OS X 10.5 Leopard和OS X 10.5 Leopard服务器上的Apache存在差异?

时间:2022-12-12 07:15:46

Would someone with first-hand experience be able to tell me if there are any differences between the Apache installation that comes with OS X 10.5 Leopard and OS X 10.5 Leopard Server?

有第一手经验的人能告诉我OS X 10.5 Leopard附带的Apache安装与OS X 10.5 Leopard Server之间是否存在任何差异?

1 个解决方案


The OS X Server Leopard version has support for extra modules such as the Wiki and Blog server, mod_jk, spotlight searching, and few more integration few features.

OS X Server Leopard版本支持额外的模块,例如Wiki和博客服务器,mod_jk,聚光灯搜索以及少数几个集成的功能。

You also get a nice GUI to administrate your websites and features.



The OS X Server Leopard version has support for extra modules such as the Wiki and Blog server, mod_jk, spotlight searching, and few more integration few features.

OS X Server Leopard版本支持额外的模块,例如Wiki和博客服务器,mod_jk,聚光灯搜索以及少数几个集成的功能。

You also get a nice GUI to administrate your websites and features.
