如何跟踪和检查捆绑的Ruby gem中的依赖项

时间:2021-08-14 07:16:36

Bundler will automatically install any dependencies for the specified gems, however it doesn't output which dependencies map to which gems in the standard output. That information is useful when one of the dependencies fails the installation.


Is there a way to set Bundler to be more verbose and inform about the dependencies while installing?


I am using Bundler 1.0.2

我使用的是Bundler 1.0.2

2 个解决方案



To see a visual representation of the dependency tree run bundle viz:

要查看依赖关系树的可视化表示,请运行bundle viz:

apt-get install graphviz && gem install ruby-graphviz && bundle viz

It will generate a PNG file of the tree.




A less exciting, but equally effective way is to just do:


gem dep

which will generate a Gemfile.lock style output with dependency information. You could pipe this output to less:


gem dep | less

Or, if you are searching for a failing dependency, you could grep it with some context. For instance, to find out where my failing Thin dependency was coming from (fails with JRuby), I did:


gem dep | grep -C 15 thin



To see a visual representation of the dependency tree run bundle viz:

要查看依赖关系树的可视化表示,请运行bundle viz:

apt-get install graphviz && gem install ruby-graphviz && bundle viz

It will generate a PNG file of the tree.




A less exciting, but equally effective way is to just do:


gem dep

which will generate a Gemfile.lock style output with dependency information. You could pipe this output to less:


gem dep | less

Or, if you are searching for a failing dependency, you could grep it with some context. For instance, to find out where my failing Thin dependency was coming from (fails with JRuby), I did:


gem dep | grep -C 15 thin