我怎么阻止IISExpress &我的网站文件夹搞乱我的我的文档文件夹中吗?

时间:2021-07-12 07:15:13

I noticed recently IISExpress & My Web Sites folders getting added to my My Documents folder on my Windows 7 machine. I recently installed VS2012, so I'm guess that's the culprit, but I haven't been able to find anything on line that explains how to change these defaults, if possible.

我最近注意到IISExpress和我的Web文件夹被添加到我Windows 7机器上的文档文件夹中。我最近安装了VS2012,所以我认为这是罪魁祸首,但是我还没有在网上找到任何可以解释如何更改这些默认设置的东西,如果可能的话。

2 个解决方案



Microsoft cluttering up my 'Documents' folder with all their programs' (junk) folders drives me insane as well. I have conceded somewhat by creating a Data folder under my Documents folder, where I am pointing all MS apps (and others apps such as Firefox's profile folder) to for all their (generally unwanted) folders, and with a subfolder created for each program/suite. At least this way I can easily back up all settings when I back up my 'Documents' folders.


Anyway, VS2012 installs IIS Express, which is what is causing these folders to be created. I have found two solutions for dealing with the unwanted folders.

总之,VS2012安装了IIS Express,这正是导致创建这些文件夹的原因。我找到了两种处理不需要的文件夹的方法。

  1. Uninstall IIS Express. You can do this from the normal Windows 'Uninstall a Program' part of Control Panel.

    卸载IIS Express。你可以在正常的Windows“卸载程序”控制面板中执行此操作。

  2. Change the folder location that IIS Express uses, as follows. Be warned: anyone doing this risks causing problems with their computer if you don't know what you are doing, so you do so at your own risk. Please make appropriate backups along the way as well too!

    更改IIS Express使用的文件夹位置,如下所示。注意:如果你不知道自己在做什么,任何这样做的人都有可能导致电脑出现问题,所以你这样做是有风险的。同时也请做好相应的备份!

    a) Close Visual Studio.

    一)关闭Visual Studio。

    b) Create a new folder for the IIS Express sub-folders:

    IIS Express b)创建一个新文件夹的子文件夹:

    eg. D:\My Documents\Data\Microsoft\IISExpress

    如。D:\ \我的文档数据\ \ IISExpress微软

    c) Move the existing unwanted IISExpress subfolders (config, Logs, TraceLogFiles) from your My Documents > IISExpress folder to the folder created in step b).

    c)移动现有的IISExpress子文件夹(配置、日志、TraceLogFiles)从你我的文档> IISExpress文件夹的文件夹中创建步骤b)。

    d) Create a new folder for the My Web Sites folder, I suggest also under the folder created in step b).

    d)为My Web Sites文件夹创建一个新的文件夹,我建议也在步骤b中创建的文件夹下创建一个文件夹。

    eg. D:\My Documents\Data\Microsoft\IISExpress\Websites

    如。D:\ \我的文档数据\ \ IISExpress \微软网站

    Under this folder, create a website for the default IIS Express website (in case it "auto-magically" reappears it's ugly head again later on).

    在这个文件夹下,为默认的IIS Express网站创建一个网站(如果它“自动魔术般地”再次出现它的丑陋的头)。

    eg. D:\My Documents\Data\Microsoft\IISExpress\Websites\Default

    如。D:\ \我的文档数据\微软网站\ IISExpress \ \违约

    e) Go to the newly located config folder at:


    eg. D:\My Documents\Data\Microsoft\IISExpress\config, and:

    如。D:\微软\ IISExpress \ \我的文档\数据配置,和:

    i. Open the file applicationhost.config in your text editor (eg. Notepad).


    ii. Find the node sites > site > application path > virtualDirectory path for WebSite1, and change the physicalPath value from %IIS_SITES_HOME%\WebSite1 to the IIS Express default website folder you created in step d).

    二世。找到WebSite1的节点站点>站点>应用路径>虚拟目录路径,并将物理路径值从%IIS_SITES_HOME%\WebSite1更改为在步骤d中创建的IIS Express默认网站文件夹)。

    Eg. %IIS_SITES_HOME%\Websites\Default.

    如。% IIS_SITES_HOME % \ \网站违约。

    Note that %IIS_SITES_HOME% points to your 'Documents' folder (this appears to be a "feature" of IIS Express, I can't find a way to change it, and it appears to be auto-configured when IIS Express starts up, which it does by using the applicationhost.config file).

    注意,% IIS_SITES_HOME %指向你的“文档”文件夹(这似乎是IIS Express的“特性”,我不能找到一个方法来改变它,它似乎是自动配置IIS Express启动时,它通过使用applicationhost。配置文件)。

    Do the same for any other sites created by IIS Express.

    对IIS Express创建的任何其他站点都执行相同的操作。

    f) Create a new registry entry pointing IIS Express to the new folders you created (partly explained by MS here: http://www.iis.net/learn/extensions/introduction-to-iis-express/iis-80-express-readme). FYI the registry key doesn't previously exist, as IIS Express uses a default of my Documents unless this key exists:

    f)创建一个新的注册表条目,将IIS Express指向您创建的新文件夹(这里的MS部分解释了这一点:http://www.iis.net/learn/extensions/tions/to is-express/iis-80- Express -readme)。提醒一下,注册表项之前不存在,因为IIS Express使用我的默认文档,除非这个键存在:

    i. Open the Windows 'Run' box, eg. (Windows Key) + R

    打开窗户“运行”框。(Windows键)+ R

    ii. Type regedit


    iii. Navigate to key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft

    三世。导航到关键:HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ \微软软件

    iv. *Right click* the Microsoft key (that you have just navigated to), and choose: New > Key

    iv. *右键点击*微软密钥(您刚刚导航到的),选择:新的>密钥

    v. Type IISExpress


    vi. *Right click* the IISExpress key that you have just created, and choose: New > String Value

    vi. *右键单击刚才创建的IISExpress键,并选择:新的>字符串值

    vii. Type CustomUserHome, and hit the Enter key to save it.


    viii. Double-click the CustomUserHome string to enter a value for it, and for the Value Data: field, type in the path to the new IIS Express folder you created in step b), for example: D:\My Documents\Data\Microsoft\IISExpress. Press OK, and you can now close the Registry Editor.

    八世。双击CustomUserHome字符串为它输入一个值,对于value Data: field,输入您在步骤b中创建的IISExpress文件夹的路径),例如:D:\我的文档\Microsoft\IISExpress。按OK,现在可以关闭注册表编辑器。

    g) Reopen Visual Studio, and it should start using the new folders, as well as not create the folders in your Documents folder anymore. Yay!!!!!

    重新打开Visual Studio,它将开始使用新的文件夹,并且不再在你的Documents文件夹中创建文件夹。耶! ! ! ! !

FYI, when I did this all, I actually did it in a slightly different order (creating the registry key first), but this order was the easiest way to explain it all. Whether you create the key first or last shouldn't matter, as long as you do all the steps. Good luck!




A Tricky solution


  1. Make a copy of your C:\Users\\Documents\IISExpress folder first
  2. 复制你的C:\Users\ \ \ IISExpress文件文件夹中
  3. Create a symbolic folder called IISExpress inside the C:\Users\\Documents folder using the following command
  4. 创建一个名为IISExpress的象征性的文件夹内C:\Users\ \文档”文件夹使用以下命令
  5. mklink /J C:\Users\\Documents\IISExpress D:\IISExpress
  6. mklink / J C:\Users\ \文档\ IISExpress D:\ IISExpress
  7. Move all the content from your copied IISExpress into D:\IISExpress
  8. 将复制的所有内容从IISExpress移到D:\IISExpress
  9. Thats all
  10. 这是所有



Microsoft cluttering up my 'Documents' folder with all their programs' (junk) folders drives me insane as well. I have conceded somewhat by creating a Data folder under my Documents folder, where I am pointing all MS apps (and others apps such as Firefox's profile folder) to for all their (generally unwanted) folders, and with a subfolder created for each program/suite. At least this way I can easily back up all settings when I back up my 'Documents' folders.


Anyway, VS2012 installs IIS Express, which is what is causing these folders to be created. I have found two solutions for dealing with the unwanted folders.

总之,VS2012安装了IIS Express,这正是导致创建这些文件夹的原因。我找到了两种处理不需要的文件夹的方法。

  1. Uninstall IIS Express. You can do this from the normal Windows 'Uninstall a Program' part of Control Panel.

    卸载IIS Express。你可以在正常的Windows“卸载程序”控制面板中执行此操作。

  2. Change the folder location that IIS Express uses, as follows. Be warned: anyone doing this risks causing problems with their computer if you don't know what you are doing, so you do so at your own risk. Please make appropriate backups along the way as well too!

    更改IIS Express使用的文件夹位置,如下所示。注意:如果你不知道自己在做什么,任何这样做的人都有可能导致电脑出现问题,所以你这样做是有风险的。同时也请做好相应的备份!

    a) Close Visual Studio.

    一)关闭Visual Studio。

    b) Create a new folder for the IIS Express sub-folders:

    IIS Express b)创建一个新文件夹的子文件夹:

    eg. D:\My Documents\Data\Microsoft\IISExpress

    如。D:\ \我的文档数据\ \ IISExpress微软

    c) Move the existing unwanted IISExpress subfolders (config, Logs, TraceLogFiles) from your My Documents > IISExpress folder to the folder created in step b).

    c)移动现有的IISExpress子文件夹(配置、日志、TraceLogFiles)从你我的文档> IISExpress文件夹的文件夹中创建步骤b)。

    d) Create a new folder for the My Web Sites folder, I suggest also under the folder created in step b).

    d)为My Web Sites文件夹创建一个新的文件夹,我建议也在步骤b中创建的文件夹下创建一个文件夹。

    eg. D:\My Documents\Data\Microsoft\IISExpress\Websites

    如。D:\ \我的文档数据\ \ IISExpress \微软网站

    Under this folder, create a website for the default IIS Express website (in case it "auto-magically" reappears it's ugly head again later on).

    在这个文件夹下,为默认的IIS Express网站创建一个网站(如果它“自动魔术般地”再次出现它的丑陋的头)。

    eg. D:\My Documents\Data\Microsoft\IISExpress\Websites\Default

    如。D:\ \我的文档数据\微软网站\ IISExpress \ \违约

    e) Go to the newly located config folder at:


    eg. D:\My Documents\Data\Microsoft\IISExpress\config, and:

    如。D:\微软\ IISExpress \ \我的文档\数据配置,和:

    i. Open the file applicationhost.config in your text editor (eg. Notepad).


    ii. Find the node sites > site > application path > virtualDirectory path for WebSite1, and change the physicalPath value from %IIS_SITES_HOME%\WebSite1 to the IIS Express default website folder you created in step d).

    二世。找到WebSite1的节点站点>站点>应用路径>虚拟目录路径,并将物理路径值从%IIS_SITES_HOME%\WebSite1更改为在步骤d中创建的IIS Express默认网站文件夹)。

    Eg. %IIS_SITES_HOME%\Websites\Default.

    如。% IIS_SITES_HOME % \ \网站违约。

    Note that %IIS_SITES_HOME% points to your 'Documents' folder (this appears to be a "feature" of IIS Express, I can't find a way to change it, and it appears to be auto-configured when IIS Express starts up, which it does by using the applicationhost.config file).

    注意,% IIS_SITES_HOME %指向你的“文档”文件夹(这似乎是IIS Express的“特性”,我不能找到一个方法来改变它,它似乎是自动配置IIS Express启动时,它通过使用applicationhost。配置文件)。

    Do the same for any other sites created by IIS Express.

    对IIS Express创建的任何其他站点都执行相同的操作。

    f) Create a new registry entry pointing IIS Express to the new folders you created (partly explained by MS here: http://www.iis.net/learn/extensions/introduction-to-iis-express/iis-80-express-readme). FYI the registry key doesn't previously exist, as IIS Express uses a default of my Documents unless this key exists:

    f)创建一个新的注册表条目,将IIS Express指向您创建的新文件夹(这里的MS部分解释了这一点:http://www.iis.net/learn/extensions/tions/to is-express/iis-80- Express -readme)。提醒一下,注册表项之前不存在,因为IIS Express使用我的默认文档,除非这个键存在:

    i. Open the Windows 'Run' box, eg. (Windows Key) + R

    打开窗户“运行”框。(Windows键)+ R

    ii. Type regedit


    iii. Navigate to key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft

    三世。导航到关键:HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ \微软软件

    iv. *Right click* the Microsoft key (that you have just navigated to), and choose: New > Key

    iv. *右键点击*微软密钥(您刚刚导航到的),选择:新的>密钥

    v. Type IISExpress


    vi. *Right click* the IISExpress key that you have just created, and choose: New > String Value

    vi. *右键单击刚才创建的IISExpress键,并选择:新的>字符串值

    vii. Type CustomUserHome, and hit the Enter key to save it.


    viii. Double-click the CustomUserHome string to enter a value for it, and for the Value Data: field, type in the path to the new IIS Express folder you created in step b), for example: D:\My Documents\Data\Microsoft\IISExpress. Press OK, and you can now close the Registry Editor.

    八世。双击CustomUserHome字符串为它输入一个值,对于value Data: field,输入您在步骤b中创建的IISExpress文件夹的路径),例如:D:\我的文档\Microsoft\IISExpress。按OK,现在可以关闭注册表编辑器。

    g) Reopen Visual Studio, and it should start using the new folders, as well as not create the folders in your Documents folder anymore. Yay!!!!!

    重新打开Visual Studio,它将开始使用新的文件夹,并且不再在你的Documents文件夹中创建文件夹。耶! ! ! ! !

FYI, when I did this all, I actually did it in a slightly different order (creating the registry key first), but this order was the easiest way to explain it all. Whether you create the key first or last shouldn't matter, as long as you do all the steps. Good luck!




A Tricky solution


  1. Make a copy of your C:\Users\\Documents\IISExpress folder first
  2. 复制你的C:\Users\ \ \ IISExpress文件文件夹中
  3. Create a symbolic folder called IISExpress inside the C:\Users\\Documents folder using the following command
  4. 创建一个名为IISExpress的象征性的文件夹内C:\Users\ \文档”文件夹使用以下命令
  5. mklink /J C:\Users\\Documents\IISExpress D:\IISExpress
  6. mklink / J C:\Users\ \文档\ IISExpress D:\ IISExpress
  7. Move all the content from your copied IISExpress into D:\IISExpress
  8. 将复制的所有内容从IISExpress移到D:\IISExpress
  9. Thats all
  10. 这是所有