
时间:2022-03-11 07:15:53

I have a VS2008 application that includes a service project (I'll call it ServiceProject). I have the installation project (InstallationProject) set to RemovePreviousVersions. Additionally, I have Custom Actions set for InstallationProject, to Install, Commit, Rollback, and Uninstall the Primary output from ServiceProject.


Sometimes when I build new versions of the installer, I can install without an error. Often, when I get to the point of setting up the service (entering a username and password into the installer) - it fails with the error, "The specified service already exists".

有时,当我构建新版本的安装程序时,我可以安装而不会出错。通常,当我到达设置服务(在安装程序中输入用户名和密码)时 - 它失败并显示错误“指定的服务已存在”。

I don't know why it's inconsistent, though I've considered that maybe there is some kind of signature for the service and if the service is unmodified, it is able to remove it successfully, but with modifications, it doesn't recognize the service. However, I rarely make modifications to the service, so I doubt that's it.


How can I make my installer successfully update the service without this error? My work-around is to manually go into Control Panel, uninstall the former application, then run the installer.


5 个解决方案


In addition to making sure the file versions are different as StingyJack mentioned you have another problem. From the VS documentation (sorry, not online)


If you have set both install and uninstall custom actions in an application's setup project, and you have enabled the RemovePreviousVersions property in Visual Studio 2005, the previous version of the product is uninstalled during an upgrade. However, this behavior changed in Visual Studio 2008 as follows:

如果在应用程序的安装项目中设置了安装和卸载自定义操作,并且在Visual Studio 2005中启用了RemovePreviousVersions属性,则在升级期间将卸载以前版本的产品。但是,此行为在Visual Studio 2008中更改如下:

In Visual Studio 2005, the custom actions were called as follows on an upgrade from v1.0.0 to v1.0.1:

在Visual Studio 2005中,从v1.0.0升级到v1.0.1时,自定义操作的调用如下:

v1.0.0 custom action Uninstall()


v1.0.1 custom action Install()


In Visual Studio 2008, the uninstall action is not called, as follows:

在Visual Studio 2008中,未调用卸载操作,如下所示:

v1.0.1 custom action Install()


If you created custom actions relying on the old behavior, you need to modify your code for the new behavior. This behavior change affects only updates, not uninstalls.


So you are installing a service using a custom action - but when upgrading the Uninstall part is not being called as you expect and you are trying to Install over an existing, running version.

因此,您正在使用自定义操作安装服务 - 但是在升级时,未按预期调用卸载部件,并且您尝试在现有的正在运行的版本上进行安装。

I think that when its asking for a reboot is because it can't update the services file whilst its running.


Two options :-

两种选择: -

Add code to your Install/Commit custom action to Stop the service, wait for the installer to replace the services files and then restart the service. See PonalSuper3's answer in this thread


Put the VS2008 behaviour back to how it worked in VS2005 (the old versions Uninstall custom action is called before the new version Install) by using Orca to alter the InstallExecuteSequence.RemoveExistingProducts to be immediately after .InstallInitialize - usually you set the .RemoveExistingProducts to 1525 but check your individual MSI.

通过使用Orca将InstallExecuteSequence.RemoveExistingProducts更改为紧跟在.InstallInitialize之后,将VS2008行为恢复到它在VS2005中的工作方式(在新版本安装之前调用旧版本卸载自定义操作) - 通常将.RemoveExistingProducts设置为1525但请检查您的个人MSI。

I've added a script than you can add to your build process to change the MSI's InstallExecuteSequence



Put "Not (Installed OR PREVIOUSVERSIONSINSTALLED)" in the Custom Actions->Install Condition property.

将“Not(已安装或PREVIOUSVERSIONSINSTALLED)”放入“自定义操作” - >“安装条件”属性中。


Make sure that the assembly version of the service and the GUID (In AssemblyInfo.vb/cs) are getting changed when you deploy each new installer package. If it detects the same version then updates fail.

部署每个新的安装程序包时,请确保更改服务的程序集版本和GUID(在AssemblyInfo.vb / cs中)。如果它检测到相同版本,则更新失败。


Something that may help but was not stated in any of the above that is related to Ryan's answer. This same problem happened to me until I did this: open the .msi in Orca and locate the Upgrade table. Where the previousversioninstalled line (was the first entry in mine) is, you should see an upgrade code. Find the .msi of the program that is currently installed (the one you want to upgrade), find the upgrade code (which you can do in orca), and copy and paste it into that upgrade table for your new .msi. This did the trick for me.



Try this code in your installer class. I hope it will resolve your problem.


protected override void OnBeforeInstall(IDictionary savedState)
            if (LaunchOnBeforeInstall())
                throw new Exception("You cancelled installation");
        public bool LaunchOnBeforeInstall()
            Form2 frm2 = new Form2();
            DialogResult result = frm2.ShowDialog();
            if (result == DialogResult.Cancel)
                return false;
                return true;

And also put "NOTPREVIOUSVERSIONSINSTALLED" 当我安装新版本的软件时,如何消除“指定的服务已经存在”?



In addition to making sure the file versions are different as StingyJack mentioned you have another problem. From the VS documentation (sorry, not online)


If you have set both install and uninstall custom actions in an application's setup project, and you have enabled the RemovePreviousVersions property in Visual Studio 2005, the previous version of the product is uninstalled during an upgrade. However, this behavior changed in Visual Studio 2008 as follows:

如果在应用程序的安装项目中设置了安装和卸载自定义操作,并且在Visual Studio 2005中启用了RemovePreviousVersions属性,则在升级期间将卸载以前版本的产品。但是,此行为在Visual Studio 2008中更改如下:

In Visual Studio 2005, the custom actions were called as follows on an upgrade from v1.0.0 to v1.0.1:

在Visual Studio 2005中,从v1.0.0升级到v1.0.1时,自定义操作的调用如下:

v1.0.0 custom action Uninstall()


v1.0.1 custom action Install()


In Visual Studio 2008, the uninstall action is not called, as follows:

在Visual Studio 2008中,未调用卸载操作,如下所示:

v1.0.1 custom action Install()


If you created custom actions relying on the old behavior, you need to modify your code for the new behavior. This behavior change affects only updates, not uninstalls.


So you are installing a service using a custom action - but when upgrading the Uninstall part is not being called as you expect and you are trying to Install over an existing, running version.

因此,您正在使用自定义操作安装服务 - 但是在升级时,未按预期调用卸载部件,并且您尝试在现有的正在运行的版本上进行安装。

I think that when its asking for a reboot is because it can't update the services file whilst its running.


Two options :-

两种选择: -

Add code to your Install/Commit custom action to Stop the service, wait for the installer to replace the services files and then restart the service. See PonalSuper3's answer in this thread


Put the VS2008 behaviour back to how it worked in VS2005 (the old versions Uninstall custom action is called before the new version Install) by using Orca to alter the InstallExecuteSequence.RemoveExistingProducts to be immediately after .InstallInitialize - usually you set the .RemoveExistingProducts to 1525 but check your individual MSI.

通过使用Orca将InstallExecuteSequence.RemoveExistingProducts更改为紧跟在.InstallInitialize之后,将VS2008行为恢复到它在VS2005中的工作方式(在新版本安装之前调用旧版本卸载自定义操作) - 通常将.RemoveExistingProducts设置为1525但请检查您的个人MSI。

I've added a script than you can add to your build process to change the MSI's InstallExecuteSequence



Put "Not (Installed OR PREVIOUSVERSIONSINSTALLED)" in the Custom Actions->Install Condition property.

将“Not(已安装或PREVIOUSVERSIONSINSTALLED)”放入“自定义操作” - >“安装条件”属性中。


Make sure that the assembly version of the service and the GUID (In AssemblyInfo.vb/cs) are getting changed when you deploy each new installer package. If it detects the same version then updates fail.

部署每个新的安装程序包时,请确保更改服务的程序集版本和GUID(在AssemblyInfo.vb / cs中)。如果它检测到相同版本,则更新失败。


Something that may help but was not stated in any of the above that is related to Ryan's answer. This same problem happened to me until I did this: open the .msi in Orca and locate the Upgrade table. Where the previousversioninstalled line (was the first entry in mine) is, you should see an upgrade code. Find the .msi of the program that is currently installed (the one you want to upgrade), find the upgrade code (which you can do in orca), and copy and paste it into that upgrade table for your new .msi. This did the trick for me.



Try this code in your installer class. I hope it will resolve your problem.


protected override void OnBeforeInstall(IDictionary savedState)
            if (LaunchOnBeforeInstall())
                throw new Exception("You cancelled installation");
        public bool LaunchOnBeforeInstall()
            Form2 frm2 = new Form2();
            DialogResult result = frm2.ShowDialog();
            if (result == DialogResult.Cancel)
                return false;
                return true;

And also put "NOTPREVIOUSVERSIONSINSTALLED" 当我安装新版本的软件时,如何消除“指定的服务已经存在”?