* Download JRuby 1.20. (zip file)
* Extract the zip into C:\JRuby120
* Edit sytem "environment variables":
* Add JRUBY_HOME -> point it to C:\JRuby120
* Modify the PATH environment variable to point to C:\JRuby120\bin;
After all this, I open up cmd.exe and type jruby
->"The system cannot find the path specified"
- >“系统找不到指定的路径”
What did I do wrong?
I removed echo_off from C:\JRuby120\bin\jruby.bat, C:\JRuby120\bin_jrubyvars.bat and C:\JRuby120\bin_jrubyvmopts.bat and invoked jruby from cmd.exe. This was the output:
我从C:\ JRuby120 \ bin \ jruby.bat,C:\ JRuby120 \ bin_jrubyvars.bat和C:\ JRuby120 \ bin_jrubyvmopts.bat中删除了echo_off,并从cmd.exe中调用了jruby。这是输出:
C:\>rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
C:\>rem jruby.bat - Start Script for the JRuby Interpreter
C:\>rem for info on environment variables, see internal batch script _jrubyvars.bat
C:\>rem Sometimes, when jruby.bat is being invoked from another BAT file,
C:\>rem C:\JRuby120\bin\ is incorrect and points to the current dir, not to JRuby's bin dir,
C:\>rem so we look on the PATH in such cases.
C:\>IF EXIST "C:\JRuby120\bin\_jrubyvars.bat" (set FULL_PATH=C:\JRuby120\bin\ ) ELSE (set FULL_PATH=C:\JRuby120\bin\ )
C:\>call "C:\JRuby120\bin\_jrubyvars.bat"
C:\>rem Environment Variable Prequisites:
C:\>rem JRUBY_OPTS (Optional) Default JRuby command line args.
C:\>rem JAVA_HOME Must point at your Java Development Kit installation.
C:\>rem ----- Save Environment Variables That May Change --------------------------
C:\>set _CLASSPATH=.;
C:\>set _CP=
C:\>set _JRUBY_CP=
C:\>rem ----- Verify and Set Required Environment Variables -----------------------
C:\>if not "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\bin" == "" goto gotJava
C:\>set JRUBY_HOME=C:\JRuby120\bin\..
C:\>rem ----- Prepare Appropriate Java Execution Commands -------------------------
C:\>if not "" == "" goto gotCommand
C:\>set JAVA_COMMAND=java
C:\>if not "Windows_NT" == "Windows_NT" goto noTitle
C:\>rem set _STARTJAVA=start "JRuby" "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\bin\bin\java"
C:\>set _STARTJAVA=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\bin\bin\java
C:\>goto gotTitle
C:\>rem ----- Set up the VM options
C:\>call "C:\JRuby120\bin\_jrubyvmopts"
C:\>set _MEM=-Xmx500m
C:\>if not defined JAVA_MEM goto memOptDone
C:\>set _STK=-Xss1024k
C:\>if not defined JAVA_STACK goto stackOptDone
C:\>set _VM_OPTS=
C:\>set _RUBY_OPTS=
C:\>set _DFLT_VM_OPTS=
C:\>set _JAVA_VM=-client
C:\>set SAFE_JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\bin
C:\>set SAFE_JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\bin
C:\>rem Can you believe I'm rewriting batch arg processing in batch files because batch
C:\>rem file arg processing sucks so bad? Can you believe this is even possible?
C:\>rem http://support.microsoft.com/kb/71247
C:\>rem Escape any quotes. Use _S for ', _D for ", and _U to escape _ itself.
C:\>rem We have to escape _ itself, otherwise file names with _S and _D
C:\>rem will be converted to to wrong ones, when we un-escape. See JRUBY-2821.
C:\>set _ARGS=
C:\>if not defined _ARGS goto vmoptsDone
C:\>set _VM_OPTS= -client -Xmx500m -Xss1024k
C:\>set _DFLT_VM_OPTS=
C:\>set _MEM=
C:\>set _STK=
C:\>set _ARGS=
C:\>set _VAL=
C:\>set _CMP=
C:\>set _CMP1=
C:\>set _JAVA_VM=
C:\>set _RUNJAVA="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\bin\bin\java"
C:\>rem ----- Set Up The Boot Classpath ----------------------------------------
C:\>for %i in ("C:\JRuby120\bin\..\lib\jruby*.jar") do @call :setjrubycp %i
C:\>if not "" == "" goto addjrubycp
C:\>set JRUBY_CP=C:\JRuby120\bin\..\lib\jruby.jar
C:\>goto :EOF
C:\>for %i in ("C:\JRuby120\bin\..\lib\bsf*.jar") do @call :setjrubycp %i
C:\>if not "C:\JRuby120\bin\..\lib\jruby.jar" == "" goto addjrubycp
C:\>set JRUBY_CP=C:\JRuby120\bin\..\lib\jruby.jar;C:\JRuby120\bin\..\lib\bsf.jar
C:\>goto :EOF
C:\>rem ----- Set Up The System Classpath ----------------------------------------
C:\>for %i in ("C:\JRuby120\bin\..\lib\*.jar") do @call :setcp %i
C:\>if not "" == "" goto add
C:\>set CP=C:\JRuby120\bin\..\lib\bsf.jar
C:\>goto :EOF
C:\>if not "C:\JRuby120\bin\..\lib\bsf.jar" == "" goto add
C:\>set CP=C:\JRuby120\bin\..\lib\bsf.jar;C:\JRuby120\bin\..\lib\jruby.jar
C:\>goto :EOF
C:\>if not "C:\JRuby120\bin\..\lib\bsf.jar;C:\JRuby120\bin\..\lib\jruby.jar" == "" goto add
C:\>set CP=C:\JRuby120\bin\..\lib\bsf.jar;C:\JRuby120\bin\..\lib\jruby.jar;C:\JRuby120\bin\..\lib\profile.jar
C:\>goto :EOF
C:\>goto :EOF
C:\>if 0 == 0 "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\bin\bin\java" -client -Xmx500m -Xss1024k -Xbootclasspath/a:"C:\JRuby120\bin\..\lib\jruby.jar;C:\JRuby120\bin\..\lib\bsf.jar" -classpath "C:\JRuby120\bin\..\lib\bsf.jar;C:\JRuby120\bin\..\lib\jruby.jar;C:\JRuby120\bin\..\lib\profile.jar;.;" -Djruby.home="C:\JRuby120\bin\.." -Djruby.lib="C:\JRuby120\bin\..\lib" -Djruby.shell="cmd.exe" -Djruby.script=jruby.bat org.jruby.Main
C:\>set E=3
C:\>call "C:\JRuby120\bin\_jrubycleanup"
4 个解决方案
Well, that's what you're supposed to do. Go to the command line and enter echo %PATH%
and make sure your jruby bin directory is on there.
嗯,这就是你应该做的。转到命令行并输入echo%PATH%并确保您的jruby bin目录在那里。
Ignore the above, that's not the error you'd get for jruby not being in the path. The "The system cannot find the path specified" error is because a path doesn't exist, most likely it's the path to your Java JDK. Run echo %JAVA_HOME%
. Make sure that path is correct. If you don't have the Java JDK, you can download it here.
忽略上面的内容,这不是jruby不在路径中的错误。 “系统找不到指定的路径”错误是因为路径不存在,很可能是它是Java JDK的路径。运行echo%JAVA_HOME%。确保路径正确。如果您没有Java JDK,可以在此处下载。
Having seen the output of jruby.bat, the problem appears to either be in finding _jrubyvars.bat
, or finding something called within it. The only thing it calls is _jrubyvmopts.bat
, which doesn't call anything else. Make sure that C:\JRuby120\bin\_jrubyvars.bat
and C:\JRuby120\bin\_jrubyvmopts.bat
exist, although I can't see a reason why they shouldn't. If they both exist, then the next step would be to remove the @echo off
lines from each of them and see if we can find exactly where the bad call is taking place.
看过jruby.bat的输出后,问题似乎在于找到_jrubyvars.bat,或者找到在其中调用的内容。它唯一调用的是_jrubyvmopts.bat,它不会调用任何其他内容。确保存在C:\ JRuby120 \ bin \ __ jrubyvars.bat和C:\ JRuby120 \ bin \ _jrubyvmopts.bat,但我看不出他们不应该这样做的原因。如果它们都存在,那么下一步就是从每个中删除@echo off线,看看我们是否能找到发生不良呼叫的确切位置。
Having seen all that output, it looks like JAVA_HOME
is set to "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\bin\
should be the parent directory: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\
". Give that a try and cross your fingers this time.
看到所有输出后,看起来JAVA_HOME设置为“C:\ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.6.0_11 \ bin \”JAVA_HOME应该是父目录:C:\ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.6.0_11 \ “这次试试并交叉你的手指。
Changing the value of JAVA_HOME from C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\bin to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\ worked for me. My Environment: Win XP, added c:\jruby\bin to the PATH var and created JRUBY_HOME pointing to c:\jruby.
将JAVA_HOME的值从C:\ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.6.0_11 \ bin更改为C:\ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.6.0_11 \为我工作。我的环境:Win XP,将c:\ jruby \ bin添加到PATH var并创建指向c:\ jruby的JRUBY_HOME。
Thank You
I had my JAVA_HOME environment variable missing. fixing that worked for me in Windows 7
我丢失了JAVA_HOME环境变量。修复在Windows 7中对我有用的功能
I had the same problem and tried everything mentioned here without success.
My solution: reboot your PC. Worked for me!
Well, that's what you're supposed to do. Go to the command line and enter echo %PATH%
and make sure your jruby bin directory is on there.
嗯,这就是你应该做的。转到命令行并输入echo%PATH%并确保您的jruby bin目录在那里。
Ignore the above, that's not the error you'd get for jruby not being in the path. The "The system cannot find the path specified" error is because a path doesn't exist, most likely it's the path to your Java JDK. Run echo %JAVA_HOME%
. Make sure that path is correct. If you don't have the Java JDK, you can download it here.
忽略上面的内容,这不是jruby不在路径中的错误。 “系统找不到指定的路径”错误是因为路径不存在,很可能是它是Java JDK的路径。运行echo%JAVA_HOME%。确保路径正确。如果您没有Java JDK,可以在此处下载。
Having seen the output of jruby.bat, the problem appears to either be in finding _jrubyvars.bat
, or finding something called within it. The only thing it calls is _jrubyvmopts.bat
, which doesn't call anything else. Make sure that C:\JRuby120\bin\_jrubyvars.bat
and C:\JRuby120\bin\_jrubyvmopts.bat
exist, although I can't see a reason why they shouldn't. If they both exist, then the next step would be to remove the @echo off
lines from each of them and see if we can find exactly where the bad call is taking place.
看过jruby.bat的输出后,问题似乎在于找到_jrubyvars.bat,或者找到在其中调用的内容。它唯一调用的是_jrubyvmopts.bat,它不会调用任何其他内容。确保存在C:\ JRuby120 \ bin \ __ jrubyvars.bat和C:\ JRuby120 \ bin \ _jrubyvmopts.bat,但我看不出他们不应该这样做的原因。如果它们都存在,那么下一步就是从每个中删除@echo off线,看看我们是否能找到发生不良呼叫的确切位置。
Having seen all that output, it looks like JAVA_HOME
is set to "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\bin\
should be the parent directory: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\
". Give that a try and cross your fingers this time.
看到所有输出后,看起来JAVA_HOME设置为“C:\ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.6.0_11 \ bin \”JAVA_HOME应该是父目录:C:\ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.6.0_11 \ “这次试试并交叉你的手指。
Changing the value of JAVA_HOME from C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\bin to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\ worked for me. My Environment: Win XP, added c:\jruby\bin to the PATH var and created JRUBY_HOME pointing to c:\jruby.
将JAVA_HOME的值从C:\ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.6.0_11 \ bin更改为C:\ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.6.0_11 \为我工作。我的环境:Win XP,将c:\ jruby \ bin添加到PATH var并创建指向c:\ jruby的JRUBY_HOME。
Thank You
I had my JAVA_HOME environment variable missing. fixing that worked for me in Windows 7
我丢失了JAVA_HOME环境变量。修复在Windows 7中对我有用的功能
I had the same problem and tried everything mentioned here without success.
My solution: reboot your PC. Worked for me!