
时间:2021-02-14 07:14:56

I am building a C# windows application. I want it so whenever I click the update button in my form the application will Start looking for whether there is a new version avaliable on my Server.


If there is then proceed to update the Software.


How is this usually handled?


4 个解决方案


Take a look at Click Once. This thread might also make an interesting read.

看看Click Once。这个帖子也可能会有趣的阅读。


Let me start by saying we offer a complete updating solution which includes:


wyUpdate handles all of the Vista/Windows 7 UAC problems and all the file permission problems that inevitably pop up when you're trying to update complex software.

wyUpdate处理所有Vista / Windows 7 UAC问题以及当您尝试更新复杂软件时不可避免地出现的所有文件权限问题。

That being said, if you want to build your own updater here are some tips:


Building your own updater

A good place to start is the wyUpdate C# source code I mentioned above. You can cannibalize it and use it for your own purposes. Some of the algorithms it contains:

一个好的起点是我上面提到的wyUpdate C#源代码。您可以蚕食它并将其用于您自己的目的。它包含的一些算法:

  • Full Windows Vista / Windows 7 UAC support
  • 完整的Windows Vista / Windows 7 UAC支持

  • Ability for limited users to check and then update if they have credentials
  • 限制用户能够检查,然后更新,如果他们有凭据

  • Support for wonky corporate inernet. (If you've ever worked with a corporation this is a real problem).
  • 支持wonky公司inernet。 (如果你曾与公司合作过这是一个真正的问题)。

  • Quick extracting, patching, and installing of files.
  • 快速提取,修补和安装文件。

  • Registry support.
  • Roll back files & registry on error or cancellation by the user
  • 用户在错误或取消时回滚文件和注册表

  • Self-update (no files left behind)
  • 自我更新(没有留下文件)

We also have the file specifications here.


Automatic updating

Since being automatic is a requirement let me tell you how we do it with our AutomaticUpdater control.


We use named pipes to communicate between the standalone updater (wyUpdate) and the Automatic Updater control sitting on your program's form. wyUpdate reports progress to the Automatic Updater, and the Automatic Updater can tell wyUpdate to cancel progress, to start downloading, start extracting, etc.

我们使用命名管道在独立更新程序(wyUpdate)和程序表单上的自动更新程序控件之间进行通信。 wyUpdate向自动更新程序报告进度,自动更新程序可以告诉wyUpdate取消进度,开始下载,开始提取等。

This keeps the updater separate from your application.


In fact, the exact named pipes C# code we use is included in an article I wrote a little while back: Multi-process C# app like Google Chrome.

实际上,我们使用的确切命名管道C#代码包含在我写的一篇文章中:像Google Chrome这样的多进程C#应用程序。


If you want to app update automatically from a website and handle the code by yourself do following steps...


  1. Create an XML file with a unique name for example help.xml and build a structure to specify list of files to be update in specific directories and version and etc the put it on your website...


  2. App after connecting to website download this file and read content to make sure is any new files (update files) exist on website...


  3. If a new version of files was exists so start downloading from url specified in help.xml file!



Other answers look great.


However, if you're looking to hand-roll your own for whatever reason, simply put an XML file with information you need for your update process (e.g. description and version number of currently available version) somewhere on a webserver and use an HttpWebRequest (or HttpWebClient?) to download this file and process like you would any XML.


I use this simple method in peSHIr Tweets and it works great. Just update this file after you put a new version online for download and your update check will find it. Anything about this process is changeable the way you like, as you wrote it yourself.


Unless this is a private project for your own amusement/use/learning - like in my case - do look if anything already available suits your needs though!

除非这是一个私人项目供您自己娱乐/使用/学习 - 就像在我的情况下一样 - 看看有没有适合您的需求!


Take a look at Click Once. This thread might also make an interesting read.

看看Click Once。这个帖子也可能会有趣的阅读。


Let me start by saying we offer a complete updating solution which includes:


wyUpdate handles all of the Vista/Windows 7 UAC problems and all the file permission problems that inevitably pop up when you're trying to update complex software.

wyUpdate处理所有Vista / Windows 7 UAC问题以及当您尝试更新复杂软件时不可避免地出现的所有文件权限问题。

That being said, if you want to build your own updater here are some tips:


Building your own updater

A good place to start is the wyUpdate C# source code I mentioned above. You can cannibalize it and use it for your own purposes. Some of the algorithms it contains:

一个好的起点是我上面提到的wyUpdate C#源代码。您可以蚕食它并将其用于您自己的目的。它包含的一些算法:

  • Full Windows Vista / Windows 7 UAC support
  • 完整的Windows Vista / Windows 7 UAC支持

  • Ability for limited users to check and then update if they have credentials
  • 限制用户能够检查,然后更新,如果他们有凭据

  • Support for wonky corporate inernet. (If you've ever worked with a corporation this is a real problem).
  • 支持wonky公司inernet。 (如果你曾与公司合作过这是一个真正的问题)。

  • Quick extracting, patching, and installing of files.
  • 快速提取,修补和安装文件。

  • Registry support.
  • Roll back files & registry on error or cancellation by the user
  • 用户在错误或取消时回滚文件和注册表

  • Self-update (no files left behind)
  • 自我更新(没有留下文件)

We also have the file specifications here.


Automatic updating

Since being automatic is a requirement let me tell you how we do it with our AutomaticUpdater control.


We use named pipes to communicate between the standalone updater (wyUpdate) and the Automatic Updater control sitting on your program's form. wyUpdate reports progress to the Automatic Updater, and the Automatic Updater can tell wyUpdate to cancel progress, to start downloading, start extracting, etc.

我们使用命名管道在独立更新程序(wyUpdate)和程序表单上的自动更新程序控件之间进行通信。 wyUpdate向自动更新程序报告进度,自动更新程序可以告诉wyUpdate取消进度,开始下载,开始提取等。

This keeps the updater separate from your application.


In fact, the exact named pipes C# code we use is included in an article I wrote a little while back: Multi-process C# app like Google Chrome.

实际上,我们使用的确切命名管道C#代码包含在我写的一篇文章中:像Google Chrome这样的多进程C#应用程序。


If you want to app update automatically from a website and handle the code by yourself do following steps...


  1. Create an XML file with a unique name for example help.xml and build a structure to specify list of files to be update in specific directories and version and etc the put it on your website...


  2. App after connecting to website download this file and read content to make sure is any new files (update files) exist on website...


  3. If a new version of files was exists so start downloading from url specified in help.xml file!



Other answers look great.


However, if you're looking to hand-roll your own for whatever reason, simply put an XML file with information you need for your update process (e.g. description and version number of currently available version) somewhere on a webserver and use an HttpWebRequest (or HttpWebClient?) to download this file and process like you would any XML.


I use this simple method in peSHIr Tweets and it works great. Just update this file after you put a new version online for download and your update check will find it. Anything about this process is changeable the way you like, as you wrote it yourself.


Unless this is a private project for your own amusement/use/learning - like in my case - do look if anything already available suits your needs though!

除非这是一个私人项目供您自己娱乐/使用/学习 - 就像在我的情况下一样 - 看看有没有适合您的需求!