



Use the Roles.GetAllRoles() method



and here is an example where they list all roles: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2005/10/18/427754.aspx




You can use the following code inside the page where you want to obtain the information.


var section = (AuthorizationSection)
var rules = section.Rules;
var allowedRoles = rules
    .Where(r => r.Action == AuthorizationRuleAction.Allow)
    .Select(r => r.Roles).First();

The reason for the call to First() is that .NET configuration is hierarchical. Suppose you have the following web site hierarchy and configuration:


/Web.config        (<allow roles="admin,user" />)
       /Web.config (<allow roles="admin,other" />)

and you call the code above from Test.aspx.cs, then the property AuthorizationSection.Rules contains three items corresponding to respectively the configuration from /SubDir/Web.config, Web.config and machine.config. So the first element contains the roles admin and other.




My problem was very similar except I needed the ability to iterate through all of the directories and related subdirectories and display allowed roles for each web page and folder directory. I was unable to use Ronald Wildenberg's solution because we're using .Net 2.0 so we don't have the Linq functionality.

我的问题非常相似,除了我需要能够遍历所有目录和相关子目录并显示每个网页和文件夹目录的允许角色。我无法使用Ronald Wildenberg的解决方案,因为我们使用的是.Net 2.0,因此我们没有Linq功能。

His solution gave me the roadmap I needed. I also found help from from Microsoft's French IIS Support Team, Managing Forms Authentication Programmatically. I didn't want to rewrite the config files like they posted, rather we needed the ability to show the allowed roles for all directories and pages in our application. Our application is small. It has a total of 15 directories and less than 100 pages so this runs pretty quickly. Your mileage my vary depending on the size of your web site.


I started from the root directory and recursively searched for all webconfigs. I added them with their path to a string list then iterated through the list and called my ListRoles function. This function opens the web config and gets the location collection. Then it looks for the "system.web/authorization" like Ronald did. If it finds an authorization section it loops through the rules and excludes any inherited rules and focuses on AuthorizationRuleAction.Allow with associated roles:

我从根目录开始,递归搜索所有webconfigs。我将它们的路径添加到字符串列表中然后遍历列表并调用我的ListRoles函数。此功能打开Web配置并获取位置集合。然后它会像Ronald那样寻找“system.web / authorization”。如果它找到一个授权部分,它会遍历规则并排除任何继承的规则,并关注AuthorizationRuleAction.Allow以及相关的角色:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.IO;
using System.Web.Configuration;

public void DisplayWebPageRoles()
  //First walk the directories and find folders with Web.config files.
  //Start at the root
  DirectoryInfo baseDir = new DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("~/"));

  //Do a little recursion to find Web.Configs search directory and subdirs
  List<string> dirs = DirectoriesWithWebConfigFile(baseDir);

  //Replace the folder path separator except for the baseDir    
  for (int i = 0; i < dirs.Count; i++)
    dirs[i] = dirs[i].Replace(
          baseDir.FullName.Replace("\\", "/"), 
            "/" + baseDir.Name + (i > 0 ? "/" : ""));

  //Now that we have the directories, we open the Web.configs we 
  //found and find allowed roles for locations and web pages.
  for (int i = 0; i < dirs.Count; i++)
    //Display on page, save to DB, etc...

public List<string> DirectoriesWithWebConfigFile(DirectoryInfo directory)
    List<string> dirs = new List<string>();

    foreach (FileInfo file in directory.GetFiles("Web.config"))
    foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in directory.GetDirectories())
    return dirs;

private void ListRoles(string configFilePath)
    System.Configuration.Configuration configuration =

    //Get location entries in web.config file
    ConfigurationLocationCollection locCollection = configuration.Locations;

    string locPath = string.Empty;

    foreach (ConfigurationLocation loc in locCollection)
            Configuration config = loc.OpenConfiguration();
            //Get the location path so we know if the allowed roles are
            //assigned to a folder location or a web page.
            locPath = loc.Path;

            if (locPath.EndsWith(".js")) //Exclude Javascript libraries
            AuthorizationSection authSection =

            if (authSection != null)
                foreach (AuthorizationRule ar in authSection.Rules)
                    if (IsRuleInherited(ar))

                    if (ar.Action == AuthorizationRuleAction.Allow 
                        && ar.Roles != null 
                        && ar.Roles.Count > 0)
                        for (int x = 0; x < ar.Roles.Count; x++)
                            //Display on page, save to DB, etc...
                            //   configFilePath + "/web.config" + "," 
                            //   + configFilePath + "/" + locPath + "," 
                            //   + ar.Roles[x] + "<br />");
        catch (Exception ex)
           //Your Error Handling Code...


From French IIS support Team blog


private bool IsRuleInherited(AuthorizationRule rule)
    //to see if an access rule is inherited from the web.config above
    //the current one in the hierarchy, we look at two PropertyInformation
    //objects - one corresponding to roles and one corresponding to

    PropertyInformation usersProperty = rule.ElementInformation.Properties["users"];
    PropertyInformation rolesProperty = rule.ElementInformation.Properties["roles"];

    //only one of these properties will be non null. If the property
    //is equal to PropertyValueOrigin.Inherited, the this access rule
    //if not returned in this web.config
    if (usersProperty != null)
        if (usersProperty.ValueOrigin == PropertyValueOrigin.Inherited)
            return true;

    if (rolesProperty != null)
        if (rolesProperty.ValueOrigin == PropertyValueOrigin.Inherited)
            return true;

    return false;



Use the Roles.GetAllRoles() method



and here is an example where they list all roles: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2005/10/18/427754.aspx
