如何在OS X上创建netcat中继?

时间:2022-11-19 07:10:55

I'm trying to troubleshoot my postfix so I decided to route its traffic to my isp smtp relay trough a netcat relay:

我正在尝试对我的后缀进行故障排除,所以我决定通过netcat中继将其流量路由到我的isp smtp中继:

nc -l <someport> 0<backpipe | nc <isp-smtp> 26 | tee backpipe

And I configured my postfix to connect to localhost:. But to get the netcat relay working it needs a FIFO pipe made with mknod backpipe p and apparently this is not supported on OS X.

我配置我的postfix连接到localhost:。但是为了让netcat继电器工作,它需要一个用mknod backpipe p制作的FIFO管道,显然OS X不支持。

Is there an alternative way to either set up a TCP relay I can monitor, or something else I can use to watch the chit-chat between postfix and my isp smtp?

是否有另一种方法来设置我可以监控的TCP中继,或者我可以用来观看postfix和我的isp smtp之间的聊天聊天?

1 个解决方案


Under Leopard, mkfifo is in /usr/bin. Not sure about prior.

在Leopard下,mkfifo位于/ usr / bin中。事先不确定。

/usr/bin/mkfifo backpipe

personally I'd recommend using tcpdump and/or wireshark, it gives you a nicer view of the traffic too.



Under Leopard, mkfifo is in /usr/bin. Not sure about prior.

在Leopard下,mkfifo位于/ usr / bin中。事先不确定。

/usr/bin/mkfifo backpipe

personally I'd recommend using tcpdump and/or wireshark, it gives you a nicer view of the traffic too.
