互联网停止在Android模拟器(Mac OS)上工作

时间:2022-05-17 07:00:49

I am using Android Studio 2.3(Latest). Till yesterday it was all good and working, today emulator is not connecting to the data network.
I couldn't find any solution working so far. My Mac is running on Mac OS Sierra, connected to WiFi with no proxy.

我正在使用Android Studio 2.3(最新版)。直到昨天它一切都很好并且正常工作,今天仿真器没有连接到数据网络。到目前为止,我找不到任何解决方案。我的Mac在Mac OS Sierra上运行,连接到没有代理的WiFi。

互联网停止在Android模拟器(Mac OS)上工作

3 个解决方案



In Mac OS go to: System Preferences -> Network -> select Wi-Fi os left panel -> Advanced on right panel -> DNS -> add new DNS server ""

在Mac OS中,转到:系统偏好设置 - >网络 - >选择Wi-Fi操作系统左侧面板 - >右侧面板上的高级 - > DNS - >添加新的DNS服务器“”

互联网停止在Android模拟器(Mac OS)上工作

It solves for me




Couldn't find any solution by tweaking network settings. So added a new virtual device from Tools -> Android ->AVD Manager by downloading a new system image(Android O, API 26). And it's working now.

通过调整网络设置找不到任何解决方案。因此,通过下载新的系统映像(Android O,API 26),从Tools - > Android - > AVD Manager添加了一个新的虚拟设备。它现在正在运作。

If you want to use the same API level then make sure to delete the existing system image and download it again.




There was an update available to my Android Studio, i updated it and i worked!

我的Android Studio有更新,我更新了它,我工作了!



In Mac OS go to: System Preferences -> Network -> select Wi-Fi os left panel -> Advanced on right panel -> DNS -> add new DNS server ""

在Mac OS中,转到:系统偏好设置 - >网络 - >选择Wi-Fi操作系统左侧面板 - >右侧面板上的高级 - > DNS - >添加新的DNS服务器“”

互联网停止在Android模拟器(Mac OS)上工作

It solves for me




Couldn't find any solution by tweaking network settings. So added a new virtual device from Tools -> Android ->AVD Manager by downloading a new system image(Android O, API 26). And it's working now.

通过调整网络设置找不到任何解决方案。因此,通过下载新的系统映像(Android O,API 26),从Tools - > Android - > AVD Manager添加了一个新的虚拟设备。它现在正在运作。

If you want to use the same API level then make sure to delete the existing system image and download it again.




There was an update available to my Android Studio, i updated it and i worked!

我的Android Studio有更新,我更新了它,我工作了!