
时间:2022-06-07 07:14:00

In a multi-threaded environment with ADO database connections, I would like to know if CoInitialize has been called or not. How would I go about checking this?


1 个解决方案



Normally you should not do this check and just call CoInitialize/CoUnInitialize pair. Still you can do it like this:

通常你不应该做这个检查,只需要调用CoInitialize / CoUnInitialize对。你仍然可以这样做:

function IsCoInitialized: Boolean;
  HR: HResult;

  HR:= CoInitialize(nil);
  Result:= (HR and $80000000 = 0) and (HR <> S_OK);
  if (HR and $80000000 = 0) then CoUnInitialize;

There is no problem if you call CoInitialize more than once in a thread. The first call should return S_OK, all subsequent calls should return S_FALSE. All these calls are considered successful and should be paired by CoUnInitialize calls. If you called CoInitialize n times in a thread, only the last n-th CoUnInitialize call closes COM.

如果在线程中多次调用CoInitialize,则没有问题。第一个调用应返回S_OK,所有后续调用应返回S_FALSE。所有这些调用都被认为是成功的,应该通过CoUnInitialize调用进行配对。如果您在一个线程中调用了CoInitialize n次,则只有最后一个第N个CoUnInitialize调用会关闭COM。



Normally you should not do this check and just call CoInitialize/CoUnInitialize pair. Still you can do it like this:

通常你不应该做这个检查,只需要调用CoInitialize / CoUnInitialize对。你仍然可以这样做:

function IsCoInitialized: Boolean;
  HR: HResult;

  HR:= CoInitialize(nil);
  Result:= (HR and $80000000 = 0) and (HR <> S_OK);
  if (HR and $80000000 = 0) then CoUnInitialize;

There is no problem if you call CoInitialize more than once in a thread. The first call should return S_OK, all subsequent calls should return S_FALSE. All these calls are considered successful and should be paired by CoUnInitialize calls. If you called CoInitialize n times in a thread, only the last n-th CoUnInitialize call closes COM.

如果在线程中多次调用CoInitialize,则没有问题。第一个调用应返回S_OK,所有后续调用应返回S_FALSE。所有这些调用都被认为是成功的,应该通过CoUnInitialize调用进行配对。如果您在一个线程中调用了CoInitialize n次,则只有最后一个第N个CoUnInitialize调用会关闭COM。