如何以编程方式获取我的应用程序构建的Visual Studio版本?

时间:2022-06-05 07:01:44

How can I programmatically (C#) obtain the version of Visual Studio my application was built with?

我如何以编程方式(C#)获取我的应用程序构建的Visual Studio版本?

5 个解决方案


Looking at the compiled assembly there is no way you can differentiate between one built with a command line csc or built with visual studio.

查看已编译的程序集,您无法区分使用命令行csc构建的程序集或使用visual studio构建的程序集。


You could add a new appSettings key in your web.config, and then manually update the value as developers take over in the future.


The .csproj file contains meta data that you could query from.



System.Environment.Version gives you the .NET version you are using...I know it's not what you asked for, but something interesting.



You can build your application with other tools such as MSBuild. In some larger working environments the F5 build and run is disabled and have much more complext build systems.


I don't think it is possible to tell which version other than the .net version which is requiured.



I can categorically tell you that for a standard assembly, this is not possible. There is nothing that visual studio embeds in any of the metadata that gives you this information. So unfortunately this is not possible - the best you can do is make an educated guess (e.g. if it targets .NET framework 4.0 then it's probably Visual Studio 10). However, it's not just Visual Studio that can build managed code.

我可以断然告诉你,对于标准装配,这是不可能的。视觉工作室没有任何内容嵌入到为您提供此信息的任何元数据中。所以不幸的是,这是不可能的 - 你能做的最好就是做出有根据的猜测(例如,如果它针对的是.NET framework 4.0,那么它可能就是Visual Studio 10)。但是,不只是Visual Studio可以构建托管代码。

What's the reason behind this? If we understand the core task there may be alternatives.



Looking at the compiled assembly there is no way you can differentiate between one built with a command line csc or built with visual studio.

查看已编译的程序集,您无法区分使用命令行csc构建的程序集或使用visual studio构建的程序集。


You could add a new appSettings key in your web.config, and then manually update the value as developers take over in the future.


The .csproj file contains meta data that you could query from.



System.Environment.Version gives you the .NET version you are using...I know it's not what you asked for, but something interesting.



You can build your application with other tools such as MSBuild. In some larger working environments the F5 build and run is disabled and have much more complext build systems.


I don't think it is possible to tell which version other than the .net version which is requiured.



I can categorically tell you that for a standard assembly, this is not possible. There is nothing that visual studio embeds in any of the metadata that gives you this information. So unfortunately this is not possible - the best you can do is make an educated guess (e.g. if it targets .NET framework 4.0 then it's probably Visual Studio 10). However, it's not just Visual Studio that can build managed code.

我可以断然告诉你,对于标准装配,这是不可能的。视觉工作室没有任何内容嵌入到为您提供此信息的任何元数据中。所以不幸的是,这是不可能的 - 你能做的最好就是做出有根据的猜测(例如,如果它针对的是.NET framework 4.0,那么它可能就是Visual Studio 10)。但是,不只是Visual Studio可以构建托管代码。

What's the reason behind this? If we understand the core task there may be alternatives.
