
时间:2022-03-11 07:15:46

I want to check in a script if PostgreSQL is installed or not on Linux and print the result. Any suggestions on how to do the check?


9 个解决方案



What about trying the which command?


If you were to run which psql and Postgres is not installed there appears to be no output. You just get the terminal prompt ready to accept another command:


> which psql

But if Postgres is installed you'll get a response with the path to the location of the Postgres install:


> which psql

Looking at man which there also appears to be an option that could help you out:


-s      No output, just return 0 if any of the executables are found, or
        1 if none are found.

So it seems like as long as whatever scripting language you're using can can execute a terminal command you could send which -s psql and use the return value to determine if Postgres is installed. From there you can print that result however you like.

因此,似乎只要您使用的任何脚本语言都可以执行一个终端命令,您可以发送哪个-s psql并使用返回值来确定是否安装了Postgres。从那里你可以打印出你喜欢的结果。

I do have postgres installed on my machine so I run the following


> which -s psql
> echo $?

which tells me that the command returned 0, indicating that the Postgres executable was found on my machine.


Here's the information about using echo $?

这是关于使用echo $的信息?



If it is debian based.


aptitude show postgresql | grep State

But I guess you can just try to launch it with some flag like --version, that simply prints some info and exits.


Updated using "service postgres status". Try:


service postgres status
if [ "$?" -gt "0" ]; then
  echo "Not installed".
  echo "Intalled"



There is no straightforward way to do this. All you can do is check with the package manager (rpm, dpkg) or probe some likely locations for the files you want. Or you could try to connect to a likely port (5432) and see if you get a PostgreSQL protocol response. But none of this is going to be very robust. You might want to review your requirements.

没有简单的方法可以做到这一点。您所能做的就是与包管理器(rpm, dpkg)进行检查,或者为您想要的文件探测一些可能的位置。或者您可以尝试连接到一个可能的端口(5432),看看是否得到了PostgreSQL协议响应。但这一切都不会非常稳健。您可能需要检查您的需求。



There is no single simple way to do it, because PostgreSQL might be installed and set up in many different ways:


  • Installed from source in a user home directory
  • 从用户主目录的源安装
  • Installed from source into /opt or /usr/local, manually started or started by an init script
  • 从源代码安装到/opt或/usr/local,由init脚本手动启动或启动
  • Installed from distributor rpm / deb packages and started via init script
  • 安装在分销商rpm / deb包中,并通过初始化脚本启动。
  • Installed from 3rd party rpm / deb packages and started via init script
  • 安装在第三方rpm / deb包中,并通过init脚本启动。
  • Installed from packages but not set to start
  • 从包中安装但不设置启动。
  • Client installed, connecting to a server on a different computer
  • 客户端安装,连接到另一台计算机上的服务器
  • Installed and running but not on the default PATH or default port
  • 安装和运行,但不在默认路径或默认端口。

You can't rely on psql being on the PATH. You can't rely on there being only one psql on the system (multiple versions might be installed in different ways). You can't do it based on port, as there's no guarantee it's on port 5432, or that there aren't multiple versions.


Prompt the user and ask them.




If you are running Debian Linux (or derivative) and if you have a postive return with > which psql, then simply type psql -V (capital "V") and you will get a return like: psql (PostgreSQL) 9.4.8

如果您正在运行Debian Linux(或衍生版本),并且您有一个用>进行psql操作的稳定返回,那么只需输入psql -V(大写“V”),您将得到如下的返回:psql (PostgreSQL) 9.4.8



Go to bin directory of postgres db such as /opt/postgresql/bin & run below command :

转到postgres db的bin目录,例如/opt/postgresql/bin,并在命令下面运行:

[...bin]# ./psql --version

psql (PostgreSQL) 9.0.4

Here you go . .




And if everything else fails from these great choice of answers, you can always use "find" like this. Or you may need to use sudo


If you are root, just type $$> find / -name 'postgres'

如果您是root用户,只需输入$>查找/ -name 'postgres'

If you are a user, you will need sudo priv's to run it through all the directories

如果您是一个用户,您将需要sudo priv在所有目录中运行它

I run it this way, from the / base to find the whole path that the element is found in. This will return any files or directories with the "postgres" in it.

我这样运行,从/ base找到元素所在的整个路径。这将返回包含“postgres”的任何文件或目录。

You could do the same thing looking for the pg_hba.conf or postgresql.conf files also.




aptitude show postgresql | grep Version worked for me

智能展示postgresql | grep版本对我很有用



You may also check in /opt mount in following path /opt/PostgresPlus/9.5AS/bin/




What about trying the which command?


If you were to run which psql and Postgres is not installed there appears to be no output. You just get the terminal prompt ready to accept another command:


> which psql

But if Postgres is installed you'll get a response with the path to the location of the Postgres install:


> which psql

Looking at man which there also appears to be an option that could help you out:


-s      No output, just return 0 if any of the executables are found, or
        1 if none are found.

So it seems like as long as whatever scripting language you're using can can execute a terminal command you could send which -s psql and use the return value to determine if Postgres is installed. From there you can print that result however you like.

因此,似乎只要您使用的任何脚本语言都可以执行一个终端命令,您可以发送哪个-s psql并使用返回值来确定是否安装了Postgres。从那里你可以打印出你喜欢的结果。

I do have postgres installed on my machine so I run the following


> which -s psql
> echo $?

which tells me that the command returned 0, indicating that the Postgres executable was found on my machine.


Here's the information about using echo $?

这是关于使用echo $的信息?



If it is debian based.


aptitude show postgresql | grep State

But I guess you can just try to launch it with some flag like --version, that simply prints some info and exits.


Updated using "service postgres status". Try:


service postgres status
if [ "$?" -gt "0" ]; then
  echo "Not installed".
  echo "Intalled"



There is no straightforward way to do this. All you can do is check with the package manager (rpm, dpkg) or probe some likely locations for the files you want. Or you could try to connect to a likely port (5432) and see if you get a PostgreSQL protocol response. But none of this is going to be very robust. You might want to review your requirements.

没有简单的方法可以做到这一点。您所能做的就是与包管理器(rpm, dpkg)进行检查,或者为您想要的文件探测一些可能的位置。或者您可以尝试连接到一个可能的端口(5432),看看是否得到了PostgreSQL协议响应。但这一切都不会非常稳健。您可能需要检查您的需求。



There is no single simple way to do it, because PostgreSQL might be installed and set up in many different ways:


  • Installed from source in a user home directory
  • 从用户主目录的源安装
  • Installed from source into /opt or /usr/local, manually started or started by an init script
  • 从源代码安装到/opt或/usr/local,由init脚本手动启动或启动
  • Installed from distributor rpm / deb packages and started via init script
  • 安装在分销商rpm / deb包中,并通过初始化脚本启动。
  • Installed from 3rd party rpm / deb packages and started via init script
  • 安装在第三方rpm / deb包中,并通过init脚本启动。
  • Installed from packages but not set to start
  • 从包中安装但不设置启动。
  • Client installed, connecting to a server on a different computer
  • 客户端安装,连接到另一台计算机上的服务器
  • Installed and running but not on the default PATH or default port
  • 安装和运行,但不在默认路径或默认端口。

You can't rely on psql being on the PATH. You can't rely on there being only one psql on the system (multiple versions might be installed in different ways). You can't do it based on port, as there's no guarantee it's on port 5432, or that there aren't multiple versions.


Prompt the user and ask them.




If you are running Debian Linux (or derivative) and if you have a postive return with > which psql, then simply type psql -V (capital "V") and you will get a return like: psql (PostgreSQL) 9.4.8

如果您正在运行Debian Linux(或衍生版本),并且您有一个用>进行psql操作的稳定返回,那么只需输入psql -V(大写“V”),您将得到如下的返回:psql (PostgreSQL) 9.4.8



Go to bin directory of postgres db such as /opt/postgresql/bin & run below command :

转到postgres db的bin目录,例如/opt/postgresql/bin,并在命令下面运行:

[...bin]# ./psql --version

psql (PostgreSQL) 9.0.4

Here you go . .




And if everything else fails from these great choice of answers, you can always use "find" like this. Or you may need to use sudo


If you are root, just type $$> find / -name 'postgres'

如果您是root用户,只需输入$>查找/ -name 'postgres'

If you are a user, you will need sudo priv's to run it through all the directories

如果您是一个用户,您将需要sudo priv在所有目录中运行它

I run it this way, from the / base to find the whole path that the element is found in. This will return any files or directories with the "postgres" in it.

我这样运行,从/ base找到元素所在的整个路径。这将返回包含“postgres”的任何文件或目录。

You could do the same thing looking for the pg_hba.conf or postgresql.conf files also.




aptitude show postgresql | grep Version worked for me

智能展示postgresql | grep版本对我很有用



You may also check in /opt mount in following path /opt/PostgresPlus/9.5AS/bin/
