如何在使用RVM时安装Ruby gems ?

时间:2020-12-21 07:15:12

I set up RVM and used it to install Ruby and a few other libraries. As I was going through various tutorials and set-ups of other technologies like Rails, I began getting confused about what I should do via RVM and what I should just do as the tutorials suggest.


One example is the RubyGems tutorial here: http://rubygems.org/pages/download


Should I download that tar file they are talking about? Seems unnecessary since that is what I thought RVM was for. Do I even need RubyGems? What is that for really?


Also, how do I actually get Rails? Is there a precise RVM command to actually download and install Rails?


3 个解决方案



It helps me to think of RVM as a layer of abstraction between you and the ruby ecosystem.


Without RVM: ruby, gems, and ruby related binaries (like rake, spec, gem, etc) are all installed directly into your operating system directories.

没有RVM: ruby、gems和ruby相关的二进制文件(比如rake、spec、gem等)都直接安装到您的操作系统目录中。

With RVM: ruby related stuff is intercepted by rvm so that ruby, gems, and ruby related binares are "installed" into ~/.rvm dir in a nice, clean, organized way. RVM sits between ruby, gems, and related binaries and the operating system. It provides a way to have multiple ruby environments (with different gems and binaries) on the same machine.

使用RVM: RVM拦截ruby相关的内容,这样ruby、gems和ruby相关的binares就“安装”到~/中。rvm dir以一种漂亮、干净、有组织的方式。RVM位于ruby、gems和相关二进制文件和操作系统之间。它提供了在同一台机器上拥有多个ruby环境(拥有不同的gem和二进制文件)的方法。

So, no matter whether you have rvm installed or not, you should be able to run the commands almost exactly(*) as they appear in any tutorials out there on the web. In other words, you can sort of "forget" that RVM is installed; the ruby ecosystem should work just as if it wasn't installed.


So, yep, you're gonna have to run gem install rails, etc.


Hope that helps clear the confusion.


(*) There are some small differences. For example: you shouldn't run commands as sudo when RVM is installed.




Should I download that tar file they are talking about?


No. Ruby 1.9+ includes gems. RVM retrofits it for 1.8+.

不。Ruby 1.9 +包括宝石。RVM对其进行了1.8+的改造。

In general, be careful with any directions you find on the internet explaining how to install anything, unless you have enough experience to understand completely what they want you to do. In particular, any time they want you to install something using sudo or as root.


Specifically, when working with RVM, you do NOT want to use sudo to install Ruby, or any gem. RVM works by setting up a sandbox for your development, and relies on your account's environment, modifying your path so any Ruby requests go to the currently selected RVM-managed Ruby or gems or any commands they install. sudo pushes your normal environment to the side, substituting root's temporarily, installs whatever you asked it to do with root's permissions, then reverts to your environment.


When you go to run the command, or find the gem, as you, it can't be found by RVM's Ruby, because the file was installed outside RVM's sandbox, or, it can't be read or modified, because it's owned by root. Whatever the actual cause, the end result will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.


RVM doesn't subvert the gem functionality. gem is used to install and manage Ruby gems, and RVM tweaks it to use the sandbox for all its machinations. You get added functionality because of RVM's support of gemsets, but gem works as it always has, only it has "big brother", RVM, controlling its world.

RVM不会破坏gem的功能。gem用于安装和管理Ruby gems, RVM将其调整为使用沙箱进行所有的加工。由于RVM对gemsets的支持,您获得了附加的功能,但是gem还是一如既往地工作,只有它有“老大哥”RVM来控制它的世界。



No need to install rubygems. RVM should have already installed rubygems. RVM is (in my opinion) useful for managing different installations of ruby (say 1.8.7 and 1.9.2) or different gemsets. If you just have one version of ruby and don't care about different gemsets, RVM isn't really that much of a change. If you want to just install rails, just use gem install rails. If you have an existing rails 3 app, install bundler first gem install bundler and then bundle install to get rails and other gem dependencies.

无需安装rubygems。RVM应该已经安装了rubygems。RVM(在我看来)对于管理不同的ruby(比如1.8.7和1.9.2)或不同的gemsets非常有用。如果您只有一个ruby版本,而不关心不同的gemsets,那么RVM实际上并没有多大的变化。如果您只想安装rails,只需使用gem安装rails即可。如果您有一个现有的rails 3应用程序,安装bundler first gem安装bundler,然后捆绑安装以获得rails和其他gem依赖项。



It helps me to think of RVM as a layer of abstraction between you and the ruby ecosystem.


Without RVM: ruby, gems, and ruby related binaries (like rake, spec, gem, etc) are all installed directly into your operating system directories.

没有RVM: ruby、gems和ruby相关的二进制文件(比如rake、spec、gem等)都直接安装到您的操作系统目录中。

With RVM: ruby related stuff is intercepted by rvm so that ruby, gems, and ruby related binares are "installed" into ~/.rvm dir in a nice, clean, organized way. RVM sits between ruby, gems, and related binaries and the operating system. It provides a way to have multiple ruby environments (with different gems and binaries) on the same machine.

使用RVM: RVM拦截ruby相关的内容,这样ruby、gems和ruby相关的binares就“安装”到~/中。rvm dir以一种漂亮、干净、有组织的方式。RVM位于ruby、gems和相关二进制文件和操作系统之间。它提供了在同一台机器上拥有多个ruby环境(拥有不同的gem和二进制文件)的方法。

So, no matter whether you have rvm installed or not, you should be able to run the commands almost exactly(*) as they appear in any tutorials out there on the web. In other words, you can sort of "forget" that RVM is installed; the ruby ecosystem should work just as if it wasn't installed.


So, yep, you're gonna have to run gem install rails, etc.


Hope that helps clear the confusion.


(*) There are some small differences. For example: you shouldn't run commands as sudo when RVM is installed.




Should I download that tar file they are talking about?


No. Ruby 1.9+ includes gems. RVM retrofits it for 1.8+.

不。Ruby 1.9 +包括宝石。RVM对其进行了1.8+的改造。

In general, be careful with any directions you find on the internet explaining how to install anything, unless you have enough experience to understand completely what they want you to do. In particular, any time they want you to install something using sudo or as root.


Specifically, when working with RVM, you do NOT want to use sudo to install Ruby, or any gem. RVM works by setting up a sandbox for your development, and relies on your account's environment, modifying your path so any Ruby requests go to the currently selected RVM-managed Ruby or gems or any commands they install. sudo pushes your normal environment to the side, substituting root's temporarily, installs whatever you asked it to do with root's permissions, then reverts to your environment.


When you go to run the command, or find the gem, as you, it can't be found by RVM's Ruby, because the file was installed outside RVM's sandbox, or, it can't be read or modified, because it's owned by root. Whatever the actual cause, the end result will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.


RVM doesn't subvert the gem functionality. gem is used to install and manage Ruby gems, and RVM tweaks it to use the sandbox for all its machinations. You get added functionality because of RVM's support of gemsets, but gem works as it always has, only it has "big brother", RVM, controlling its world.

RVM不会破坏gem的功能。gem用于安装和管理Ruby gems, RVM将其调整为使用沙箱进行所有的加工。由于RVM对gemsets的支持,您获得了附加的功能,但是gem还是一如既往地工作,只有它有“老大哥”RVM来控制它的世界。



No need to install rubygems. RVM should have already installed rubygems. RVM is (in my opinion) useful for managing different installations of ruby (say 1.8.7 and 1.9.2) or different gemsets. If you just have one version of ruby and don't care about different gemsets, RVM isn't really that much of a change. If you want to just install rails, just use gem install rails. If you have an existing rails 3 app, install bundler first gem install bundler and then bundle install to get rails and other gem dependencies.

无需安装rubygems。RVM应该已经安装了rubygems。RVM(在我看来)对于管理不同的ruby(比如1.8.7和1.9.2)或不同的gemsets非常有用。如果您只有一个ruby版本,而不关心不同的gemsets,那么RVM实际上并没有多大的变化。如果您只想安装rails,只需使用gem安装rails即可。如果您有一个现有的rails 3应用程序,安装bundler first gem安装bundler,然后捆绑安装以获得rails和其他gem依赖项。