PHP: windows上的PEAR试图打开c:\windows\ PEAR。用于编写,即使配置文件是c:\pear\梨。ini

时间:2022-01-02 07:17:01

On Windows, when I run


pear config-set auto_discover 1

梨config-set auto_discover 1

I get the following error


PEAR_Config::writeConfigFile fopen('C:\Windows\pear.ini','w') failed (fopen(C:\Windows\pear.ini): failed to open stream: Permission denied)

PEAR_Config::writeConfigFile fopen('C:\Windows\梨.ini','w')失败(fopen(C:\Windows\梨.ini):未能打开流:被拒绝的权限)

even though I had mentioned during PEAR installation that my config file was c:\pear\pear.ini.

尽管我在PEAR安装过程中提到过,我的配置文件是c:\ PEAR \ pearl .ini。

How to fix this, please (without running PEAR in admin mode or changing the permissions of c:\windows\pear.ini)? I guess my problem will be solved if I can figure out where PEAR is getting the directory for pear.ini from.

如何修复这个问题(不需要在管理模式下运行PEAR或更改c:\windows\ pearl .ini的权限)?我想如果我能弄清楚PEAR在哪里获得PEAR的目录,我的问题就可以解决了。ini。



2 个解决方案



In the PEAR installation, when I got to the step of modifying the paths I changed the path for pear.ini from C:\Windows\pear.ini to $prefix\pear.ini and I still ran into this same error. Apparently the installation script did not update everything that it needed to.


Based on a comment on a bug report for PEAR (, I added an environment variable PHP_PEAR_SYSCONF_DIR to point to my PEAR install folder (C:\php\PEAR).


I am now able to successfully run the same config-set command that you were initially attempting to run.


Note the follow-on comment on the bug report however. I only needed one PEAR installation on my machine whereas you may need multiple installations.




I was able to fix this by opening the command prompt as administrator. This is done by right-clicking on the command prompt icon and selecting 'Run as Administrator'. Once command prompt is open, navigate to your php directory and run: php go-pear.phar again. Should run without an issue.

我可以通过打开命令提示符作为管理员来解决这个问题。这是通过右键单击命令提示符图标并选择“作为管理员运行”来实现的。打开命令提示符后,导航到php目录并运行:php go-pear。phar。应该运行没有问题。

The issue is, when you open your command prompt, your current account doesn't have the privilege to write to your windows directory. Running your command prompt as administrator, will allow for writing to c:\windows


Hope this helps.




In the PEAR installation, when I got to the step of modifying the paths I changed the path for pear.ini from C:\Windows\pear.ini to $prefix\pear.ini and I still ran into this same error. Apparently the installation script did not update everything that it needed to.


Based on a comment on a bug report for PEAR (, I added an environment variable PHP_PEAR_SYSCONF_DIR to point to my PEAR install folder (C:\php\PEAR).


I am now able to successfully run the same config-set command that you were initially attempting to run.


Note the follow-on comment on the bug report however. I only needed one PEAR installation on my machine whereas you may need multiple installations.




I was able to fix this by opening the command prompt as administrator. This is done by right-clicking on the command prompt icon and selecting 'Run as Administrator'. Once command prompt is open, navigate to your php directory and run: php go-pear.phar again. Should run without an issue.

我可以通过打开命令提示符作为管理员来解决这个问题。这是通过右键单击命令提示符图标并选择“作为管理员运行”来实现的。打开命令提示符后,导航到php目录并运行:php go-pear。phar。应该运行没有问题。

The issue is, when you open your command prompt, your current account doesn't have the privilege to write to your windows directory. Running your command prompt as administrator, will allow for writing to c:\windows


Hope this helps.
