N位数组中X *连续*位设置为1的概率是多少?

时间:2021-08-14 07:11:30

I'm trying to code a simple, sufficiently accurate filter for validating a piece of hardware in an RTL simulation. We're simulating the randomness inherent in a chip's flip-flops, by randomly initializing all the flip-flops in the design to either 0 or 1. This corresponds to the chip's flip-flops getting some random value during power-up. We're also randomizing the flops in the reset tree ( where reset tree has no feedback loops ), which means that you can get false glitching on your reset lines.



                              VVV                          Nth reset-tree flop
          +----+       +----+       +----+        /     /    +----+ 
reset_in  |    |  0    |    |  1    |    | 0     /     /     |    | reset_out
 -------->D    Q>----->D    Q>----->D    Q>---- / ... /   -->D    Q>----
          |    |       |    |       |    |      \     \      |    |
          |    |       |    |       |    |       \     \     |    |
          +^---+       +^---+       +^---+       /     /     +^---+
           |            |            |          /     /       |
clk  ------+------------+------------+---------/     /     ---+

You'll see a 0->1->0 which looks like a reset, but is really a glitch.

你会看到一个0-> 1-> 0看起来像一个重置,但实际上是一个小故障。

I want to build a filter that looks for a certain number of consecutive 1 values to determine whether the reset I just saw was the reset coming from the reset controller or a spurious reset.


I know this is statistics and maybe related to the Poisson distribution, but how do I determine the probability that any X consecutive bits in a set of N bits are 1?


P.S. Yes. I am aware of 4-val RTL simulation. We're doing that also, but some Verilog constructs don't have sufficient pessimism when propagating X's and Z's.

附:是。我知道4-val RTL仿真。我们也这样做,但是一些Verilog构造在传播X和Z时没有足够的悲观情绪。

5 个解决方案


If you want a quick test to see if a sequence of bits is random based on the longest streak of 1's, you can use the fact that the expected longest streak of 1's in N bits is Θ(log(N)).


Furthermore, the probability that the longest streak exceeds r*log₂(N) bits is at most 1/N^(r-1), and similarly the probability that the longest streak is less than log₂(N)/r bits is at most 1/N^(r-1).

此外,最长条纹超过r * log 2(N)位的概率最多为1 / N ^(r-1),类似地,最长条纹小于log 2(N)/ r位的概率最多1 / N ^(R-1)。

These results are derived in the section on "Streaks" in the chapter on "Counting and Probability" in Introduction to Algorithms



EDIT: The below doesn't answer the question, sorry... Comment clarified that the real problem is about the probability of x consecutive 1s out of n bits, not just the simple thing I assumed. Had a quick look at this: http://www.mathhelpforum.com/math-help/probability-statistics/64519-probability-consecutive-wins.html which may be what you are looking for - it seems to deal with working out the probability of a run of toin cosses out of a larger population of toin cosses, so sounds similar. But its late and I am tired so I haven't decoded the math :)

编辑:下面没有回答这个问题,对不起......评论澄清说真正的问题是关于n位中x连续1的概率,而不仅仅是我假设的简单事情。快速浏览一下:http://www.mathhelpforum.com/math-help/probability-statistics/64519-probability-consecutive-wins.html这可能就是你想要的东西 - 似乎要解决这个问题由于角色成本较大,所以听起来很有可能。但它已经很晚了我累了所以我没有解码数学:)

OBSOLETE: It sounds like you are basically dealing with binominal probability - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_probability.

OBSOLETE:听起来你基本上处理的是二项式概率 - 请参阅http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_probability。

I have to admit I haven't done the calculations for about 20 years, so somewhat rusty...


Basically, binominal allows you to "add together" the probability of an event occuring multiple times, where there is only two possible outcomes each time. Order is significant in your case so it should be as simple as multiplying the probabilites;
For 1 bit it is 50%
For 2 bits it is 50%^2 = 25%
For 3 bits it is 50%^3 = 12.5%

基本上,二项式允许您将事件发生概率“加在一起”多次,每次只有两种可能的结果。在你的情况下,命令很重要,所以它应该像乘以概率一样简单; 1位为50%2位为50%^ 2 = 25%3位为50%^ 3 = 12.5%

Look at it another way;
1 bit only has 2 possible combinations, one of which is all 1s = 50%
2 bits have 4 possible combinations (10, 01, 11, 00), only one of which is all 1s - so 25%
3 bit have 2^3 = 8 possible combinations, only one of which is all 1s, so 1/8 = 12.5%

另一种方式看待它; 1位只有2种可能的组合,其中一种是1s = 50%2位有4种可能的组合(10,01,11,00),其中只有一种是全1 - 所以25%3位有2 ^ 3 = 8种可能的组合,其中只有一种是全1,所以1/8 = 12.5%

So... probability of n bits all being 1 = 1/(2^n).

所以...... n位的概率都是1 = 1 /(2 ^ n)。


OK, here's what I found:


P = 1 - Q(X)

P = 1 - Q(X)


Q(X) = [1 - 1/2(Z)]/[(X + 1 - XZ) x 1/2 x Z^(X+1)]

Q(X)= [1 - 1/2(Z)] / [(X + 1 - XZ)x 1/2 x Z ^(X + 1)]


Z = 1 + (1/2)(1/2)^X + (X+1)[(1/2)(1/2)^X]^2 + ...

Z = 1 +(1/2)(1/2)^ X +(X + 1)[(1/2)(1/2)^ X] ^ 2 + ......

The link with some of the math is here:


Math Forum


you can do a recursive program (python):


prob (x,n) gives your desired result


import math

def prob(x,n,i=0):
    if i == x: return 1
    if (x+i) > n: return 0
    t = .5 * prob(x,n-1,i+1) + .5 * prob(x,n-1,i)
    return t


My approach to this would be to define a FSA that accepts bit patterns of the correct type, and then simulate the pattern for each number of bits. i.e.


State state_map[] = {
    0 => { 0 -> 0; 1 -> 1; accepts = false },
    1 => { 0 -> 0; 1 -> 2; accepts = false },
    2 => { 0 -> 0; 1 -> 3; accepts = false },
    3 => { 0 -> 3; 1 -> 3; accepts = true }

state[t: 0, s: 0] = 1.0;
state[t: 0, s: 1] = 0.0;
state[t: 0, s: 2] = 0.0;
state[t: 0, s: 3] = 0.0;

for (t = 0; t < N; t++)
    for (s = 0; s<NUM_STATES; s++)
        state[t: t+1, s: state_map[s].0] += state[t, s] * .5
        state[t: t+1, s: state_map[s].1] += state[t, s] * .5

print "Probability: {0}", state[t: N, s: 3], 


If you want a quick test to see if a sequence of bits is random based on the longest streak of 1's, you can use the fact that the expected longest streak of 1's in N bits is Θ(log(N)).


Furthermore, the probability that the longest streak exceeds r*log₂(N) bits is at most 1/N^(r-1), and similarly the probability that the longest streak is less than log₂(N)/r bits is at most 1/N^(r-1).

此外,最长条纹超过r * log 2(N)位的概率最多为1 / N ^(r-1),类似地,最长条纹小于log 2(N)/ r位的概率最多1 / N ^(R-1)。

These results are derived in the section on "Streaks" in the chapter on "Counting and Probability" in Introduction to Algorithms



EDIT: The below doesn't answer the question, sorry... Comment clarified that the real problem is about the probability of x consecutive 1s out of n bits, not just the simple thing I assumed. Had a quick look at this: http://www.mathhelpforum.com/math-help/probability-statistics/64519-probability-consecutive-wins.html which may be what you are looking for - it seems to deal with working out the probability of a run of toin cosses out of a larger population of toin cosses, so sounds similar. But its late and I am tired so I haven't decoded the math :)

编辑:下面没有回答这个问题,对不起......评论澄清说真正的问题是关于n位中x连续1的概率,而不仅仅是我假设的简单事情。快速浏览一下:http://www.mathhelpforum.com/math-help/probability-statistics/64519-probability-consecutive-wins.html这可能就是你想要的东西 - 似乎要解决这个问题由于角色成本较大,所以听起来很有可能。但它已经很晚了我累了所以我没有解码数学:)

OBSOLETE: It sounds like you are basically dealing with binominal probability - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_probability.

OBSOLETE:听起来你基本上处理的是二项式概率 - 请参阅http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_probability。

I have to admit I haven't done the calculations for about 20 years, so somewhat rusty...


Basically, binominal allows you to "add together" the probability of an event occuring multiple times, where there is only two possible outcomes each time. Order is significant in your case so it should be as simple as multiplying the probabilites;
For 1 bit it is 50%
For 2 bits it is 50%^2 = 25%
For 3 bits it is 50%^3 = 12.5%

基本上,二项式允许您将事件发生概率“加在一起”多次,每次只有两种可能的结果。在你的情况下,命令很重要,所以它应该像乘以概率一样简单; 1位为50%2位为50%^ 2 = 25%3位为50%^ 3 = 12.5%

Look at it another way;
1 bit only has 2 possible combinations, one of which is all 1s = 50%
2 bits have 4 possible combinations (10, 01, 11, 00), only one of which is all 1s - so 25%
3 bit have 2^3 = 8 possible combinations, only one of which is all 1s, so 1/8 = 12.5%

另一种方式看待它; 1位只有2种可能的组合,其中一种是1s = 50%2位有4种可能的组合(10,01,11,00),其中只有一种是全1 - 所以25%3位有2 ^ 3 = 8种可能的组合,其中只有一种是全1,所以1/8 = 12.5%

So... probability of n bits all being 1 = 1/(2^n).

所以...... n位的概率都是1 = 1 /(2 ^ n)。


OK, here's what I found:


P = 1 - Q(X)

P = 1 - Q(X)


Q(X) = [1 - 1/2(Z)]/[(X + 1 - XZ) x 1/2 x Z^(X+1)]

Q(X)= [1 - 1/2(Z)] / [(X + 1 - XZ)x 1/2 x Z ^(X + 1)]


Z = 1 + (1/2)(1/2)^X + (X+1)[(1/2)(1/2)^X]^2 + ...

Z = 1 +(1/2)(1/2)^ X +(X + 1)[(1/2)(1/2)^ X] ^ 2 + ......

The link with some of the math is here:


Math Forum


you can do a recursive program (python):


prob (x,n) gives your desired result


import math

def prob(x,n,i=0):
    if i == x: return 1
    if (x+i) > n: return 0
    t = .5 * prob(x,n-1,i+1) + .5 * prob(x,n-1,i)
    return t


My approach to this would be to define a FSA that accepts bit patterns of the correct type, and then simulate the pattern for each number of bits. i.e.


State state_map[] = {
    0 => { 0 -> 0; 1 -> 1; accepts = false },
    1 => { 0 -> 0; 1 -> 2; accepts = false },
    2 => { 0 -> 0; 1 -> 3; accepts = false },
    3 => { 0 -> 3; 1 -> 3; accepts = true }

state[t: 0, s: 0] = 1.0;
state[t: 0, s: 1] = 0.0;
state[t: 0, s: 2] = 0.0;
state[t: 0, s: 3] = 0.0;

for (t = 0; t < N; t++)
    for (s = 0; s<NUM_STATES; s++)
        state[t: t+1, s: state_map[s].0] += state[t, s] * .5
        state[t: t+1, s: state_map[s].1] += state[t, s] * .5

print "Probability: {0}", state[t: N, s: 3],