如何版本化SQL Server数据库?

时间:2021-03-10 07:14:03

I need to put versions onto a SQL Server 2005 database and have these accessible from a .NET Application. What I was thinking is using an Extended Properties on the Database with a name of 'version' and of course the value would be the version of the database. I can then use SQL to get at this. My question is does this sound like a good plan or is there a better way for adding versions to a SQL Server database?

我需要将版本放到SQL Server 2005数据库中,并让. net应用程序可以访问这些版本。我想的是在数据库上使用一个名为“version”的扩展属性,当然,这个值就是数据库的版本。然后我可以使用SQL来达到这个目的。我的问题是,这听起来像一个好的计划吗?还是有更好的方法将版本添加到SQL Server数据库中?

Lets assume I am unable to use a table for holding the Metadata.


5 个解决方案



I do this:


Create a schema table:


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SchemaVersion](
    [Major] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Minor] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Build] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Revision] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Applied] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    [Comment] [text] NULL)

Update Schema:


INSERT INTO SchemaVersion(Major, Minor, Build, Revision, Applied, Comment)
VALUES (1, 9, 1, 0, getdate(), 'Add Table to track pay status')

Get database Schema Version:


SELECT TOP 1 Major, Minor, Build from SchemaVersion
ORDER BY Major DESC, Minor DESC, Build DESC, Revision DESC

Adapted from what I read on Coding Horror




We use the Extended Properties as you described it and it works really well.


I think having a table is overkill. If I want to track the differences in my databases I use source control and keep all the db generation scripts in it.


I've also used some ER diagram tools to help me keep track of changes in DB versions. This was outside the actual application but it allowed me to quickly see what changed.


I think it was CASEStudio, or something like that.




If I understand your question right (differentiating between internal database versions, like application build numbers), you could have some sort of SYSVERSION table that held a single row of data with this info.


Easier to query.


Could also contain multiple columns of useful info, or multiple rows that represent different times that copy of the database was upgraded.


Update: Well, if you can't use a table to hold the metadata, then either external info of some sort (an INFO file on the hard drive?) or extended properties would be the way to go.


I still like the table idea, though :) You could always use security to only make it accessable through a custom stored proc get_ db_version or something.

我仍然喜欢表的想法,但是:)您总是可以使用安全性来使它只能通过自定义存储的proc get_db_version或其他东西访问。



The best way to do is to have 2 procedures: one header to control what is being inserted and validations a footer to insert the data if the release is good or not. The body will contain your scripts.


You need a wrapper that will encapsulate your script and record all the info: as far release, script number been applied, applyby, applydate date, release outcome "failed or succeeded".




I am using dedicated table similar to Matt's solution. In addition to that, database alters must check current version before applying any changes to the schema. If current version is smaller than expected, then the script terminates with fatal error. If current version is larger than expected, then script skips current step because that step has already been performed sometimes in the past.


Here is the complete solution with examples and conventions in writing database alter scripts: How to Maintain SQL Server Database Schema Version

下面是完整的解决方案,其中包含了编写数据库修改脚本的示例和约定:如何维护SQL Server数据库模式版本



I do this:


Create a schema table:


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SchemaVersion](
    [Major] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Minor] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Build] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Revision] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Applied] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    [Comment] [text] NULL)

Update Schema:


INSERT INTO SchemaVersion(Major, Minor, Build, Revision, Applied, Comment)
VALUES (1, 9, 1, 0, getdate(), 'Add Table to track pay status')

Get database Schema Version:


SELECT TOP 1 Major, Minor, Build from SchemaVersion
ORDER BY Major DESC, Minor DESC, Build DESC, Revision DESC

Adapted from what I read on Coding Horror




We use the Extended Properties as you described it and it works really well.


I think having a table is overkill. If I want to track the differences in my databases I use source control and keep all the db generation scripts in it.


I've also used some ER diagram tools to help me keep track of changes in DB versions. This was outside the actual application but it allowed me to quickly see what changed.


I think it was CASEStudio, or something like that.




If I understand your question right (differentiating between internal database versions, like application build numbers), you could have some sort of SYSVERSION table that held a single row of data with this info.


Easier to query.


Could also contain multiple columns of useful info, or multiple rows that represent different times that copy of the database was upgraded.


Update: Well, if you can't use a table to hold the metadata, then either external info of some sort (an INFO file on the hard drive?) or extended properties would be the way to go.


I still like the table idea, though :) You could always use security to only make it accessable through a custom stored proc get_ db_version or something.

我仍然喜欢表的想法,但是:)您总是可以使用安全性来使它只能通过自定义存储的proc get_db_version或其他东西访问。



The best way to do is to have 2 procedures: one header to control what is being inserted and validations a footer to insert the data if the release is good or not. The body will contain your scripts.


You need a wrapper that will encapsulate your script and record all the info: as far release, script number been applied, applyby, applydate date, release outcome "failed or succeeded".




I am using dedicated table similar to Matt's solution. In addition to that, database alters must check current version before applying any changes to the schema. If current version is smaller than expected, then the script terminates with fatal error. If current version is larger than expected, then script skips current step because that step has already been performed sometimes in the past.


Here is the complete solution with examples and conventions in writing database alter scripts: How to Maintain SQL Server Database Schema Version

下面是完整的解决方案,其中包含了编写数据库修改脚本的示例和约定:如何维护SQL Server数据库模式版本