PEAR DB_DataObject实现了哪些设计模式?

时间:2021-11-22 07:17:51

DB_DataObject does not appear to be ActiveRecord because you do not necessarily store business logic in the "table" classes. It seems more like Table Data Gateway or Row Data Gateway, but I really cannot tell. What I need is good ORM layer that we can use with DataMapper and a DomainModel. Any ideas?


2 个解决方案



Follow this link to read what DB_DO is. In a nutshell, it doesn't implement a specific pattern, it just aims to provide a common interface. The idea is to not rebuild the same basic code in each project.


As for an ORM, I'd recommend Doctrine. It implements ActiveRecord.




It sounds like what you're looking for is something like IBatis for PHP. Sadly, this doesn't yet exist. I've actually written some custom DataMapper stuff based on PDO for the current application I'm working on to achieve a persistence ignorant domain layer. It's definitely more work to develop and maintain though, so I would suggest if at all possible, go with an existing data layer implementation like Doctrine for most of your needs.

听起来你正在寻找的东西就像IBatis for PHP。可悲的是,这还不存在。我实际上已经编写了一些基于PDO的自定义DataMapper东西,用于我正在努力实现持久性无知域层的当前应用程序。尽管如此,开发和维护肯定是更多的工作,因此我建议尽可能使用像Doctrine这样的现有数据层实现来满足您的大部分需求。



Follow this link to read what DB_DO is. In a nutshell, it doesn't implement a specific pattern, it just aims to provide a common interface. The idea is to not rebuild the same basic code in each project.


As for an ORM, I'd recommend Doctrine. It implements ActiveRecord.




It sounds like what you're looking for is something like IBatis for PHP. Sadly, this doesn't yet exist. I've actually written some custom DataMapper stuff based on PDO for the current application I'm working on to achieve a persistence ignorant domain layer. It's definitely more work to develop and maintain though, so I would suggest if at all possible, go with an existing data layer implementation like Doctrine for most of your needs.

听起来你正在寻找的东西就像IBatis for PHP。可悲的是,这还不存在。我实际上已经编写了一些基于PDO的自定义DataMapper东西,用于我正在努力实现持久性无知域层的当前应用程序。尽管如此,开发和维护肯定是更多的工作,因此我建议尽可能使用像Doctrine这样的现有数据层实现来满足您的大部分需求。