
时间:2021-11-22 07:17:51

I am trying to get PHPUnit up and running the following are the steps I am currently following:


### Install new PEAR Version needed for PHPUnit 3.X
### Download:  http://pear.php.net/go-pear.phar Save it under C:\xampp\php

Open a command prompt and go to C:\xampp\php
Type "php go-pear.phar" (Installs new PEAR)
Type "pear update-channels" (updates channel definitions)
Type "pear upgrade --alldeps" (upgrades all existing packages and pear)
Type "pear channel-discover components.ez.no" (this is needed for PHPUnit)
Type "pear channel-discover pear.symfony-project.com" (also needed by PHPUnit)
Type "pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de" (This IS phpunit)
Type "pear install --alldeps phpunit/PHPUnit" (installs PHPUnit and all dependencies)

This works up untill the point where I have to pear upgrade --alldeps after downloading all the bits it needs i get:#


ERROR: failed to mkdir C:\php\pear\data\Auth\Auth\Frontend
ERROR: failed to mkdir C:\php\pear\docs\Benchmark\doc
ERROR: failed to mkdir C:\php\pear\data\Cache\Container
ERROR: failed to mkdir C:\php\pear\docs\Cache_Lite\docs
ERROR: failed to mkdir C:\php\pear\docs\Calendar\docs\examples
ERROR: failed to mkdir C:\php\pear\docs\Config\docs

My PHP directory is installed under C:\xampp\php

我的PHP目录安装在C:\xampp\ PHP中

What do I need to change so that it knows the correct place to add these directories/ files?




8 个解决方案



It seems the issue is not with PHPUnit but with your pear installation in general.


The user you run the install with does not have the privileges to create the needed folders.


Ether fix those permissions or start the cmd prompt with admin privileges (windowsbutton & enter "cmd" then strg+shift+enter) and rerun the commands.

醚修复那些权限或启动具有管理权限的cmd提示符(windowsbutton & enter“cmd”然后strg+shift+enter)并重新运行命令。



To install in D:\xampp\php, set the following directory paths using pear config-set command

要安装在D:\xampp\php中,请使用pear config-set命令设置以下目录路径

cd D:\xampp\php
pear config-set doc_dir d:\xampp\php\pear\docs
pear config-set cfg_dir d:\xampp\php\pear\cfg
pear config-set data_dir d:\xampp\php\pear\data
pear config-set cache_dir d:\xampp\php\pear\cache
pear config-set download_dir d:\xampp\php\pear\download
pear config-set temp_dir d:\xampp\php\pear\temp
pear config-set test_dir d:\xampp\php\pear\tests
pear config-set www_dir d:\xampp\php\pear\www



this is a solution for a similar problem install propel orm in xampp. By default, pear tries install in c:\php\pear\data, and this folder don't exists, because pear is in c:\xampp\php\pear.

这是针对xampp中类似问题的解决方案。默认情况下,pear尝试在c:\php\pear数据中安装,但是这个文件夹不存在,因为pear在c:\xampp\php pear中。

Show pear configutarion:


pear config-show
pear config-get data_dir

Change the pear configuration to:


pear config-set data_dir c:\xampp\php\pear\data

i hope this is useful ;)




If you are on Widows 8, make sure you opened a command window as administrator, otherwise dir creation will be silently rejected by the OS !

如果您在寡妇8上,请确保您以管理员的身份打开了一个命令窗口,否则将会被操作系统拒绝创建dir !



I was able to get pear (and subsequently, phpunit) working by creating a symlink in C:\ that points to the xamp php installation directory. That makes everything that expects php to be in C:\php happy, while not breaking anything that expected php to be in xampp:

通过在C:\中创建一个指向xamp php安装目录的符号链接,我能够让pear(以及随后的phpunit)工作。这使得php的所有期望都是在C:\php中,而不是打破期望的php在xampp中的任何东西:

In cmd.exe, I typed:


C:\Windows>cd \
C:\>junction php C:\path\to\xampp\php

I updated my php.ini to use C:\php as the location for php. I then installed pear (as a local installation, not system). Once pear was installed, installing phpunit was simple:


C:\>pear channel-discover components.ez.no
C:\>pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de
C:\>pear channel-discover pear.symfony-project.com

And then finally,


C:\>pear install --alldeps phpunit/PHPUnit



This may help follow the below link: http://forum.kohanaframework.org/discussion/7346/installing-phpunit-on-windows-xampp/p1

这可能有助于遵循以下链接:http://forum.kohanaframework.org/discussion/7346/installing-phpunit on windows-xampp/p1

  1. Open a command prompt and go to C:\xampp\php
  2. 打开命令提示符,转到C:\xampp\php
  3. Type "pear update-channels" (updates channel definitions)
  4. 输入“pear - update-channels”(更新通道定义)
  5. Type "pear upgrade" (upgrades all existing packages and pear)
  6. 键入“pear升级”(升级所有现有包和pear)
  7. Type "pear channel-discover components.ez.no" (this is needed for PHPUnit)
  8. 输入“梨channel-discover components.ez。否(这是PHPUnit需要的)
  9. Type "pear channel-discover pear.symfony-project.com" (also needed by PHPUnit)
  10. 输入“pear channel-discover pear.symfony-project.com”(PHPUnit也需要)
  11. Type "pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de" (This IS phpunit)
  12. 键入“梨频道-发现梨。phpunit.de”(这是phpunit)
  13. Type "pear install --alldeps phpunit/PHPUnit" (installs PHPUnit and all dependencies)
  14. 类型“pear安装——alldeps phpunit/ phpunit”(安装phpunit和所有依赖项)



You might want to add


This results in


php go-pear.phar
pear clear-cache 
pear update-channels
pear upgrade --alldeps -f 
pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de
pear channel-discover pear.symfony-project.com
pear channel-discover components.ez.no
pear config-set preferred_state beta
pear install --onlyreqdeps phpunit/PHPUnit



You cannot install PHPUnit via PEAR anymore https://*.com/a/28457160/1783439

您不能再通过PEAR安装PHPUnit https://*.com/a/28457160/1783439

PHPUnit now comes as part of XAMPP. You can find it here: C:\xampp\php.


At the command prompt:


cd c:\xampp\php



It seems the issue is not with PHPUnit but with your pear installation in general.


The user you run the install with does not have the privileges to create the needed folders.


Ether fix those permissions or start the cmd prompt with admin privileges (windowsbutton & enter "cmd" then strg+shift+enter) and rerun the commands.

醚修复那些权限或启动具有管理权限的cmd提示符(windowsbutton & enter“cmd”然后strg+shift+enter)并重新运行命令。



To install in D:\xampp\php, set the following directory paths using pear config-set command

要安装在D:\xampp\php中,请使用pear config-set命令设置以下目录路径

cd D:\xampp\php
pear config-set doc_dir d:\xampp\php\pear\docs
pear config-set cfg_dir d:\xampp\php\pear\cfg
pear config-set data_dir d:\xampp\php\pear\data
pear config-set cache_dir d:\xampp\php\pear\cache
pear config-set download_dir d:\xampp\php\pear\download
pear config-set temp_dir d:\xampp\php\pear\temp
pear config-set test_dir d:\xampp\php\pear\tests
pear config-set www_dir d:\xampp\php\pear\www



this is a solution for a similar problem install propel orm in xampp. By default, pear tries install in c:\php\pear\data, and this folder don't exists, because pear is in c:\xampp\php\pear.

这是针对xampp中类似问题的解决方案。默认情况下,pear尝试在c:\php\pear数据中安装,但是这个文件夹不存在,因为pear在c:\xampp\php pear中。

Show pear configutarion:


pear config-show
pear config-get data_dir

Change the pear configuration to:


pear config-set data_dir c:\xampp\php\pear\data

i hope this is useful ;)




If you are on Widows 8, make sure you opened a command window as administrator, otherwise dir creation will be silently rejected by the OS !

如果您在寡妇8上,请确保您以管理员的身份打开了一个命令窗口,否则将会被操作系统拒绝创建dir !



I was able to get pear (and subsequently, phpunit) working by creating a symlink in C:\ that points to the xamp php installation directory. That makes everything that expects php to be in C:\php happy, while not breaking anything that expected php to be in xampp:

通过在C:\中创建一个指向xamp php安装目录的符号链接,我能够让pear(以及随后的phpunit)工作。这使得php的所有期望都是在C:\php中,而不是打破期望的php在xampp中的任何东西:

In cmd.exe, I typed:


C:\Windows>cd \
C:\>junction php C:\path\to\xampp\php

I updated my php.ini to use C:\php as the location for php. I then installed pear (as a local installation, not system). Once pear was installed, installing phpunit was simple:


C:\>pear channel-discover components.ez.no
C:\>pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de
C:\>pear channel-discover pear.symfony-project.com

And then finally,


C:\>pear install --alldeps phpunit/PHPUnit



This may help follow the below link: http://forum.kohanaframework.org/discussion/7346/installing-phpunit-on-windows-xampp/p1

这可能有助于遵循以下链接:http://forum.kohanaframework.org/discussion/7346/installing-phpunit on windows-xampp/p1

  1. Open a command prompt and go to C:\xampp\php
  2. 打开命令提示符,转到C:\xampp\php
  3. Type "pear update-channels" (updates channel definitions)
  4. 输入“pear - update-channels”(更新通道定义)
  5. Type "pear upgrade" (upgrades all existing packages and pear)
  6. 键入“pear升级”(升级所有现有包和pear)
  7. Type "pear channel-discover components.ez.no" (this is needed for PHPUnit)
  8. 输入“梨channel-discover components.ez。否(这是PHPUnit需要的)
  9. Type "pear channel-discover pear.symfony-project.com" (also needed by PHPUnit)
  10. 输入“pear channel-discover pear.symfony-project.com”(PHPUnit也需要)
  11. Type "pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de" (This IS phpunit)
  12. 键入“梨频道-发现梨。phpunit.de”(这是phpunit)
  13. Type "pear install --alldeps phpunit/PHPUnit" (installs PHPUnit and all dependencies)
  14. 类型“pear安装——alldeps phpunit/ phpunit”(安装phpunit和所有依赖项)



You might want to add


This results in


php go-pear.phar
pear clear-cache 
pear update-channels
pear upgrade --alldeps -f 
pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de
pear channel-discover pear.symfony-project.com
pear channel-discover components.ez.no
pear config-set preferred_state beta
pear install --onlyreqdeps phpunit/PHPUnit



You cannot install PHPUnit via PEAR anymore https://*.com/a/28457160/1783439

您不能再通过PEAR安装PHPUnit https://*.com/a/28457160/1783439

PHPUnit now comes as part of XAMPP. You can find it here: C:\xampp\php.


At the command prompt:


cd c:\xampp\php