
时间:2020-11-28 07:17:40

I need to be able to detect whether there are scrollbars (both vertical and horizontal) on a browser window. I've been using this code but it isn't working reliably in Firefox 5.

我需要能够检测浏览器窗口上是否有滚动条(垂直和水平)。我一直在使用这段代码,但它在Firefox 5中无法正常运行。

JFL.GetScrollbarState = function () {
    var myWidth = 0;
    var myHeight = 0;
    if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) {
        myWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
        myHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
    } else {
        myWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
        myHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
    return ({
        vScrollbar: document.body.scrollHeight > myHeight,
        hScrollbar: document.body.scrollWidth > myWidth

Is there a better way to do this that will work cross browser. My browser targets are Firefox 4-5, Chrome, Safari 4+, Opera 10+.

有没有更好的方法来实现跨浏览器的工作。我的浏览器目标是Firefox 4-5,Chrome,Safari 4 +,Opera 10+。

If you're interested in why I need to know if there are scrollbars, it's because I have some spinning CSS3 transitions that (due to the nature of their spinning) may temporarily go beyond the edges of the current document size (thus making the document temporarily larger). If were no scrollbars initially present, the CSS3 transition may cause scrollbars to show up during the transition and then go away when the transition is finished, leading to an ugly scrollbar flash. If I know that there are no scrollbars present, I can temporarily add a class that will set overflow-x or overflow-y to hidden and thus prevent the scrollbar flash during the CSS3 transition. If scrollbars are already present, I don't have to do anything because they may move a little, but they won't go on/off during the transition.


Bonus points if one can actually tell not only if scrollbars would generally be required, but whether they are actually there or not.


3 个解决方案



After running into flicker problems with the scrolling version proposed by David in some browsers (Safari and IE), I've settled on this code that does not have the flicker problem:


function getScrollBarState() {
    var result = {vScrollbar: true, hScrollbar: true};
    try {
        var root = document.compatMode=='BackCompat'? document.body : document.documentElement;
        result.vScrollbar = root.scrollHeight > root.clientHeight;
        result.hScrollbar = root.scrollWidth > root.clientWidth;
    } catch(e) {}

It's a derivative of what I was using and the general technique was referenced in the post that fanfavorite posted. It seems to work in every browser I've tried even in IE6. For my purposes, I wanted any failure to return that there was a scrollbar so I've coded the failure condition that way.


Note: this code does not detect if a scrollbar has been forced on or off with CSS. This code detects if an auto-scrollbar is called for or not. If your page might have CSS settings that control the scrollbar, then you can get the CSS and check that first.




Have you taken a look at this other post? How can I detect a Scrollbar presence ( using Javascript ) in HTML iFrame?

你看过这篇文章吗?如何在HTML iFrame中检测滚动条的存在(使用Javascript)?



It's actually pretty easy. This will work in every modern browser:


// try scrolling by 1 both vertically and horizontally

// did we move vertically?
if (window.pageYOffset != 0) {
 console.log("houston, we have vertical scrollbars");

// did we move horizontally?
if (window.pageXOffset != 0) {
 console.log("houston, we have horizontal scrollbars");

// reset window to default scroll state



After running into flicker problems with the scrolling version proposed by David in some browsers (Safari and IE), I've settled on this code that does not have the flicker problem:


function getScrollBarState() {
    var result = {vScrollbar: true, hScrollbar: true};
    try {
        var root = document.compatMode=='BackCompat'? document.body : document.documentElement;
        result.vScrollbar = root.scrollHeight > root.clientHeight;
        result.hScrollbar = root.scrollWidth > root.clientWidth;
    } catch(e) {}

It's a derivative of what I was using and the general technique was referenced in the post that fanfavorite posted. It seems to work in every browser I've tried even in IE6. For my purposes, I wanted any failure to return that there was a scrollbar so I've coded the failure condition that way.


Note: this code does not detect if a scrollbar has been forced on or off with CSS. This code detects if an auto-scrollbar is called for or not. If your page might have CSS settings that control the scrollbar, then you can get the CSS and check that first.




Have you taken a look at this other post? How can I detect a Scrollbar presence ( using Javascript ) in HTML iFrame?

你看过这篇文章吗?如何在HTML iFrame中检测滚动条的存在(使用Javascript)?



It's actually pretty easy. This will work in every modern browser:


// try scrolling by 1 both vertically and horizontally

// did we move vertically?
if (window.pageYOffset != 0) {
 console.log("houston, we have vertical scrollbars");

// did we move horizontally?
if (window.pageXOffset != 0) {
 console.log("houston, we have horizontal scrollbars");

// reset window to default scroll state