I ran into this problem when trying to run a command via Net::SSH:Perl on another Linux host. Here is the exact error:
尝试通过Net :: SSH:Perl在另一台Linux主机上运行命令时遇到了这个问题。这是确切的错误:
`as_number' is not a Pari function name Line 1148.
I found only one relevant posting and it indicates that it could be some sort of version mismatch between some of the Perl libraries?
1 个解决方案
See this question: How do I fix “`as_number’ is not a Pari function name” in Math::Pari called by Math::BigInt?.
看到这个问题:如何在Math :: BigInt调用的Math :: Pari中修复“`as_number'不是Pari函数名”。
See this question: How do I fix “`as_number’ is not a Pari function name” in Math::Pari called by Math::BigInt?.
看到这个问题:如何在Math :: BigInt调用的Math :: Pari中修复“`as_number'不是Pari函数名”。