everyone. I was porting 3.0.x kernel for my Galaxy Mini 2, I've been able to solve most of the problems myself, but one thing in vibrator driver. I am new to working in Linux kernel, so I am not able to solve it myself. Whenever the vibrator gets enabled, this comes up in logs: https://gist.github.com/TheWhisp/6133946
每一个人。我是3.0移植。我的Galaxy Mini 2的x内核,我已经能够自己解决大部分问题,但振动器驱动程序中有一件事。我是Linux内核的新手,所以我自己不能解决它。每当启用振动器时,它就会出现在日志中:https://gist. github.com/the/6133946。
This is the source code of the vibrator driver: https://github.com/TheWhisp/android_kernel_samsung_msm7x27a/blob/jb-3.0/arch/arm/mach-msm/msm_vibrator_samsung.c
这是振动器驱动程序的源代码:https://github.com/thelistener /android_kernel_samsung_msm7x27a/blob/jb-3.0/arch/arm/mach- msm_ator_samsung.c。
If I am correct, I've narrowed it down to the function that starts on line 176
Thanks, any help would be appreciated. :)
1 个解决方案
I can't agree with rakib on the solution he suggested although his analysis make sense.
The msm_vibrator_power() is called in hrtimer handler. And hrtimer is running in software irq context.
The OOPS information complains that msm_vibrator_power() calls _regulator_get() which uses mutex inside it.
The solution to this issue is: avoid to use any blocking/sleeping functions inside the hrtimer handler. That means to re-design the hrtimer handler, avoid to call mutex() kinds of blocking/sleeping functions.
I can't agree with rakib on the solution he suggested although his analysis make sense.
The msm_vibrator_power() is called in hrtimer handler. And hrtimer is running in software irq context.
The OOPS information complains that msm_vibrator_power() calls _regulator_get() which uses mutex inside it.
The solution to this issue is: avoid to use any blocking/sleeping functions inside the hrtimer handler. That means to re-design the hrtimer handler, avoid to call mutex() kinds of blocking/sleeping functions.