
时间:2021-01-30 07:09:16

There's a certain control which I don't have the source to (Steema TTree) it doesn't send a help message when help is requested through the form. (clicking the ? near the X on the dialog, then clicking the TTree)

有一个控件,我没有源(Steema TTree),当通过表单请求帮助时,它不会发送帮助信息。 (单击对话框中X附近的?,然后单击TTree)

I can just call help directly on the form and pass in my own helpmessage, but I don't know whether the form is in help mode.


The form's cursor is acutally 0 even when it has a ? next to it... That I find odd.


Anyway, I know I'm hacking my way through this, but I don't care. All I want to know is if there is a way to tell whether the user is requesting help and currently has a ? next to their cursor


2 个解决方案


The form's cursor is acutally 0 even when it has a ? next to it... That I find odd.


That's because that is your forms cursor


Try Screen.Cursor that should be the active one.



Torry helped

 procedure wmNCLButtonDown(var Msg: TWMNCLButtonDown); message WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN;
 procedure wmNCLButtonUp(var Msg: TWMNCLButtonUp); message WM_NCLBUTTONUP;

I overrode those functions to set a global variable


 fHelpMode : Boolean

to true when


 if Msg.HitTest = HTHELP then
      fHelpMode := true;

That allowed me to know when if the user was requesting help and I could override a mouse event on the TTree to do my help pop-up.



The form's cursor is acutally 0 even when it has a ? next to it... That I find odd.


That's because that is your forms cursor


Try Screen.Cursor that should be the active one.



Torry helped

 procedure wmNCLButtonDown(var Msg: TWMNCLButtonDown); message WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN;
 procedure wmNCLButtonUp(var Msg: TWMNCLButtonUp); message WM_NCLBUTTONUP;

I overrode those functions to set a global variable


 fHelpMode : Boolean

to true when


 if Msg.HitTest = HTHELP then
      fHelpMode := true;

That allowed me to know when if the user was requesting help and I could override a mouse event on the TTree to do my help pop-up.
